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+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2021 DingYi
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+# Changelist
+* 1.0.0, first release
+# Feedback
+give your feedback by following ways
+* visit https://github.com/dvdface/fiberhome-oltcli (preferred)
+* send email to dvdface@gmail.com
+# How to install
+`pip install fiberhome-oltcli`
+# Known issues
+# Overview
+With *fiberhome-oltcli* library, you can easily access olt's commandline interface.
+# How to use
+* **Chassis class
+ ```
+ # connect testcenter with ip , without reserving any port
+ # creating chassis class will auto connect chassis
+ chassis = Chassis('')
+ # disconnect chassis
+ chassis.disconnect()
+ # apply changes ( it will apply automatically)
+ chassis.apply()
+ # connect testcenter and reserve port
+ chassis = Chassis('', [{ 'location' : '//', 'vid': None}, { 'location' : '//', 'vid': None}])
+ # connect testcenter, reserve port and specify a default vlan with specified vid
+ # when you create a device under the port, it will insert a vlan layer with vid 100 for you
+ # when you create a streamblock, it will insert a vlan layer with vid 100 for you too
+ chassis = Chassis('', [{ 'location' : '//', 'vid': 100}])
+ # save xml file
+ chassis.save('test_configuration.xml')
+ # get chassis serial number
+ chassis.serial
+ # get chassis ip
+ chassis.ip
+ ```
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+from .olt import *
+from .onu import *
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+Action words used to configure olt-related settigns
+from typing import NoReturn, Union
+from ..utils import dotdict, break_frame_slot_port, validate_type
+from ..cli import OLTCLI
+from ..cli.common import AuthMode
+def add_port_vlan(olt_dev:dotdict, port:str, vid:Union[str, int], strip:bool=False) -> NoReturn:
+ """add port vlan in uplink port
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): olt want to set
+ port (str): 端口号,形式为frameid/slotid/portid
+ vid (str or int): VID, 支持1000 - 2000的配置,也支持单个的vid, 如 1000
+ strip (bool, optional): 是否剥离tag,默认False,不剥离。True,剥离。
+ """
+ validate_type('strip', strip, bool)
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ frame, slot, port = break_frame_slot_port(port)
+ vid = str(vid).replace('-', ' to ')
+ tag = 'tag' if strip == False else 'untag'
+ cli.del_port_vlan(vid, slot, port)
+ cli.set_port_vlan(vid, tag, slot, port)
+def del_port_vlan(olt_dev:dotdict, port:str, vid:Union[str, int]) -> NoReturn:
+ """删除 VLAN添加端口
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ port (str): 端口号,形式为frameid/slotid/portid
+ vid (str or int): VID, 支持1000 - 2000的配置,也支持单个的vid, 如 1000
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ frame, slot, port = break_frame_slot_port(port)
+ vid = str(vid).replace('-', ' to ')
+ cli.del_port_vlan(vid, slot, port)
+def set_igmp_vlan(olt_dev:dotdict, vid:int) -> NoReturn:
+ """配置组播VLAN
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ vid (int): 要配置的组播VLAN
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.set_igmp_vlan(vid)
+def set_igmp_mode(olt_dev:dotdict, mode:str) -> NoReturn:
+ """配置组播模式
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ mode (str): 要配置的组播模式
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.set_igmp_mode(mode)
+def add_service_vlan(olt_dev:dotdict, service_name:str, begin_vid:int, end_vid:int, service_type:str) -> NoReturn:
+ """配置局端外层VLAN数据
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ name (str)): 业务VLAN名称
+ begin_vid (int): 业务起始vid
+ end_vid (int): 业务结束vid
+ service_type (str): 业务的类型, 仅限'cnc', 'data', 'iptv', 'ngn', 'system', 'uplinksub', 'vod', 'voip'类型
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.set_service_vlan(service_name, '%s - %s' % (begin_vid, end_vid), service_type)
+def del_service_vlan(olt_dev:dotdict, service_name:str) -> NoReturn:
+ """要删除的局端外层VLAN
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ service_name (str): 局端外层VLAN名称
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.del_service_vlan(service_name)
+def add_static_route(olt_dev:dotdict, ip:str, mask:str, hop:str, metric:int=0) -> NoReturn:
+ """配置网络层静态路由
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ ip (str): 目的IP
+ mask (str): 目的掩码
+ hop (str): 下一跳
+ metric (int): 权值
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.set_static_route(hop, ip, mask, metric)
+def del_static_route(olt_dev:dotdict, ip:str, mask:str, hop:str) -> NoReturn:
+ """删除网络层静态路由
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ ip (str): 目的IP
+ mask (str): 目的掩码
+ hop (str): 下一跳
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.del_static_route(hop, ip, mask, metric=None)
+def set_pon_auth_mode(olt_dev:dotdict, slot:int, port:int, mode:str) -> NoReturn:
+ """配置PON口认证模式
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ mode (str or AuthMode): 认证模式
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.set_auth_mode(slot, port, AuthMode(mode) if type(mode) == str else mode)
+# TODO: 上下行带宽模板
+# TODO: QinQ 模板
+__all__ = [
+ # VLAN业务
+ 'add_port_vlan',
+ 'del_port_vlan',
+ # VLAN业务-局端VLAN
+ 'add_service_vlan',
+ 'del_service_vlan',
+ # 组播
+ 'set_igmp_vlan',
+ 'set_igmp_mode',
+ # 以太网基本配置
+ 'add_static_route',
+ 'del_static_route',
+ # 公共配置
+ # 公共配置-Pon口
+ 'set_pon_auth_mode'
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index 0000000..b5f1b1e
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+++ b/oltcli/aw/onu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+配置ONU的Action Word
+from typing import NoReturn, Union
+from ..utils import validate_type, dotdict
+from ..cli import OLTCLI
+def clear_port_service(olt_dev:dotdict, onu_dev:dotdict, onu_eth:int) -> NoReturn:
+ """删除ONU 端口业务配置
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ onu_dev (dotdict): 要操作的ONU
+ onu_eth (int): 要操作的ONU网口号
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_service_count(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, 0)
+def add_port_service(olt_dev:dotdict, onu_dev:dotdict, onu_eth:int, **kargs) -> NoReturn:
+ """ONU 端口业务配置
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (dotdict): 要操作的OLT
+ onu_dev (dotdict): 要操作的ONU
+ onu_eth (int): 要操作的ONU网口号
+ tls (bool, optional): 配置TLS,可选。True,使能TLS; False,禁用TLS(默认)
+ classification (list, optional): 业务区分,默认不区分。
+ service_type (str, optional): 业务类型。unicast,单播(默认); multicast,多播
+ cvlan_mode (str, optional): CVLAN模式。transparent,透传(默认);tag,打标签
+ cvlan_vid (int, optional): CVLAN VID。默认,无
+ cvlan_cos (int, optional): 优先级,COS。默认,无
+ cvlan_tpid (int, optional): 标签协议标识。默认,33024
+ isp_vlan_vid (int, optional): SVLAN VID。默认, 无
+ isp_vlan_cos (int, optional): SVLAN COS。默认,无
+ upstream_bandwidth_profile (str, optional): 上行带宽模板。默认, 无
+ downstream_bandwidth_profile (str, optional): 下行带宽模板。默认, 无
+ dataservice_bandwidth_type (): 数据业务带宽类型。默认, 系统默认
+ priority_queue (int, optional): 优先级队列。默认,0
+ gem_port (int, optional): GEM Port。默认,0
+ enable_translate (bool, optional): 使能翻译状态。默认,False
+ translate_vid (int, optional): 翻译VID
+ translate_cos (int, optional): 翻译优先级
+ translate_tpid (int, optional): 翻译TPID
+ enable_qinq (bool, optional): 使能QinQ状态
+ qinq_profile (str, optional): QinQ模板
+ service_vlan_name (str, optional): 业务VLAN名称
+ svlan_vid (int, optional): 业务VLAN ID
+ svlan_cos (int, optional): 业务VLAN 优先级
+ svlan_tpid (int, optional): 业务VLAN TPID。默认,33024
+ Returns:
+ int : 所配置业务的索引号
+ """
+ cli = OLTCLI.get(olt_dev)
+ service_count = cli.get_onu_port_vlan_service_count(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth)
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_service_count(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, service_count + 1)
+ service_index = service_count + 1
+ # 配置TLS
+ if 'tls' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_type('tls', kargs['tls'], bool)
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_tls(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, service_index, kargs['tls'])
+ # 配置 业务区分
+ if 'classification' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_type('classification', kargs['classification'], list)
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_service_classification(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, service_index, kargs['classification'])
+ # 配置 业务类型(有就配置,没有就不配置,不配置默认一般是unicast)
+ if 'service_type' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_type('service_type', kargs['service_type'], str)
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_service_type(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, service_index, kargs['service_type'])
+ # 配置 CVLAN模式 部分
+ cvlan_mode = kargs.get('cvlan_mode', 'transparent')
+ cvlan_vid = kargs.get('cvlan_vid', 'null')
+ cvlan_cos = kargs.get('cvlan_cos', 'null')
+ cvlan_tpid = kargs.get('cvlan_tpid', 33024)
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_service_vlan(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, service_index, (cvlan_mode, cvlan_cos, cvlan_tpid, cvlan_vid))
+ # TODO: 上下行带宽模板
+ # TODO: 数据业务带宽类型、优先级队列、GEM PORT
+ # 翻译设置
+ enable_translate = 'enable' if kargs.get('enable_translate', False) else 'disable'
+ translate_vid = kargs.get('translate_vid', 'null')
+ translate_cos = kargs.get('translate_cos', 'null')
+ translate_tpid = kargs.get('translate_tpid', 33024)
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_service_vlan(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, service_index, ('translate', enable_translate, translate_cos, translate_tpid, translate_vid))
+ # QinQ状态
+ if 'enable_qinq' in kargs.keys():
+ assert 'qinq_profile' in kargs.keys(), '使能QinQ时, qinq_profile不能为空'
+ assert 'service_vlan_name' in kargs.keys(), '使能QinQ时, service_vlan_name不能为空'
+ assert 'svlan_vid' in kargs.keys(), '使能QinQ时, svlan vid不能为空'
+ assert 'svlan_cos' in kargs.keys(), '使能QinQ时, svlan cos不能为空'
+ assert 'svlan_tpid' in kargs.keys(), '使能QinQ时,svlan tpid不能为空'
+ enable_qinq = 'enable' if kargs['enable_qinq'] else 'disable'
+ svlan_cos = kargs['svlan_cos']
+ svlan_tpid = kargs['svlan_tpid']
+ svlan_vid = kargs['svlan_vid']
+ qinq_profile = kargs['qinq_profile']
+ service_vlan_name = kargs['service_vlan_name']
+ cli.set_onu_port_vlan_service_vlan(onu_dev.sn, onu_eth, service_index, ('qinq', enable_qinq, svlan_cos, svlan_tpid, svlan_vid, qinq_profile, service_vlan_name))
+ return service_index
+# TODO: WAN 配置
+__all__ = [
+ 'clear_port_service',
+ 'add_port_service',
