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Deterministic Sortition

Deterministic Sortition (DS in short) is the non-interactive process used in the Succinct Attestation protocol to select the Block Generator for the Proposal phase, and the members of the Voting Committees for the Validation and Ratification phases.



The Deterministic Sortition ($DS$) algorithm generates a voting committee by assigning credits to eligible provisioners.

The algorithm takes as inputs the round number $R$ and step number $S$, and outputs the corresponding committee. It also uses the provisioner set $\boldsymbol{P}$, the block produced in the previous round ${B}_{R-1}$, and the number of credits to assign $credits$.

The algorithm assigns one credit at a time to a randomly selected provisioner using the Deterministic Extraction ($DE$) algorithm, which is based on a pseudo-random number called Score, described below.

Each provisioner can be assigned one or more credits, depending on their stakes. Specifically, the extraction algorithm follows a weighted distribution that favors provisioners with higher stakes. In other words, the higher the stake, the higher the probability of being assigned a credit.

To balance out this probability each provisioner weight is initially set to the value of its stake, and then reduced by 1 Dusk each time the provisioner is assigned a credit (if the weight is lower than 1 Dusk, it is set to 0). This way, the probability for a provisioner to be extracted diminishes with every assigned credit.

As such, on average, eligible provisioners will participate in committees with a frequency and power proportional to their stakes.


The extraction procedure assigns credits based on a pseudo-random number called Score, which is generated deterministically using the SHA31 hash function [1].


$$ Score_{R}^{S} = Int( Hash_{SHA3}( Seed_{R-1}||R||S||c ) ) \mod W,$$

where $R$ and $S$ are the consensus round and step, $Seed_{R-1}$ is the $Seed$ of block $\mathsf{B}_{R-1}$, $c$ is the number of the credit being assigned (e.g., $c=3$ represents the third credit to assign), and $W$ is the total stake weight of provisioners when assigning credit $c$ during $DS$. $Int()$ denotes the integer interpretation of the hash value.

The use of a hash value based on the above parameters allows to generate a unique score value for each single credit being assigned, ensuring the randomness of the extraction process. The use of the modulo operation guarantees a provisioner is extracted within a single iteration over the provisioner set (see the $DE$ algorithm).


The Seed value is used to ensure the pseudo-randomicity and unpredictability of the score.

This value is included in the block header and is updated in each block by the block generator. Specifically, the $Seed$ of block $\mathsf{B}_h$ is set to the signature of the block generator $\mathcal{G}$ on the seed of block $\mathsf{B}_{h-1}$.


$$ Seed_h = Sign_{BLS}(sk_{G_h}, Seed_{h-1}).$$

As such, $Seed_h$ can only be computed by the generator of block $\mathsf{B}_h$. This prevents pre-calculating the score for future blocks, which in turn prevents predicting future block generators and committees.

Note that $Seed_0$ is a randomly-generated value contained in the genesis block $\mathsf{B}_0$.


We describe the Deterministic Sortition algorithm through the DS procedure, which creates a Voting Committee by pseudo-randomly assigning credits to eligible provisioners. In turn, DS uses the Deterministic Extraction (DE) procedure, which performs a single extraction.

Deterministic Sortition (DS)


  • $R$: consensus round
  • $S$: consensus step
  • $Credits$: number of credits to assign
  • $\boldsymbol{P} = [\mathcal{P}_0,\dots,\mathcal{P}_n]$: provisioner list


  1. Start with empty committee
  2. Set each provisioner's weight equal to the amount of its stake
  3. Set total weight $W$ to the sum of all provisioner's weights
  4. Assign credit $i$ as follows:
    1. Compute $Score$
    2. Order provisioners by ascending public key
    3. Extract provisioner $\mathcal{P}$ with DE
    4. Add $\mathcal{P}$ to committee, if necessary
    5. Assign credit to $\mathcal{P}$
    6. Compute $d$ as the minimum between $1$ Dusk and $\mathcal{P}$'s weight
    7. Subtract $d$ from $\mathcal{P}$'s weight
    8. Subtract $d$ from total weight $W$
    9. If total weight reaches 0, output the partial committee
  5. Output committee


$DS(R, S, Credits, \boldsymbol{P})$:

  1. $\mathcal{C} = \emptyset$
  2. $\texttt{for } \mathcal{P} \texttt{ in } \boldsymbol{P} :$
    • $w_\mathcal{P} = S_\mathcal{P}.Amount$
  3. $W = \sum_{i=0}^{|\boldsymbol{P}|-1} w_{\mathcal{P}_i} : \mathcal{P}_i \in \boldsymbol{P}$
  4. $\texttt{for } c = 0\text{ }\dots\text{ }credits{-}1$:
    1. $Score_c^{R,S} = Int(Hash_{SHA3}( Seed_{R-1}||S||c)) \mod W$
    2. $\boldsymbol{P}' = SortByPK(\boldsymbol{P})$
    3. $\mathcal{P}_c = \text{ }$DE$(Score_c^{R,S}, \boldsymbol{P}')$
    4. $\texttt{if } \mathcal{P}_c \notin \mathcal{C}$ :
      • $m_{\mathcal{P}_c}^\mathcal{C} = (\mathcal{P}_c,0)$
      • $\mathcal{C} = \mathcal{C} \cup m_{\mathcal{P}_c}^\mathcal{C}$
    5. $m_{\mathcal{P}_c}^\mathcal{C}.Power = m_{\mathcal{P}_c}^\mathcal{C}.Power+1$
    6. $d = min(w_{P},1)$
    7. $w_{\mathcal{P}_c} = w_{\mathcal{P}_c} - d$
    8. $W = W - d$
    9. $\texttt{if } W \le 0$
      • $\texttt{output } \mathcal{C}$
  5. $\texttt{output } \mathcal{C}$

Deterministic Extraction (DE)


  • $Score$: score for current credit assignation
  • $\boldsymbol{P} = [\mathcal{P}_0,\dots,\mathcal{P}_n]$: array of provisioners ordered by public key


  1. For each provisioner $\mathcal{P}$ in $\boldsymbol{P}$
    1. if $\mathcal{P}$'s weight is higher than $Score$,
      1. output $\mathcal{P}$
    2. otherwise,
      1. subtract $\mathcal{P}$'s weight from $Score$


$DE(Score_i^{R,S}, \boldsymbol{P})$:

  1. $\texttt{for } \mathcal{P} = \boldsymbol{P}[0] \dots \boldsymbol{P}[|\boldsymbol{P}|-1]$ :
    1. $\texttt{if } w_\mathcal{P} \ge Score$
      1. $\texttt{output } \mathcal{P}$
    2. $\texttt{\texttt{else}}:$
      1. $Score = Score - w_\mathcal{P}$


[1]: "SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions", Boneh et al., 2004,

[2]: "Short Signatures from the Weil Pairing", Dworkin, 2015,


  1. We will use SHA3 to denote SHA3-256.