wpgtk templates are stored in .config/wpg/templates/
. /etc/os-release && [ "$PRETTY_NAME" = "Arch Linux" ]
- WM
- Wayland
- sway w/ i3blocks (+ personal blocks)
- hyprland w/ waybar
- Xorg
- i3-gaps w/ i3blocks and picom
- Wayland
: kitty + nvim$SHELL
: zsh (zinit)$BROWSER
:- firefox/librewolf
- tridactyl
- ublock origin + umatrix
- dark reader wal fork
- qutebrowser
- brave
- firefox/librewolf
: lf or yazi$EDITOR
: nvim (lazy-vim)$MAILREADER
: neomutt or thunderbird$MUSICPLAYER
: mpd (ncmpcpp[tui] + mpc[cli]) + spotfiyd (spotify-tui)$NOTIFYDAEMON
: dunst (xorg), mako (wayland)$MEDIAPLAYER
: mpv
- Text Editor/IDE: Neovim
- Terminal Multiplexer: Neovim :terminal + tabs/windows functionality
- Window Manager:
- Wayland - sway/hyprland
- Xorg - i3
- Browser
- firefox-based (tridactyl)
- chromium-based (vimium)
- qutebrowser
- shell:
- sh (
set -o vi
) - zsh (vi-mode)
- sh (
- wpg templates need to be symlinked upon cloning/pulling if the symlink isn't there already
- Flash windows/window borders on mode/submap change w/ overlay of transparent text in center of screen instead of notifications
- migrate wpg templates to wallust
- get off of xorg fully
- move from i3blocks to top+bottom waybar/polybar
- nixos?