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diff --git a/oltcli/cli/__init__.py b/oltcli/cli/__init__.py
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index 0000000..13d8034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oltcli/cli/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+olt commandline interface
+from typing import Union
+from oltcli.utils import dotdict
+from .common import *
+from .an6k_17 import *
+class OLTCLI:
+ @staticmethod
+ def get(olt_dev:dotdict) -> Union[OLTCLI_AN6K_17]:
+ """get a olt commandline object according to given olt dev
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (Device): OLT设备资源
+ Returns:
+ """
+ if olt_dev.model == 'AN6000-17':
+ return OLTCLI_AN6K_17(olt_dev)
+ raise RuntimeError('不支持的OLT设备型号')
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diff --git a/oltcli/cli/an6k_17.py b/oltcli/cli/an6k_17.py
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index 0000000..f3159bb
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+++ b/oltcli/cli/an6k_17.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4423 @@
+from datetime import time
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+import re
+import logging
+import time
+from ..utils import value, validate_type, run_by_thread_pool, list_to_str, validate_key, wait_for_true, validate_int_range, len_of_mask
+from .common import *
+from ..conn import Connection
+type_str_to_int_value_map = {
+ # 用于将show onuqinq-classification-profile返回的字符串转换为数值
+ 'Source MAC Address': 0,
+ 'Destination MAC Address': 1,
+ 'Source IPV4 Address': 2,
+ 'Destination IPV4 Address': 3,
+ 'VLAN ID': 4,
+ 'Ethernet TYPE': 5,
+ 'IP Protocol Type': 6,
+ 'COS': 7,
+ 'TOS': 8,
+ 'L4 Source Port': 9,
+ 'L4 Destination Port': 10,
+ 'Destination IPV6 Prefix': 11,
+ 'Source IPV6 Prefix': 12,
+ 'IP Version': 13,
+ 'IPV6 Traffic Class': 14,
+ 'IPV6 Flow Label': 15,
+ 'IPV6 Next Header': 16
+op_str_to_int_value_map = {
+ # 用于将show onuqinq-classification-profile返回的字符串转换为数值
+ '=': 0,
+ '!=': 1,
+ '<=': 2,
+ '>=': 3,
+ 'Exist then match': 4,
+ 'No exist then match': 5,
+ 'Always match': 6
+def type_str_to_int(strValue):
+ """将show onuqinq-domain-profile返回的type字串转换为数值
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): type字符串
+ Returns:
+ int: 字符串对应的数值
+ """
+ return type_str_to_int_value_map[strValue]
+def op_str_to_int(strValue):
+ """将show onuqinq-domain-profile返回的op字串转换为数值
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): op字符串
+ Returns:
+ int: 字符串对应的数值
+ """
+ return op_str_to_int_value_map[strValue]
+def onu_value_str_to_str(strValue, intFieldType):
+ """转换show onuqinq-domain-profile返回的value字串
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): value字符串
+ intFieldType (int): 该字符串对应的Field类型
+ Returns:
+ any: 处理后的字符串
+ """
+ # 0: Source MAC Source MAC Address 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 1: Destination MAC Destination MAC Address 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 2: Source IPv4 Source IPV4 Address
+ # 3: Destination IPv4 Destination IPV4 Address
+ # 4: Vlan ID VLAN ID 1000
+ # 5: Ethernet type Ethernet TYPE 11
+ # 6: IP protocol type IP Protocol Type 0b 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 7: Ethernet priority COS 01 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 8: TOS/DSCP TOS 0b 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 9: L4 source port L4 Source Port 54
+ # 10: L4 destination port L4 Destination Port 54
+ # 11: Destination IPv6 prefix Destination IPV6 Prefix 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1
+ # 12: Source IPv6 prefix Source IPV6 Prefix 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1
+ # 13: IP version IP Version 04
+ # 14: IPv6 traffic class IPV6 Traffic Class 04 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 15: IPv6 flow label IPV6 Flow Label 00 00 04 57 00 00
+ # 16: IPv6 next header IPV6 Next Header 0a 00 00 00 00 00
+ if intFieldType in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12]:
+ return strValue.replace(' ', '')
+ if intFieldType in [6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16]:
+ strList = strValue.split(' ')
+ # remove '00' in the head until meet no '00'
+ while len(strList) != 0 and '00' == strList[0]:
+ del strList[0]
+ # remove '00' in the tail until meet no '00'
+ while len(strList) != 0 and '00' == strList[-1]:
+ del strList[-1]
+ strValue = ''.join(strList)
+ # if value is zero, strValue will be empty string, so we need put 0 here to avoid exception
+ if strValue == '':
+ strValue = '0'
+ # return
+ return int(strValue, 16)
+def olt_value_str_to_str(strValue, intFieldId):
+ """ convert value str in show oltqinq-domain to str value
+ """
+ # 1(Dst Mac) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 2(Src Mac) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 3(Ethernet Type) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 4(Vlan4) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 5(Vlan3) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 6(Vlan2) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 7(Vlan1) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 8(TOS) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 10(TTL) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 11(Protocol Type) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 12(Src IPv4)
+ # 13(Src IPv6) 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
+ # 14(Dst IPv4)
+ # 15(Dst IPv6) 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
+ # 16(L4 Src Port) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 17(L4 Dst Port) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 18(Cos4) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 19(Cos3) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 20(Cos2) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 21(Cos1) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 22(Dst IPv6 Prefix) 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
+ # 23(Src IPv6 Prefix) 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
+ # 24(IP Version) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 25(IPv6 Traffic Class) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 26(IPv6 Flow Label) [ff ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # 27(IPv6 Next Header) [ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ if intFieldId in [1, 2]:
+ return strValue.replace(' ', '')[:-4]
+ if intFieldId in [12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23]:
+ return strValue
+ if intFieldId in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27]:
+ strList = strValue.split(' ')
+ # remove '00' in the head until meet no '00'
+ while len(strList) != 0 and '00' == strList[0]:
+ del strList[0]
+ # remove '00' in the tail until meet no '00'
+ while len(strList) != 0 and '00' == strList[-1]:
+ del strList[-1]
+ strValue = ''.join(strList)
+ # if value is zero, strValue will be empty string, so we need put 0 here to avoid exception
+ if strValue == '':
+ strValue = '0'
+ # return
+ return int(strValue, 16)
+ assert False, "unknown field id: %s" % intFieldId
+def str_to_bool(strStatus):
+ """将'enable','disable','enabled'和'disabled'字符串转换为bool类型
+ Args:
+ strStatus: 待转换的字符串
+ Returns:
+ bool: 'enable'和'enabled'转换为True,'disable'和'disabled'字符串转换为False
+ """
+ validate_type('strStatus', strStatus, str)
+ strStatus = strStatus.strip().lower()
+ assert strStatus in ['enable','disable', 'enabled', 'disabled'], "仅支持'enable','disable', 'enabled', 'disabled'四种字符串转换,不支持%s" % strStatus
+ if strStatus.find("enable") != -1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def bool_to_str(boolStatus):
+ """将bool值转换为'enable'或'disable'字符串
+ Args:
+ boolStatus (bool): 待转换的bool值
+ Returns:
+ str: True返回'enable', False返回'disable'
+ """
+ validate_type('boolStatus', boolStatus, bool)
+ if boolStatus:
+ return "enable"
+ else:
+ return "disable"
+def is_vlan_in_list(beginVlan, endVlan, tag, vlanList):
+ """检查vlan列表中是否已经包含指定的vlan。如 1000, 1000, 'T',已经包含在[(1000, 2000, 'T')]列表中。
+ Args:
+ beginVlan (int): 开始vlan
+ endVlan (int): 结束vlan
+ tag (str): vlan的模式,'T'或'U'
+ vlanList (list): vlan列表。形式如, (1000, 2000, 'T')。
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,vlanList中包含它; False,vlanList不包含它。
+ """
+ isContained = False
+ for v in vlanList:
+ beginVlan, endVlan, vTag = v
+ if vTag == tag:
+ if beginVlan <= beginVlan and endVlan <= endVlan:
+ isContained = True
+ return isContained
+def convert_port_vlan_str(strValue):
+ """将port vlan字串转换成指定格式
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): port vlan的配置字符串。如, 1000 tag 1/9 2, 3、1000 to 2000 tag 1/9 2格式。
+ Returns:
+ tuple: (beginVlan, endVlan, tag, slotPortTupleList)格式的元组。如1000, 1000, tag, [(9, 2), (9, 3)]。
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ vlanExp = re.compile('(\d+)\s+(to\s+(\d+)\s+)?(\w+)\s+\d+/(\d+)\s+([\d\s,]+)')
+ beginVlan, _, endVlan, tag, slot, ports = vlanExp.match(strValue)
+ if endVlan == None:
+ endVlan = beginVlan
+ portList = [ ]
+ for port in ports.split(","):
+ portList.append((value(slot), value(port)))
+ return value(beginVlan), value(endVlan), value(tag), portList
+def extract_port_authentication_mode(strValue):
+ """处理show port authentication-mode命令返回的字符串。
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show port authentication-mode命令返回的字符串。
+ Returns:
+ 字典: 字典的键为(slot, pon),值为授权模式。如, ret[slot, pon] = 'physical id'
+ """
+ # ======================================
+ # slot 4 pon 8 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # ======================================
+ # slot 4 pon 1 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 2 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 3 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 4 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 5 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 6 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 7 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 8 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 9 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 10 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 11 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 12 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 13 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 14 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 15 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # slot 4 pon 16 ,auth mode is physical id.
