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167 lines (129 loc) · 4.05 KB


Feature: Guess the word

  # The first example has two steps
  Scenario: Maker starts a game
    When the Maker starts a game
    Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join

  # The second example has three steps
  Scenario: Breaker joins a game
    Given the Maker has started a game with the word "silky"
    When the Breaker joins the Maker's game
    Then the Breaker must guess a word with 5 characters



Feature & Description

Feature: Guess the word

  The word guess game is a turn-based game for two players.
  The Maker makes a word for the Breaker to guess. The game
  is over when the Breaker guesses the Maker's word.

  Example: Maker starts a game

Rule & Example

# -- FILE: features/gherkin.rule_example.feature
Feature: Highlander

  Rule: There can be only One

    Example: Only One -- More than one alive
      Given there are 3 ninjas
      And there are more than one ninja alive
      When 2 ninjas meet, they will fight
      Then one ninja dies (but not me)
      And there is one ninja less alive

    Example: Only One -- One alive
      Given there is only 1 ninja alive
      Then he (or she) will live forever ;-)

  Rule: There can be Two (in some cases)

    Example: Two -- Dead and Reborn as Phoenix

Given, When, Then, And, But & *

Example: Multiple Givens
  Given one thing
  Given another thing
  Given yet another thing
  When I open my eyes
  Then I should see something
  Then I shouldn't see something else

Example: Multiple Givens
  Given one thing
  And another thing
  And yet another thing
  When I open my eyes
  Then I should see something
  But I shouldn't see something else

Scenario: All done
  Given I am out shopping
  * I have eggs
  * I have milk
  * I have butter
  When I check my list
  Then I don't need anything


Feature: Multiple site support
  Only blog owners can post to a blog, except administrators,
  who can post to all blogs.

    Given a global administrator named "Greg"
    And a blog named "Greg's anti-tax rants"
    And a customer named "Dr. Bill"
    And a blog named "Expensive Therapy" owned by "Dr. Bill"

  Scenario: Dr. Bill posts to his own blog
    Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill
    When I try to post to "Expensive Therapy"
    Then I should see "Your article was published."

  Scenario: Dr. Bill tries to post to somebody else's blog, and fails
    Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill
    When I try to post to "Greg's anti-tax rants"
    Then I should see "Hey! That's not your blog!"

  Scenario: Greg posts to a client's blog
    Given I am logged in as Greg
    When I try to post to "Expensive Therapy"
    Then I should see "Your article was published."

Feature: Overdue tasks
  Let users know when tasks are overdue, even when using other
  features of the app

  Rule: Users are notified about overdue tasks on first use of the day
      Given I have overdue tasks

    Example: First use of the day
      Given I last used the app yesterday
      When I use the app
      Then I am notified about overdue tasks

    Example: Already used today
      Given I last used the app earlier today
      When I use the app
      Then I am not notified about overdue tasks

Scenario Outline

Scenario Outline: eating
  Given there are <start> cucumbers
  When I eat <eat> cucumbers
  Then I should have <left> cucumbers

    | start | eat | left |
    |    12 |   5 |    7 |
    |    20 |   5 |   15 |

Step Arguments(doc string & data table)

Given a blog post named "Random" with Markdown body
  Some Title, Eh?
  Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetur adipiscing elit.

Given the following users exist:
  | name   | email              | twitter         |
  | Aslak  |  | @aslak_hellesoy |
  | Julien | | @jbpros         |
  | Matt   |   | @mattwynne      |