- Added the Sig Kadet LT-40 model and some baseline control laws as an example
- Changing the save type for sys_time to double seconds instead of int64_t us, since MATLAB v4 format does not support int64 format.
- Updated interfaces to:
- Use raw SBUS inceptor data
- Use raw ADC analog data
- Use raw power module voltage data
- Use raw effector (PWM and SBUS) effector data
- Renamed Control Laws to Vehicle Management System (VMS) to reflect to increased scope. These changes simplify configuration and provides increased flexibility. Inceptors, analog data, and power module data can be mapped to desired units within VMS software. Effectors contain the raw values and the angle / PLA commands for driving the simulation and driving the actuators / ESCs.
- Added RTCM corrections from a GNSS base station, sent via MAV Link from the ground control station
- Added a feature where telemetry parameters are now stored in EEPROM, so values persist between power cycles
- Fixed a bug where the telemetry parameter was not passed to the rest of the flight code.
- Updated to include analog input from FMU v1 GPIO pins
- Updated to have better granularity between FMU versions
- FMU v1 includes only 2 analog channels and no battery data
- FMU v2-beta includes 8 analog channels, no battery, and reduced system data (no input voltage, regulated voltage, SBUS voltage, or PWM voltage) compared to FMU v1
- FMU v2 includes the features of FMU v2-beta, but adds battery data through the power module port
- FMU v2-beta and FMU v2 support increased flight plan waypoints (500 instead of 100), fence points (100 instead of 50), and a higher frame rate (100 Hz instead of 50 Hz).
- An FMU version define is now required in the MAT converter to set the appropriate version
- Simulink and autocode updated to support the updated FMU I/O planes
- Updated the build tools location.
- Updated for new build tools install locations. Updated the telemetry serial port in the default config to work with FMU-R v1.
- Support added for FMU v2.1
- Updated the tools and libs for the Teensy 4.1
- Updated cmake to support upper and lowercase definitions of the "v2-beta" / "V2-Beta" board
- Adding support for the FMU-R-V2-Beta board. Use 'cmake .. -DFMU=V2-BETA' to enable.
- Adding trim control surface / motor positions in effector dynamics block and subtracing trim pitch / roll angles in navigation filter block. This enables the control laws to work transient free in simulation without effecting flight code.
- Added data logging in Simulink to model the flight data logs
- Added unit delays where necessary to break algebraic loops
- Cleaning up Simulation base workspace.
- Added units to global_defs.h to make it easy to access unit conversions anywhere.
- Updated to mavlink v3.1.2, which will re-request mission items that are received out of order, making the transfer much more robust
- Fixed bugs in sending inceptor and effector telemetry data
- Updated to sbus v4.0.5, pwm v4.0.4, and effector v6.1.3, which add a check for whether an effector channel has been configured
- Added a check for whether the receiver is in failsafe mode, if it is, then the effector will output the motor and servo failsafe commands
- Updated sbus to v4.0.4
- Updated inceptor to v2.2.0
- Revamped to use interfaces for IMU, GNSS, pressure, inceptor, and effector
- Added data output
- Implemented much more comprehensive MAV Link implementation
- Updated Simulink / Autocode and pulled into source to keep in sync with flight code better
- Pulled mat converter intp source to keep in sync with flight code better
- Added definition (HAVE_PITOT_STATIC) in hardware_defs.h to defined whether the aircraft has a pitot-static system or not
- Updated to Datalog and global_defs variable names
- Added BME280 FMU integrated static pressure sensor
- Decreased datalog buffer size to avoid running out of memory
- Updated statistics library to v2.0.0
- Added flight control system and node schematics
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Updated README to provide information about the project
- Modified fetch_content links to use https instead of ssh for public access
- Updated flash_mcu.cmake to use local teensy_loader rather than system for Linux
- Updated license to MIT.
- Used git tags on dependencies.
- Initial baseline