+ # ----- PON AUTH, ITEM=16 -----
+ # ======================================
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ portAuthExp = re.compile('slot (\d+) pon (\d+) ,auth mode is ([\w\s-+]+).')
+ AuthModeDict = {
+ # 用于将show port authentication-mode命令返回的授权模式字符串,映射为AuthMode中的模式
+ "logical id": AuthMode.logid,
+ "logical id + password": AuthMode.logid_psw,
+ "no auth": AuthMode.no_auth,
+ "physical password": AuthMode.password,
+ "physical id + password": AuthMode.phyid_psw,
+ "physical id or logical id + password or physical password": AuthMode.phyid_o_logid_psw_o_psw,
+ "physical id or logical id or physical password": AuthMode.phyid_o_logid_o_psw,
+ "physical id or physical password": AuthMode.phyid_o_psw,
+ "physical id": AuthMode.phyid
+ }
+ ret = { }
+ for line in lines:
+ match = portAuthExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ slot, pon, authMode = match.groups()
+ ret[value(slot), value(pon)] = AuthModeDict[authMode]
+ return ret
+def extract_authorization(strValue):
+ """处理show authorization命令得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show authorization命令得到的信息
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含信息的字典列表
+ """
+ # ====================================================================================================
+ # ----- ONU Auth Table, Total ITEM = 5 -----
+ # A: Authorized P: Preauthorized R: System Reserved
+ # ----- ONU Auth Table, SLOT = 4, PON = 8, ITEM = 5 -----
+ # Slot Pon Onu OnuType ST Lic OST PhyId PhyPwd LogicId LogicPwd
+ # ---- --- --- -------------- -- --- --- ------------ ---------- ------------------------ ------------
+ # 4 8 1 5506-04-F1 A 0 up FHTT033178b0
+ # 4 8 64 HG6243C A 0 up FHTT92f445c8
+ # 4 8 100 5506-10-A1 A 0 up FHTT00010104
+ # 4 8 127 5506-02-F A 0 up FHTT0274ab18
+ # 4 8 128 5506-10-A1 A 0 up FHTT000aae64
+ # ====================================================================================================
+ # A: Authorized P: Preauthorized R: System Reserved
+ # ----- ONU Auth Table, SLOT = 4, PON = 8, ITEM = 5 -----
+ # Slot Pon Onu OnuType ST Lic OST PhyId PhyPwd LogicId LogicPwd
+ # ---- --- --- -------------- -- --- --- ------------ ---------- ------------------------ ------------
+ # 4 8 1 5506-04-F1 A 0 up FHTT033178b0
+ # 4 8 64 HG6243C A 0 up FHTT92f445c8
+ # 4 8 100 5506-10-A1 A 0 up FHTT00010104
+ # 4 8 127 5506-02-F A 0 up FHTT0274ab18
+ # 4 8 128 5506-10-A1 A 0 up FHTT000aae64
+ # ====================================================================================================
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ # 匹配标题
+ titlesExp = re.compile('(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)')
+ # 匹配值
+ valuesExp = re.compile('([\d\s]{4,4})\s([\d\s]{3,3})\s([\d\s]{3,3})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{2,2})\s([\d\s]{3,3})\s([\w\s]{3,3})\s([\w\s]{12,12})\s(.{10,10}\s)?(.{24,24}\s)?(.{12,12})?')
+ ret = []
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ titles = None
+ for line in lines:
+ match = titlesExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ titles = match.groups()
+ continue
+ match = valuesExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ values = match.groups()
+ # 以字典形式存入
+ ret.append({})
+ for k, v in zip(titles, values):
+ ret[-1][value(k)] = value(v, maxValue = 65535)
+ continue
+ return ret
+def extract_discovery(strValue):
+ """处理show discovery/show onu discovered得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show discovery/show onu discovered命令返回的字符串
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含字典的列表
+ """
+ # ====================================================================================
+ # ----- ONU Unauth Table, SLOT = 4, PON = 8, ITEM = 1 -----
+ # No OnuType PhyId PhyPwd LogicId LogicPwd Why
+ # --- -------------- ------------ ---------- ------------------------ ------------ ---
+ # 1 HG6243C FHTT91fbc5e8 fiberhome fiberhome fiberhome 1
+ # Command executes success.
+ # ====================================================================================
+ # ----- ONU Unauth Table, SLOT = 4, PON = 8, ITEM = 1 -----
+ # No OnuType PhyId PhyPwd LogicId LogicPwd Why
+ # --- -------------- ------------ ---------- ------------------------ ------------ ---
+ # 1 HG6243C FHTT91fbc5e8 fiberhome fiberhome fiberhome 1
+ #
+ # ====================================================================================
+ # ----- ONU Unauth Table, SLOT = 4, PON = 8, ITEM = 6 -----
+ # No OnuType PhyId PhyPwd LogicId LogicPwd Why
+ # --- -------------- ------------ ---------- ------------------------ ------------ ---
+ # 1 5506-04-F1 FHTT033178b0 fiberhome fiberhome fiberhome 1
+ # 2 HG6243C FHTT92f445c8 fiberhome fiberhome fiberhome 1
+ # 3 5506-10-A1 FHTT00010104 fiberhome fiberhome fiberhome 1
+ # 4 5506-10-A1 FHTT000aae64 fiberhome fiberhome 1
+ # 5 HG6243C FHTT91fbc5e8 fiberhome fiberhome fiberhome 1
+ # 6 5506-02-F FHTT0274ab18 wangran3 12345678 1
+ # ====================================================================================
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ slotPortExp = re.compile('SLOT = (\d+), PON = (\d+)')
+ titleExp = re.compile('(No)\s+(OnuType)\s+(PhyId)\s+(PhyPwd)\s+(LogicId)\s+(LogicPwd)\s+(Why)\s*')
+ valueExp = re.compile('([\d\s]{3,3})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{12,12})\s([\w\s]{10,10})\s([\w\s]{24,24})\s([\w\s]{12,12})\s([\d\s]{1,3})')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ret = [ ]
+ titles = None
+ slot, port = None, None
+ for line in lines:
+ match = slotPortExp.search(line)
+ if match:
+ slot, port = match.groups()
+ if titles == None:
+ match = titleExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ titles = match.groups()
+ continue
+ else:
+ match = valueExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ values = match.groups()
+ ret.append({ })
+ for k, v in zip(titles, values):
+ ret[-1][value(k)] = value(v)
+ ret[-1]['SLOT'] = value(slot)
+ ret[-1]['PON'] = value(port)
+ continue
+ return ret
+def extract_auto_discover(strValue):
+ """ 处理show onu auto-discover得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue(str): show onu auto-discover得到的字符串
+ Returns:
+ list: (slot, portNo, status, agingTime)元组组成的列表
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ exp = re.compile('slot\s*(\d+)\s*pon\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*agingtime:\s*(\d+)\s*s')
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = exp.match(line)
+ if match != None:
+ slot, pon, status, agingTime = match.groups()
+ ret.append((value(slot), value(pon), value(status), value(agingTime)))
+ return ret
+def extract_pon_auto_discover(strValue):
+ """处理show onu auto-discover得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue(str): show onu auto-discover得到的信息
+ Returns:
+ tuple: status, agingTime组成的元组,其中status为bool类型
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ exp = re.compile('auto-discover-onu:\s+(\w+),\s+agingtime:\s+(\d+)')
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = exp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ strStatus, strAgingTime = match.groups()
+ return value(strStatus), value(strAgingTime)
+ raise RuntimeWarning("未发现Auto Discover数据")
+def extract_manage_vlan(strValue):
+ """处理show manage-vlan得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue(str): show manage-vlan得到的信息
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含管理Vlan字典的列表
+ """
+ # ------------------------------------
+ # Manage name : xx
+ # ------------------------------------
+ # Svlan : 1000
+ # Scos : 7
+ # Port : 9:2[T]
+ # Device : sub
+ # Unit : 1000
+ # Ethernet address: 48:f9:7c:e9:8a:e3
+ # Total protocols : 0
+ # RX packets : 0
+ # TX packets : 8
+ # RX bytes : 0
+ # TX bytes : 704
+ # MTU : 0
+ # ------------------------------------
+ # Manage name : yy
+ # ------------------------------------
+ # Svlan : 2000
+ # Scos : 7
+ # Port : 9:2[T]
+ # Device : sub
+ # Unit : 2000
+ # Ethernet address: 48:f9:7c:e9:8a:e3
+ # Total protocols : 0
