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Dulcet Theme for DUL Drupal Site

Dulcet is a Drupal 7 theme intended for the Duke University Libraries website beginning 2017. It is a subtheme built on the Radix base theme, which relies upon and conveniently incorporates several components for task-running and asset management:

  1. Node.js & NPM for general package management
  2. Gulp for task-running, watching, automation, e.g., compiling Sass to CSS, asset minification.
  3. Bower for package dependency management (e.g., jquery, font-awesome)
  4. Bootstrap 3 HTML, CSS, JS framework.

All custom functions written for the DUL Madlib Drupal theme (ca. 2012 design) have been ported over into Dulcet. We may not have to retain them all.

  • Functions from madlib/template.php are now in dulcet/template.php
  • Functions from madlib/process & madlib/preprocess are now in dulcet/includes in individual files e.g.,

Local Development Requirements

  1. npm
  2. gulp
  3. bower
  4. drush
  5. jQuery 1.7




  1. Set up a DrupalVM, built with Vagrant & Ansible
  2. Configure & import sample data & files (consult internal docs for DUL)

Install a recent version of Node.js

Instructions derived from this helpful documentation

On vagrant@drupalvm

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y g++
$ sudo curl -sL | sudo sh
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs (note: for ubuntu 16.04 may need to run: sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy instead)

Running Node.js & NPM in a Vagrant environment presents a few additional challenges documented here, so these instructions vary from those provided in the Radix theme setup instructions.

Make a symlink for node_modules folder

This helps avoid filesystem failures from node.js packages.

On vagrant@drupalvm:

$ mkdir /home/vagrant/node_modules
$ cd /var/www/drupalvm
$ ln -s /home/vagrant/node_modules/ node_modules

Install Gulp & Bower globally

On vagrant@drupalvm:

$ sudo npm install gulp -g
$ sudo npm install bower -g

Change owner & group for NPM & Bower config directories

On vagrant@drupalvm:

$ sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.npm
$ sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.config

This changes owner & group for these directories from root/root to vagrant/vagrant to prevent problems with package installation/setup. More info here....

More info:

Download Radix & Dulcet Themes

On vagrant@drupalvm:/vagrant/drupal/web$

  1. Download the Radix base theme, enable it, set to default:

    $ drush en radix -y; drush vset theme_default radix
  2. Clone the dulcet theme into /sites/all/themes

    $ cd /vagrant/drupal/web/sites/all/themes/
    $ git clone dulcet
  3. Enable dulcet and set as default

    $ drush en dulcet -y; drush vset theme_default dulcet

Initial Setup for Development

  1. In the dulcet theme directory, get all the package dependencies. This may take a few minutes.

    On vagrant@drupalvm:/vagrant/drupal/web/sites/all/themes/dulcet$

    $ npm run setup

    This will download several node modules and their dependencies (to node_modules folder), as well as the bootstrap-sass, font-awesome, and jquery bower components (to bower_components folder). Note that these directories are listed in .gitignore so they are not part of the code repo for dulcet.

  2. Compile Assets (in dulcet directory)

    $ gulp

This compiles Sass to CSS, combines & minifies JS, and watches for live changes in source files as the cue to repeat those steps. Tasks are configured in gulpfile.js

Changing Styles

All styles are expressed via Sass in dulcet/scss/*. The dulcet.styles.scss file indicates the order which style partials are rendered and in what sequence. As long as $ gulp is running, changes are picked up and compiled to assets/css.

This initial setup has an unedited theme ("Paper") from Bootswatch in:


We can experiment with Bootswatch themes by just replacing those two files using those from other themes, available here on GitHub. Currently unclear whether best to edit those files directly or override them selectively in other .scss files.

The only styles currently added are new Brand Colors in scss/base/_variables.scss, and minor rules in scss/dulcet/_global.scss

Additional Setup Related to Migration to Dulcet

  1. Add existing breadcrumb & sidebar blocks to equivalent regions in Dulcet.


    • Structure > Blocks Easy Breadcrumb > Configure REGION SETTINGS > Dulcet: Breadcrumb
    • Structure > Blocks Lilly Menu > Configure REGION SETTINGS > Dulcet: Sidebar
  2. Get the Radix Layouts module for panel pages

    In vagrant@drupalvm:/vagrant/drupal/web/sites/all/themes/dulcet$

    drush en radix_layouts -y

Panel pages can be migrated via Edit Panel > Layout > Category: Radix. Then drag & drop blocks between regions.