Consul Template has built-in support for joining existing arrays and lists on a given separator, but there is no built-in support for complex map-reduce functions. This section details some common join techniques.
Sometimes you require all service addresses to be listed in a comma-separated list. Memcached and other tools usually accept this as an environment variable.
export MEMCACHED_SERVERS="{{range $index, $service := service "memcached" }}{{if ne $index 0}},{{end}}{{$service.Address}}:{{$service.Port}}{{end}}"
Save this file to disk at a place reachable by the Consul Template process like /tmp/memcached.ctmpl
and run Consul Template:
$ consul-template \
Here is an example of what the file may render:
- For a list of functions, please see the Consul Template README
- For template syntax, please see the golang text/template documentation