+ # RX packets : 0
+ # TX packets : 8
+ # RX bytes : 0
+ # TX bytes : 704
+ # MTU : 0
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ keyValueExp = re.compile('([\w\s]+):\s(.+)')
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = keyValueExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ k, v = match.groups()
+ k = value(k)
+ v = value(v)
+ if k == 'Manage name':
+ ret.append({ })
+ ret[-1][k] = v
+ return ret
+def extract_whitelist(strValue):
+ """处理show whitelist命令得到的信息。
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show whitelist命令得到的信息
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含处理后的信息列表
+ """
+ # 支持匹配6种输出
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ # 在config下运行show whitelist命令时
+ # ----- Physical Address Whitelist -----
+ # Slot Pon Onu Onu-Type Phy-ID Phy-Pwd Used
+ # ----- ----- ----- -------------- ------------ ---------- ----
+ # 13 1 1 null FHTT17f6c2d2 Y
+ phy1TitleExp = re.compile('(Slot)\s+(Pon)\s+(Onu)\s+(Onu-Type)\s+(Phy-ID)\s+(Phy-Pwd)\s+(Used)')
+ phy1ValuesExp = re.compile('([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{12,12})\s([\w\d\s]{10,10})\s([\w\s]{1,4})')
+ # ----- Physical SN Whitelist-----
+ # ------------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- -------------- --- ----
+ # FHTT000aae64 4 8 1 5506-10-A1 EN YES
+ # --------------------------------
+ # SLOT: 4 PON: 8 ITEM: 1
+ phy2TitleExp = re.compile('(PHYID)\s+(PHYPWD)\s+(SLOT)\s+(PON)\s+(ONU)\s+(TYPE)\s+(EN)\s+USED')
+ phy2ValuesExp = re.compile('([\w\s]{12,12})\s([\w\s]{10,10})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{3,3})\s([\w\s]{1,4})')
+ # ----- Logic SN Whitelist-----
+ # Slot Pon Onu Onu-Type Logic-Id Logic-Pwd En Used
+ # ----- ----- ----- -------------- ------------------------ ------------ -- ----
+ # 13 1 2 null FHTT17f6c2d2 Y Y
+ log1TitleExp = re.compile('(Slot)\s+(Pon)\s+(Onu)\s+(Onu-Type)\s+(Logic-Id)\s+(Logic-Pwd)\s+(En)\s+(Used)')
+ log1ValueExp = re.compile('([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{24,24})\s([\w\s]{12,12})\s([\w\s]{2,2})\s([\w\s]{1,4})')
+ # ----- Logical SN Whitelist-----
+ # ------------------------ ------------ ----- ----- ----- -------------- --- ----
+ # FHTT000aae64 4 8 2 5506-10-A1 EN YES
+ # --------------------------------
+ # SLOT: 4 PON: 8 ITEM: 1
+ log2TitleExp = re.compile('(LOGICId)\s+(LOGICPWD)\s+(SLOT)\s+(PON)\s+(ONU)\s+(TYPE)\s+(EN)\s+(USED)')
+ log2ValueExp = re.compile('([\w\s]{24,24})\s([\w\s]{12,12})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{3,3})\s([\w\s]{1,4})')
+ # ----- Physical Password Whitelist -----
+ # Slot Pon Onu Onu-Type Phy-Pwd En Used
+ # ----- ----- ----- -------------- ---------- -- ----
+ # 65535 65535 65535 null 123456 Y N
+ pwd1TitleExp = re.compile('(Slot)\s+(Pon)\s+(Onu)\s+(Onu-Type)\s+(Phy-Pwd)\s+(En)\s+(Used)')
+ pwd1ValueExp = re.compile('([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{10,10})\s([\w\s]{2,2})\s([\w\s]{1,4})')
+ # ----- Physical Password Whitelist-----
+ # ---------- ----- ----- ----- -------------- --- ----
+ # 1234567890 4 8 3 5506-10-A1 EN YES
+ # --------------------------------
+ # SLOT: 4 PON: 8 ITEM: 1
+ pwd2TitleExp = re.compile('(PHYPWD)\s+(SLOT)\s+(PON)\s+(ONU)\s+(TYPE)\s+(EN)\s+(USED)')
+ # '123456789a 4 8 65535 5506-10-A1 EN NO '
+ pwd2ValueExp = re.compile('([\w\s]{10,10})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\d\s]{5,5})\s([\w\s-]{14,14})\s([\w\s]{3,3})\s([\w\s]{1,4})')
+ exps = [(phy1TitleExp, phy1ValuesExp),
+ (phy2TitleExp, phy2ValuesExp),
+ (log1TitleExp, log1ValueExp),
+ (log2TitleExp, log2ValueExp),
+ (pwd1TitleExp, pwd1ValueExp),
+ (pwd2TitleExp, pwd2ValueExp)]
+ ret = [ ]
+ titles = None
+ valueExp = None
+ for line in lines:
+ if titles == None:
+ # 先看看匹配到哪种标题,然后再用标题对应的抽取值的正则表达式去提取
+ for tExp, vExp in exps:
+ match = tExp.match(line)
+ if match != None:
+ titles = match.groups()
+ valueExp = vExp
+ break
+ else:
+ # 确定之后,用该种正则表达式进行匹配
+ match = valueExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ values = match.groups()
+ ret.append({ })
+ for k, v in zip(titles, values):
+ ret[-1][value(k)] = value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_last_reg_status_change(strValue):
+ """处理show onu last-reg-status-change命令得到的数据。其中,时间若为0000-00-00 00:00:00,将会转换为None。
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show onu last-reg-status-change命令得到的数据
+ Returns:
+ list: 字典列表。
+ """
+ # 4 8 1 Last Off Time = 0000-00-00 00:00:00,Last On Time = 2020-09-22 14:09:29.
+ # 4 8 64 Last Off Time = 0000-00-00 00:00:00,Last On Time = 2020-09-22 14:09:30.
+ # 4 8 65 Last Off Time = 0000-00-00 00:00:00,Last On Time = 2020-09-22 14:09:29.
+ # 4 8 100 Last Off Time = 0000-00-00 00:00:00,Last On Time = 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
+ # 4 8 128 Last Off Time = 0000-00-00 00:00:00,Last On Time = 2020-09-22 14:09:30.
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ titles = ['SLOT', 'PON', 'ONU', 'LAST_OFF_TIME', 'LAST_ON_TIME']
+ valuesExp = re.compile("(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+Last Off Time = (\d{4,4}\-\d{2,2}\-\d{2,2}\s\d{2,2}:\d{2,2}:\d{2,2}),Last On Time = (\d{4,4}\-\d{2,2}\-\d{2,2}\s\d{2,2}:\d{2,2}:\d{2,2})\.")
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in lines:
+ match = valuesExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ values = match.groups()
+ ret.append({ })
+ for k, v in zip(titles, values):
+ ret[-1][value(k)] = value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_dhcp_state(strValue):
+ """处理show dhcp state命令得到的数据
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show dhcp state命令得到的数据
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含DHCP状态信息的字典
+ """
+ # DHCP option82 : disabled
+ # DHCP option18 : enabled
+ # DHCP option37 : disabled
+ # EPON DHCP Patch : disabled
+ # EPON ARP Patch : disabled
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ ret = { }
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ key, value = line.split(":")
+ ret[key.strip()] = value.strip()
+ return ret
+def extract_onu_port_vlan(strValue):
+ """处理show onu port vlan得到的信息。
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show onu port vlan得到的信息。
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含Port Vlan信息的列表
+ """
+ # ====================================================================================================================
+ # 1 4 /8 /1 1 1 unica tran null null 33024 null null null null null null null null default default default
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ ret = [ ]
+ titles = ['NO', 'SL', 'LI', 'ONU', 'PORT', 'ID', 'TYPE', 'MODE', 'CVID', 'CCOS', 'CTPID', 'TVID', 'TCOS', 'TTPID', 'SVID', 'SCOS', 'STPID', 'PVID', 'PCOS', 'SRVTYPE', 'PRIQUE', 'GEMPORT']
+ regexExp = re.compile("(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+/(\w+)\s+/(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)")
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = regexExp.match(line)
+ if match != None:
+ ret.append({})
+ for k, v in zip(titles, match.groups()):
+ ret[-1][k] = value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_card_info(strValue):
+ """处理show card info得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show card info得到的信息
+ Return:
+ list : 包含卡信息的字典列表
+ """
+ # ---------------------AN6000-17---------------------
+ # 1 --- --- --- ---
+ # 2 --- --- --- ---
+ # 3 --- --- --- ---
+ # 4 --- --- --- ---
+ # 5 --- --- --- ---
+ # 6 --- --- --- ---
+ # 7 --- --- --- ---
+ # 8 --- --- --- ---
+ # 10 --- HSCA --- ---
+ # ---------------------AN6000-17---------------------
+ # 1 --- --- --- --- ---
+ # 2 --- --- --- --- ---
+ # 3 --- --- --- --- ---
+ # 5 --- --- --- --- ---
+ # 6 --- --- --- --- ---
+ # 7 --- --- --- --- ---
+ # 8 --- --- --- --- ---
+ # 10 --- HSCA --- --- ---
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ titlesExp = re.compile('(CARD)\s+(EXIST)\s+(CONFIG)\s+(DETECT)\s+(DETAIL)\s*(BLOCK)?')
+ valuesExp = re.compile('(\d+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+([\w-\/]+)\s*([\w-]+)?')
+ ret = [ ]
+ titles = None
+ for line in lines:
+ if titles == None:
+ match = titlesExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ titles = match.groups()
+ continue
+ else:
+ match = valuesExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ values = match.groups()
+ ret.append({ })
+ for k, v in zip(titles, values):
+ if k != None:
+ ret[-1][value(k)] = value(v)
+ continue
+ return ret
+def extract_onu_port_status(strValue):
+ """处理show onu port status命令得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show onu port status命令得到的信息
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含端口信息的字典列表
+ """
+ # ----- ONU FE PORT STATUS -----
+ # SLOT:4 PON:8 ONU:1 , ITEM=4
+ # PORT ID = 1
+ # PORT CONNECT : Linked
+ # FLOW CONTROL : disable
+ # PORT PHY STATE : enable
+ # AUTO NEGOTIATE : enable
+ # PORT RATE : 1000M
+ # PORT CONNECT : full
+ # LOOPBACK STATUS : normal
+ # PORT ID = 2
+ # PORT CONNECT : Linked
+ # FLOW CONTROL : disable
+ # PORT PHY STATE : enable
+ # AUTO NEGOTIATE : enable
+ # PORT RATE : 1000M
+ # PORT CONNECT : full
+ # LOOPBACK STATUS : normal
+ # PORT ID = 3
+ # PORT CONNECT : Not Linked
+ # FLOW CONTROL : disable
+ # PORT PHY STATE : enable
+ # AUTO NEGOTIATE : enable
+ # PORT RATE : 10M
+ # PORT CONNECT : half
+ # LOOPBACK STATUS : normal
+ # PORT ID = 4
+ # PORT CONNECT : Linked
+ # FLOW CONTROL : disable
+ # PORT PHY STATE : enable
+ # AUTO NEGOTIATE : enable
+ # PORT RATE : 1000M
+ # PORT CONNECT : full
+ # LOOPBACK STATUS : normal
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ summaryExp = re.compile('SLOT:(\d+)\s*PON:(\d+)\s*ONU:(\d+)\s*,\s*ITEM=(\d+)')
+ portIdExp = re.compile('PORT\s+ID\s+=\s+(\d+)')
+ keyValueExp = re.compile('(.+):(.+)')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ret = { }
+ for line in lines:
+ match = summaryExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ slot, pon, onu, item = match.groups()
+ ret['SLOT'] = value(slot)
+ ret['PON'] = value(pon)
+ ret['ONU'] = value(onu)
+ ret['ITEM'] = value(item)
+ ret['PORT'] = [ ]
+ continue
+ match = portIdExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ portId = match.groups()[0]
+ ret['PORT'].append({ })
+ ret['PORT'][-1]['PORT ID'] = value(portId)
+ continue
+ match = keyValueExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ k, v = match.groups()
+ if value(k) not in ret['PORT'][-1].keys():
+ ret['PORT'][-1][value(k)] = value(v)
+ else:
+ # 有两个PORT CONNECT, 需要把后一个换个名字
+ ret['PORT'][-1]['PORT MODE'] = value(v)
+ continue
+ return ret
+def extract_igmp_vlan(strValue):
+ """处理show igmp vlan命令得到的数据
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show igmp vlan命令得到的数据
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含igmp vlan信息的字典
+ """
+ # ========================================
+ # Version :V0
+ # Proxy ip address :
+ # SSM ip address :
+ # SSM ip mask :
+ # General Member Interval :0
+ # Robustness :0
+ # QueryInterval :0
+ # Query response interval :0
+ # Last member query interval:0
+ # Last member query count :0
+ # Fast Leave :disable
+ # Host-side Group Reserved :0
+ # ALL Group Reserved :0
+ # Recieve Jions :0
+ # Recieve Leaves :0
+ # igi->igi_cflags :0x0
+ # igi->igi_sflags :0x0
+ # ========================================
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ regexExp = re.compile("(.+):(.+)")
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ret = { }
+ for line in lines:
+ match = regexExp.match(line)
+ if match != None:
+ k, v = match.groups()
+ ret[value(k)] = value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_port_vlan(strValue):
+ """处理show port vlan得到的数据
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show port vlan得到的数据
+ Returns:
+ list: 元组列表。形式如,[(startVlan, endVlan, "U"), [(startVlan, endVlan, "T"),...]。
+ """
+ # port 9:2,
+ # vlan(optin):
+ # 1000(U) .
+ # 1251 ~ 1254(T).
+ # 3049 ~ 3049(T).
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ vlanExp = re.compile('(\d+)\s?~?\s?(\d+)?\(([UT])\)')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in lines:
+ match = vlanExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ beginVlan, endVlan, tag = match.groups()
+ if endVlan == None:
+ endVlan = beginVlan
+ ret.append((value(beginVlan), value(endVlan), value(tag)))
+ return ret
+def extract_wan_cfg(strValue):
+ """提取show onu wan-cfg命令得到的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show onu wan-cfg命令得到的信息
+ Return:
+ dict: 包含wan cfg信息的字典
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ ret = None
+ regexExp0 = re.compile("slot_out \d+ \d+ \d+ index \d+ no wancfg,ret -?\d+.")
+ if regexExp0.search(strValue) != None:
+ return ret
+ # show wancfg:slot 4 8 1 2 wan_name INTERNET_R_VID_2000 INTERNET route vlan 2000 cos 4 nat enable qos disable upnp disable DSP pppoe 0 mode auto fiberhome fiberhome xxx transparent translate disable tvlan 65535 tcos 65535 qinq disable 33024 65535 bind item 4 1 2 3 101
+ # show wancfg:slot 4 8 1 1 wan_name INTERNET_R_VID_1000 INTERNET route vlan 1000 cos 4 nat enable qos enable upnp disable transparent translate disable tvlan 65535 tcos 65535 qinq disable 33024 65535 65535 bind item 4 1 2 3 101
+ mandatoryPartExp = re.compile('show wancfg:slot\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+wan_name\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+vlan\s+(\d+)\s+cos\s+(\d+)\s+nat\s+(\w+)\s+qos\s+(\w+)\s+upnp\s+(\w+)\s+')
+ # DSP\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+mode\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+
+ pppoeDSPExp = re.compile('DSP\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+mode\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+')
+ dhcpDSPExp = re.compile('DSP\s+(\w+)')
+ staticDSPExp = re.compile('DSP\s+(\w+)\s+ip\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
+ vlanmodeExp = re.compile('(\w+)\s+translate\s+(\w+)\s+tvlan\s+(\d+)\s+tcos\s+(\d+)\s+qinq\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+')
+ entriesExp = re.compile('bind\s+item\s+(\d+)\s+([\d\s]+)?')
+ if mandatoryPartExp.match(strValue) != None:
+ if ret == None:
+ ret = {}
+ slot, port, onuId, index, name, mode, type, wvid, wcos, nat, qos, upnp = mandatoryPartExp.match(strValue).groups()
+ ret['slot'] = value(slot)
+ ret['port'] = value(port)
+ ret['onuId'] = value(onuId)
+ ret['index'] = value(index)
+ ret['name'] = value(name)
+ ret['mode'] = WanMode(mode.lower())
+ ret['type'] = WanType(type.lower())
+ ret['wvid'] = value(wvid)
+ ret['wcos'] = value(wcos)
+ ret['nat'] = value(nat)
+ ret['qos'] = value(qos)
+ ret['upnp'] = value(upnp)
+ if vlanmodeExp.search(strValue) != None:
+ tag, translate, tvlan, tcos, qinq, stpid, svlan, scos = vlanmodeExp.search(strValue).groups()
+ ret['vlanmode'] = tag.lower()
+ ret['tvlan'] = translate
+ ret['tvid'] = value(tvlan)
+ ret['tcos'] = value(tcos)
+ ret['qinq'] = qinq
+ ret['stpid'] = value(stpid)
+ ret['svlan'] = value(svlan)
+ ret['scos'] = value(scos)
+ if ret != None and 'dsp' not in ret.keys() and pppoeDSPExp.search(strValue) != None:
+ dsp, proxy, pppoemode, username, password, servername = pppoeDSPExp.search(strValue).groups()
+ ret['dsp'] = DSPMode(dsp.lower())
+ ret['proxy'] = 'enable' if proxy == '1' else 'disable'
+ ret['pppoemode'] = PPPoEMode(pppoemode.lower())
+ ret['username'] = value(username)
+ ret['password'] = value(password)
+ ret['servername'] = value(servername)
+ if ret != None and 'dsp' not in ret.keys() and staticDSPExp.search(strValue) != None:
+ dsp, ip, mask, gate, master, slave = staticDSPExp.search(strValue).groups()
+ ret['dsp'] = DSPMode(dsp.lower())
+ ret['ip'] = value(ip)
+ ret['mask'] = value(mask)
+ ret['gate'] = value(gate)
+ ret['master'] = value(master)
+ ret['slave'] = value(slave)
+ if ret != None and 'dsp' not in ret.keys() and dhcpDSPExp.search(strValue) != None:
+ dsp = dhcpDSPExp.search(strValue).groups()
+ ret['dsp'] = DSPMode(dsp.lower())
+ if ret != None and 'dsp' not in ret.keys():
+ ret['dsp'] = DSPMode.dhcp_remoteid
+ ret['remoteid'] = 'n/a'
+ ret['fe'] = [ ]
+ ret['ssid'] = [ ]
+ if entriesExp.search(strValue) != None:
+ if ret == None:
+ ret = { }
+ itemsCount, itemsValue = entriesExp.search(strValue).groups()
+ if int(itemsCount) != 0:
+ feRegexExp = re.compile('^(\d)$')
+ ssidRegexExp = re.compile('^10(\d)$')
+ for v in re.split('\s+', itemsValue):
+ if None != feRegexExp.match(v):
+ ret['fe'].append('fe%s' % v)
+ elif None != ssidRegexExp.match(v):
+ ret['ssid'].append('ssid%s' % ssidRegexExp.match(v).groups()[0])
+ elif '' == v:
+ continue
+ else:
+ assert False, "未知的数值: '%s'(%s)" % (v, re.split('\s+', itemsValue))
+ if ret == None:
+ logging.getLogger().warning('未匹配到数据:\n%s' % strValue)
+ return ret
+def extract_igmp_mode_info(strValue):
+ """提取show igmp mode命令信息
+ Args:
+ strValue(str): show igmp mode命令信息
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含IGMP信息的字典
+ """
+ # system is running in IGMPv1/v2 proxy/snooping protocol
+ # IGMP/MLD Mode : snooping
+ # Robustness variable : 2
+ # Group membership interval : 260
+ # Last member query interval: 1
+ # Last member query count : 2
+ # Query interval : 125
+ # Query response interval : 10
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ keyValueExp = re.compile('\s*(.+)\s*:\s*(.+)\s*')
+ ret = { }
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = keyValueExp.match(line)
+ if match != None:
+ key, value = match.groups()
+ ret[key.strip()] = value.strip()
+ return ret
+def extract_onu_statistics(strValue):
+ """提取show onu statistics命令的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show onu statistics命令的信息
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含ONU统计信息的字典
+ """
+ # buf:0x8cdcddc4,len448,prtcl:0, lv:4,obj:4/8/4 type:4, order:0.
+ # From 2020-11-10 14:46:04 To 0000-00-00 00:00:00
+ # UPOctetsTransferred : 0 (BYTEs)
+ # UP TotalFrame : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UP UnicastFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UP BroadcastFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UP MulticastFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UP CRC-32Errors : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UPUndersizeFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UPOversizeFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UPCollisions : 0 (PKTs)
+ # 64OctetFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # 65-127OctetFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # 128-255OctetFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # 256-511OctetFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # 512-1023OctetFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # 1024-1518OctetFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UPFramesDropped : 0 (PKTs)
+ # DownOctetsTransferred : 71016502636 (BYTEs)
+ # DownTotalFrame : 572736211 (PKTs)
+ # DownUnicastFrames : 572518682 (PKTs)
+ # DownBroadcastFrames : 217479 (PKTs)
+ # DownMulticastFrames : 50 (PKTs)
+ # DownCRC-32Errors : 0 (PKTs)
+ # DownUndersizeFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # DownOversizeFrames : 0 (PKTs)
+ # DownCollisions : 0 (PKTs)
+ # DownFramesDropped : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UPErrorBIP8 : 0 (PKTs)
+ # DownErrorBIP8 : 0 (PKTs)
+ # UPSpeed : 0.00 (Mbps)
+ # DownSpeed : 0.00 (Mbps)
+ # Optical module type : 20 (Km)
+ # Temperature : 46.83 ('C)
+ # Power(Voltage) : 3.34 (V)
+ # Bias current : 16.65 (mA)
+ # Tx_power : 2.99 (dbm)
+ # Rx_power : -13.14 (dbm)
+ # OLT_Rx_power : -14.32 (dbm)
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ ret = { }
+ exp = re.compile('(.+):(.+)\((.+)\)')
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = exp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ key, value, unit = match.groups()
+ ret[key.strip()] = (value.strip(), unit.strip())
+ return ret
+def extract_bandwidth_profile(strValue):
+ """提取show bandwidth-profile的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue(str): show bandwidth-profile信息
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含onu bandwith profile信息的列表
+ """
+ # -------- onubandwidth profile, num = 10 --------
+ # Id Name upMin upMax downMin downMax upFix
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # 2 bwp2 50000 100000 50000 100000 10000
+ # 3 bwp 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
+ # 8 b_prf_8 0 1000 0 2000 0
+ # 51 b_prf_51 0 2000 0 3000 0
+ # 326 b_prf_326 0 1000 0 2000 0
+ # 392 b_prf_392 0 1000 0 2000 0
+ # 592 b_prf_592 0 2000 0 3000 0
+ # 623 b_prf_623 0 2000 0 3000 0
+ # 667 b_prf_667 0 2000 0 3000 0
+ # 720 b_prf_720 0 1000 0 2000 0
+ # -------- onubandwidth profile, num = 1 --------
+ # Id Name upMin upMax downMin downMax upFix
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # 3 bwp 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ summaryRegex = re.compile('-+\s+onubandwidth\sprofile,\snum\s+=\s+(\d+)\s-+')
+ titlesRegex = re.compile('(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*')
+ itemsRegex = re.compile('(\d+)\s+([\w\d]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*')
+ ret = [ ]
+ titles = None
+ count = None
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = titlesre.match(line)
+ if itemsre.match(line):
+ values = match.groups()
+ save = { }
+ for t, v in zip(titles, values):
+ save[t] = value(v)
+ ret.append(save)
+ continue
+ match = summaryre.match(line)
+ if match:
+ assert len(match.groups()) == 1
+ count = int(match.groups()[0])
+ continue
+ match = titlesre.match(line)
+ if match:
+ titles = match.groups()
+ continue
+ assert count == len(ret)
+ return ret
+def extract_onu_bandwidth(strValue):
+ """提取show onu bandwidth数据
+ Args:
+ strValue(str): show onu bandwidth数据
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含onu bandwitdh信息的字典
+ """
+ # onu: slot 4 pon 8 onu 1.
+ # upMaxband: 1250000.
+ # downMaxband: 2500000.
+ # upAssureBand: 640.
+ # downAssureBand: 640.
+ # upFixband: 0.
+ # prfId: -1.
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ ret = { }
+ keyValueRegexExp = re.compile('\s*(\w+)\s*:\s*(-?\d+)\s*\.')
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = keyValueRegexExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ k, v = match.groups()
+ ret[k]=value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_bandwidth(strValue):
+ """提取show bandwidth数据
+ Args:
+ strValue(str): show bandwidth数据
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含bandwitdh信息的字典
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ # BANDWIDTH: UP 20000 DOWN 20000
+ regexExp = 'BANDWIDTH:\s*UP\s*(\d+)\s*DOWN\s*(\d+)'
+ ret = { }
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = regexExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ usPir, dsPir = match.group()
+ ret['UP'] = value(usPir)
+ ret['DOWN'] = value(dsPir)
+ return ret
+def extract_onu_layer3_rate_limit_profile(strValue):
+ """提取show onu layer3-ratelimit-profile数据
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show onu layer3-ratelimit-profile数据
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含字典的列表
+ """
+ # ------Offline onu layer3 rate-limiting info------
+ # Wan index: 1.
+ # Wan name: 1_INTERNET_B_VID_1000.
+ # Up bandwidth profile id: 3.
+ # Down bandwidth profile id: 3.
+ # Wan index: 2.
+ # Wan name: 2_INTERNET_B_VID_1000.
+ # Up bandwidth profile id: 65535.
+ # Down bandwidth profile id: 65535.
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ regexExp = re.compile('(.+)\s*:\s*(.+).')
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = regexExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ k, v = match.groups()
+ k = k.strip()
+ v = v.strip()
+ if k == 'Wan index':
+ ret.append({ })
+ ret[-1][k] = value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_service_vlan(strValue):
+ """提取show service-vlan数据
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show service-vlan数据
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含字典的列表
+ """
+ # servicevlan 101 :
+ # name : test, type : data
+ # vlan range: 100 ~ 400 #####end.
+ # servicevlan 102 :
+ # name : sip, type : voip
+ # vlan range: 3990 #####end.
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ vlanIndexExp = re.compile('servicevlan\s+(\d+)\s+:\s*')
+ nameTypeExp = re.compile('name\s+:\s+(.+),\s+type\s+:\s+(.+)\s*')
+ svlanExp = re.compile('vlan\s+range:\s+(\d+|\d+\s+~\s+\d+)\s+#####end.')
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = vlanIndexExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret.append({ })
+ ret[-1]['servicevlan'] = value(match.groups()[0].strip())
+ continue
+ match = nameTypeExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret[-1]['name'] = value(match.groups()[0].strip())
+ ret[-1]['type'] = value(match.groups()[1].strip())
+ continue
+ match = svlanExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret[-1]['vlan range'] = value(match.groups()[0].strip())
+ continue
+ return ret
+def extract_onu_qinq_classification_profile(strValue):
+ """提取show onuqinq-classification-profile数据
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show onuqinq-classification-profile数据
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含字典的列表
+ """
+ # ------------------QinQ profile [add2000] information------------------
+ # Index: 1
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: Exist then match
+ # ------------------QinQ profile [xx] information------------------
+ # Index: 2
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ # Type: Source MAC Address Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Operator: No exist then match
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ profileNameExp = re.compile('-+.+\[(.+)\].+-+')
+ profileIndexExp = re.compile('Index: (\d+)')
+ profileFieldValueOpExp = re.compile('Type:\s+(.+)\s+Value:\s+(.+)\s+Operator:\s+(.+)')
+ ret = []
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = profileNameExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret.append({ })
+ ret[-1]['name'] = match.groups()[0].strip()
+ continue
+ match = profileIndexExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret[-1]['index'] = value(match.groups()[0].strip())
+ continue
+ match = profileFieldValueOpExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ f, v, o = match.groups()
+ f = type_str_to_int(f.strip())
+ v = onu_value_str_to_str(v.strip(), f)
+ o = op_str_to_int(o.strip())
+ fvoList = ret[-1].get('fieldValueOps', [ ])
+ fvoList.append((f, v, o))
+ ret[-1]['fieldValueOps'] = fvoList
+ continue
+ return ret
+def extract_olt_qinq_domain(strValue):
+ """提取show oltqinq-domain / index 数据
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show oltqinq-domain / index 数据
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含信息的字典
+ """
+ # ------------------QinQ domain [4_8_0536626403] information------------------
+ # Domain index: 7 Service num: 1
+ # Service type: 0 Service ID: 1
+ # Service[1] upstream rule:
+ # Type[02] val[00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] opt[5]
+ # Service[1] downstream rule:
+ # Type[02] val[00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] opt[5]
+ # Service[1] vlan information:
+ # Layer 1: oldvlan[129] oldcos[2] action[2] tpid[0x8100] cos[0] newvlan[1041]
+ # Layer 2: oldvlan[0] oldcos[0] action[3] tpid[0x8100] cos[255] newvlan[65535]
+ # Layer 3: oldvlan[65535] oldcos[255] action[3] tpid[0x8100] cos[255] newvlan[65535]
+ # Layer 4: oldvlan[65535] oldcos[255] action[3] tpid[0x8100] cos[255] newvlan[65535]
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ qinqNameExp = re.compile('-+.+\[(.+)\].+-+')
+ qinqIndexAndSvcIndexExp = re.compile('Domain index:\s*(\d+)\s*Service num:\s*(\d+)\s*')
+ serviceTypeAndIDExp = re.compile('Service type:\s*(\d+)\s*Service ID:\s*(\d+)\s*')
+ serviceIndexAndRuleExp = re.compile('Service\[(\d+)\] (\w+) rule:')
+ typeValueOpExp = re.compile('Type\[(\d+)\]\s+val\[(.+)\]\s+opt\[(\d+)\]')
+ serviceVlanInfoExp = re.compile('Service\[(\d+)\] vlan information:')
+ layerExp = re.compile('Layer\s*(\d+):\s*oldvlan\[(.+)\]\s*oldcos\[(.+)\]\s*action\[(.+)\]\s*tpid\[(.+)\]\s*cos\[(.+)\]\s*newvlan\[(.+)\]')
+ # {
+ # 'name': 'profile-name',
+ # 'index': 'profile-index',
+ # 'count': 'service-count',
+ # 'services':
+ # [
+ # {
+ # 'no': 'service-no',
+ # 'type': 'service-type',
+ # 'rule': {
+ # 'upstream': [
+ #
+ # ],
+ #
+ # 'downstream': [
+ # ]
+ # },
+ # 'vlan': [
+ # (layerNo, oldvlan, oldcos, action, newtpid, newcos, newvlan),
+ # (layerNo, oldvlan, oldcos, action, newtpid, newcos, newvlan)
+ # ]
+ # }
+ # ]
+ # }
+ ret = { }
+ lastKey = None
+ for line in strValue.splitlines():
+ match = qinqNameExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret['name'] = value(match.groups()[0])
+ continue
+ match = qinqIndexAndSvcIndexExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret['index'] = value(match.groups()[0])
+ ret['count'] = value(match.groups()[1])
+ ret['services'] = [ ]
+ continue
+ match = serviceTypeAndIDExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret['services'].append({ })
+ ret['services'][-1]['no'] = value(match.groups()[1])
+ ret['services'][-1]['type'] = 'single' if value(match.groups()[0]) == 0 else 'share'
+ ret['services'][-1]['rule'] = { }
+ ret['services'][-1]['vlan'] = [ ]
+ continue
+ match = serviceIndexAndRuleExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ no = value(match.groups()[0])
+ upOrDownStream = value(match.groups()[1])
+ assert no == ret['services'][-1]['no']
+ ret['services'][-1]['rule'][upOrDownStream] = [ ]
+ lastKey = upOrDownStream
+ continue
+ match = typeValueOpExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ typeCode, rawValue, opCode = match.groups()
+ intType = value(typeCode)
+ strValue = olt_value_str_to_str(rawValue, intType)
+ intOp = value(opCode)
+ ret['services'][-1]['rule'][lastKey].append((intType, strValue, intOp))
+ continue
+ match = serviceVlanInfoExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ no = value(match.groups()[0])
+ assert no == ret['services'][-1]['no']
+ continue
+ match = layerExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ layerNo, oldVlan, oldCos, action, newTpid, newCos, newVlan = match.groups()
+ if action == '1':
+ action = 'add'
+ elif action == '2':
+ action = 'translation'
+ elif action == '3':
+ action = 'transparent'
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('unknown action value: %s' % action)
+ ret['services'][-1]['vlan'].append((value(layerNo), value(oldVlan, 65535), value(oldCos, 255), value(action), value(newTpid), value(newCos, 255), value(newVlan, 65535)))
+ continue
+ return ret
+def extract_olt_qinq_domain_bound_info(strValue):
+ """提取show oltqinq-domain bound-info信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show oltqinq-domain bound-info信息
+ Returns:
+ tuple: 返回(slot, portNo)元组
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ponBoundInfoExp = re.compile('Pon bound info: slot id: (\d+); pon id: (\d+).')
+ for line in lines:
+ match = ponBoundInfoExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ slot, portNo = match.groups()
+ return value(slot), value(portNo)
+ assert False, '没有找到绑定信息: %s' % strValue
+def extract_system_time(strValue):
+ """提取show time命令的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show time命令信息
+ Returns:
+ tuple: date, time的元组。如'2020-11-23', '17:27:45'
+ """
+ # Now time is:
+ # Current Date is 2020-11-23
+ # Current Time is 17:27:45
+ # System running time is 6 day 21:34:39
+ dateExp = re.compile('Current\s+Date\s+is\s+(\d{4,4}-\d{2,2}-\d{2,2})')
+ timeExp = re.compile('Current\s+Time\s+is\s+(\d{2,2}:\d{2,2}:\d{2,2})')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ date, time = '', ''
+ for line in lines:
+ match = dateExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ date = match.groups()[0]
+ continue
+ match = timeExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ time = match.groups()[0]
+ continue
+ return date.strip(), time.strip()
+def extract_pppoe_plus(strValue):
+ """提取show pppoe-plus state命令的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show pppoe-plus state命令信息
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含PPPoE-Plus状态信息的字典
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ stateExp = re.compile('(.+):(.+)')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ret = { }
+ for line in lines:
+ match = stateExp.match(line)
+ if match:
+ k, v = match.groups()
+ ret[value(k)] = value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_ip_address(strValue):
+ """抽取show ip address命令的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show ip address命令返回的信息
+ Returns:
+ tuple: 返回ip与mask组成的元组
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ipExpr = re.compile('debugip\s+(\d+\\.\d+\\.\d+\\.\d+)')
+ maskExpr = re.compile('mask\s+(\d+\\.\d+\\.\d+\\.\d+)')
+ ip, mask = None, None
+ for line in lines:
+ match = ipExpr.search(line)
+ if match:
+ ip = value(match.groups()[0])
+ match = maskExpr.search(line)
+ if match:
+ mask = value(match.groups()[0])
+ if ip == None or mask == None:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('未找到IP/MASK信息')
+ return (ip, mask)
+def extract_acl(strValue):
+ """抽取show acl命令的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show acl命令返回的信息
+ Returns:
+ list: 返回包含ACL信息的列表
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ titles = ['No', 'IP', 'Mask', 'Status']
+ valueExpr = re.compile('(\d+)\s+(\d+\\.d+\\.d+\\.d+)\s+(\d+\\.d+\\.d+\\.d+)\s+(\w+)')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in lines:
+ match = valueExpr.match(line)
+ if match:
+ ret.append({ })
+ for t, v in zip(titles, match.groups()):
+ ret[value(t)] = value(v)
+ return ret
+def extract_snmp_time(strValue):
+ """抽取show snmp-time命令的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show snmp-time显示的信息
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含ip和interval信息的字典
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ intervalExpr = re.compile('INTERVAL=(\d+)')
+ ipExpr = re.compile('Server\s+IP\s+:\s+(\d+\\.\d+\\.\d+\\.\d+)')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ip, interval = None, None
+ for line in lines:
+ match = intervalExpr.search(line)
+ if match:
+ interval = value(match.groups()[0])
+ match = ipExpr.search(line)
+ if match:
+ ip = value(match.groups()[0])
+ if ip == None or interval == None:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('未找到IP和Interval信息')
+ return { 'ip': ip, 'interval': interval }
+def extract_current_alarm(strValue):
+ """抽取show alarm current命令的信息
+ Args:
+ strValue (str): show alarm current显示的信息
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含信息的字典
+ """
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ # TODO: FIXME: 抽取告警信息没有实现
+ titleExpr = re.compile('\s*(Item Description)\s+(Code vOLT)\s+(Object)\s+(Begintime)\s+(Endtime)\s*')
+ valueExpr = re.compile('???')
+ lines = strValue.splitlines()
+ ret = [ ]
+ titles = None
+ for line in lines:
+ match = titleExpr.match(line)
+ if match != None:
+ titles = match.groups()
+ match = valueExpr.match(line)
+ if match != None:
+ values = match.groups()
+ ret.append({ })
+ for title, value in zip(titles, values):
+ ret[-1][title] = value
+ return ret
+class OLTCLI_AN6K_17:
+ """OLTCLI类。通过它,可以对OLT进行操作,就像输入命令行调用一样。
+ """
+ def __init__(self, olt_dev):
+ """OLT构造函数。
+ Args:
+ olt_dev (Device): OLT设备资源
+ """
+ self.olt_dev = olt_dev
+ def del_onu_caps_profile(self, name):
+ """删除ONU能力集模板
+ Args:
+ name (str): ONU能力集名称
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('no onu caps-profile name %s' % name)
+ def add_onu_caps_profile(self, name, onutype, pontype, onucapa, lan1g, lan10g, lan25g, lan2_5g, pots):
+ """配置ONU能力集
+ Args:
+ name (str): [description]
+ onutype (int]): ONU类型,范围10000-11023。
+ pontype (int): PON类型,可取的值如下
+ 263:1G EPON
+ 807:10G EPON 10G/10G
+ 808:10G EPON 1G/10G
+ 712:1G GPON
+ 813:10 GPON 2.5G/10G
+ 650:10GPON 10G/10G
+ 826: 25G PON 25G/25G
+ onucapa (int)): ONU类型,0:SFU 1:hgu 2:box mdu 3:card mdu 4:DPU
+ lan1g (int): 1G端口对应的端口号
+ lan10g (int): 10G端口对应的端口号
+ lan25g (int): 25G端口对应的端口号
+ lan2_5g (int): 2.5G端口对应的端口号
+ pots (int): pots端口号
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('onutype', onutype, int)
+ validate_type('pontype', pontype, int)
+ validate_type('onucapa', onucapa, int)
+ validate_type('lan1g', lan1g, int)
+ validate_type('lan10g', lan10g, int)
+ validate_type('lan25g', lan25g, int)
+ validate_type('lan2_5g', lan2_5g, int)
+ validate_type('pots', pots, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('onu caps-profile add name %s onutype %s pontype %s onucapa %s lan1g %s lan10g %s lan25g %s lan2.5g %s pots %s end' % (name, onutype, pontype, onucapa, lan1g, lan10g, lan25g, lan2_5g, pots))
+ def get_snmp_time(self):
+ """获取SNMP时间配置
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含时间配置参数的字典。interval,表示时间间隔;ip,表示SNMP对时的IP地址。
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show snmp-time')
+ return extract_snmp_time(result)
+ def set_snmp_time(self, interval, type, ip):
+ """设置SNMP相关参数
+ Args:
+ interval(int): SNMP校时间隔
+ type(str): IP类型。有ipv4、ipv6、ipv4z、ipv6z和dns
+ ip(str): IP地址
+ """
+ validate_type('interval', interval, int)
+ validate_type('type', type, str)
+ validate_type('ip', ip, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('snmp-time interval %s servip %s %s' % (interval, type, ip))
+ def set_time_mode(self, mode, hour, min, ems_hour, ems_min):
+ """设置系统时间模式
+ Args:
+ mode (str): ne、snmp、ntp、sntp、ptp
+ hour (str): 时区,如 GMT+5:30、GMT+8
+ min (int): 时区分钟
+ ems-hour (str): EMS时区, 如 GMT+5:30、GMT+8
+ ems-min (int): 时区分钟
+ """
+ validate_type('mode', mode, str)
+ validate_type('hour', hour, str)
+ validate_type('min', min, int)
+ validate_type('ems_hour', ems_hour, str)
+ validate_type('ems_min', ems_min, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('time %s hour %s min %s ems-hour %s ems-min %s' % (mode, hour, min, ems_hour, ems_min))
+ def set_time(self, year, month, day, time):
+ """设置系统时间
+ Args:
+ year (int): 年
+ month (int): 月
+ day (int): 日
+ time (str): HH:MM:SS字符串的时间
+ """
+ validate_type('year', year, int)
+ validate_type('month', month, int)
+ validate_type('day', day, int)
+ validate_type('time', time, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('time %s %s %s %s' % (year, month, day, time))
+ def set_traffic_suppress(self, slot, rate, type='all'):
+ """设置卡的包抑制参数
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ rate (int): 速率
+ type (str, optional): 抑制类型。支持broadcast、multicast、unknown和all。默认'all'。
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('rate', rate, int)
+ validate_type('type', type, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('traffic-suppress 1/%s %s value %s' % (slot, type, rate))
+ def set_card_auth(self, slot, type):
+ """授权指定卡盘
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ type (str): 卡类型
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('type', type, str)
+ type = self.get_card_type(slot)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('card auth 1/%s %s' % (slot, type))
+ def set_card_auto_auth(self):
+ """对卡进行自动授权
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('card auto-auth')
+ def get_card_type(self, slot):
+ """查询卡的类型
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ Returns:
+ str: 卡的类型
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show card info')
+ entires = extract_card_info(result)
+ for entry in entires:
+ if entry['CARD'] == slot:
+ if entry['DETECT'] != '---':
+ return entry['DETECT']
+ else:
+ break
+ raise RuntimeWarning('未查询到卡的类型')
+ def unset_card_auth(self, slot):
+ """取消卡的授权
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 卡的槽位号
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('card unauth 1/%s' % slot)
+ def set_acl(self, ip, mask , status):
+ """设置ACL,即允许或者禁止访问的IP网段
+ Args:
+ ip (str): IP地址
+ mask (str): 点分格式的子网掩码
+ status (str): enable或disable
+ Returns:
+ int: 返回设置的ID号
+ """
+ validate_type('ip', ip, str)
+ validate_type('mask', mask, str)
+ validate_type('status', status, str)
+ # 找一个空闲的ID
+ id = None
+ for entry in self.get_acl():
+ if entry['IP'] == '' and entry['Mask'] == '' and entry['Status'] == 'disable':
+ id = entry['No']
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('acl %s ip %s mask %s %s' % (id, ip, mask, status))
+ return id
+ def get_acl(self, id = None):
+ """获取ACL配置信息
+ Args:
+ id (int, optional): 指定了ID,就返回指定的,否则返回所有的。
+ Returns:
+ list或dict: 返回包含{No, IP, Mask, Status}字典的列表,或返回单个字典
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show acl')
+ if id == None:
+ return extract_acl(result)
+ else:
+ for entry in extract_acl(result):
+ if entry['No'] == id:
+ return entry
+ raise RuntimeWarning('未能找到指定ID的ACL信息')
+ def del_static_route(self, hop, ip, mask, metric = None):
+ """删除静态路由
+ Args:
+ hop (str): 下一跳地址
+ ip (str, optional): 目的IP
+ mask (str或int, optional): 子网掩码,接受点格式的,或者数字长度格式的
+ metric (int): 下一跳的metric,默认None,不提供
+ """
+ validate_type('hop', hop, str)
+ validate_type('ip', ip, str)
+ if type(mask) != str and type(mask) != int:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('只接受点分格式或者长度格式的掩码')
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ if metric == None:
+ conn.run_cmd('no static-route destination-ip %s mask %s nexthop %s' % (ip, mask, hop))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('no static-route destination-ip %s mask %s nexthop %s metric %s' % (ip, mask, hop, metric))
+ def set_static_route(self, hop, ip = '', mask = '', metric = 0):
+ """配置静态路由
+ Args:
+ hop (str): 下一跳地址
+ ip (str, optional): 目的IP, 默认0.0.0.0
+ mask (str或int, optional): 子网掩码,接受点格式的,或者数字长度格式的, 默认0.0.0.0
+ metric (int): 下一跳的metric,默认0
+ """
+ validate_type('hop', hop, str)
+ validate_type('ip', ip, str)
+ if type(mask) != str and type(mask) != int:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('只接受点分格式或者长度格式的掩码')
+ validate_type('metric', metric, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('static-route destination-ip %s mask %s nexthop %s metric %s' % (ip, mask, hop, metric))
+ def set_manage_vlan(self, name, svlan, cvlan):
+ """设置带内管理VLAN
+ Args:
+ svlan (int): SVLAN,外层VLAN
+ cvlan (int): CVLAN,内层VLAN
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('svlan', svlan, int)
+ validate_type('cvlan', cvlan, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('manage-vlan %s svlan %s cvlan %s' % (name, svlan, cvlan))
+ def set_manage_vlan_ip(self, version, name, ip, mask):
+ """设置带内管理IP
+ Args:
+ version (str): IPv4或IPv6
+ name (str): 先前设置的带内管理VLAN名称
+ ip (str): IP地址
+ mask (int或str): 子网掩码,如,,或子网掩码长度,24
+ """
+ validate_type('version', version, str)
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('ip', ip, str)
+ if type(mask) == str:
+ mask = len_of_mask(mask)
+ if type(mask) == int:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('mask类型非法,只接受str或int类型')
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('manage-vlan %s %s %s/%s' % (version, name, ip, mask))
+ def set_ip_address(self, ip, mask):
+ """为OLT设置带外管理IP地址
+ Args:
+ ip (str): OLT IP地址
+ mask (str): OLT 子网掩码
+ """
+ validate_type('ip', ip, str)
+ validate_type('mask', mask, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface meth 1')
+ try:
+ conn.run_cmd('ip address %s mask %s' % (ip, mask))
+ except ConnectionResetError as cr:
+ logging.getLogger().debug('当调整OLT的管理IP时,会导致连接断开,这是正常的。需要约3秒恢复。')
+ # 等待连接恢复
+ time.sleep(5)
+ ipR, maskR = self.get_ip_address()
+ if ipR != ip or maskR != mask:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('设置带外管理IP地址失败')
+ def get_ip_address(self):
+ """获取OLT带外管理IP地址
+ Returns:
+ tuple: (ip, mask)组成的元组
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface meth 1')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show ip address')
+ return extract_ip_address(result)
+ def get_system_time(self):
+ """返回OLT上面的系统时间。等同执行show time命令。
+ Returns:
+ datetime: datetime类型的系统时间
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show time')
+ date, time = extract_system_time(result)
+ return parse('%s %s' % (date, time))
+ def get_authorization(self):
+ """获取所有授权的ONU。等同于执行show authorization命令。
+ Returns:
+ 列表: 包含ONU授权信息的字典列表
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show authorization')
+ return extract_authorization(result)
+ def get_onu_position(self, sn):
+ """根据ONU SN查询ONU的槽位号和端口号
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN号
+ Raises:
+ RuntimeWarning: 查不到该ONUID对应信息时,抛出异常
+ Returns:
+ tuple: 返回(slot, port)元组,如果查不到抛出异常
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ authInfo = self.get_authorization()
+ for info in authInfo:
+ if info['PhyId'] == sn:
+ return info['Slot'], info['Pon']
+ onuInfo = self.get_discovery()
+ for info in onuInfo:
+ if info['PhyId'] == sn:
+ return info['SLOT'], info['PON']
+ logging.getLogger().warning('查不到该ONU(%s)对应的槽位号和端口号,请检查ONU是否发现' % sn)
+ logging.getLogger().debug('authorization:\n %s' % authInfo)
+ logging.getLogger().debug('discovery:\n %s' % onuInfo)
+ raise RuntimeWarning('查不到该ONU(%s)对应的槽位号和端口号,请检查ONU是否发现' % sn)
+ def get_onu_last_online_time(self, sn):
+ """获取ONU最近一次上线时间。等同执行show onu last-reg-status-change 命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ Returns:
+ datetime: 查不到ONUID抛异常。查到了,但是无最后一次上线时间(一般从未上线),返回None。正常情况下,返回datetime格式的上线时间。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu last-reg-status-change %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ dictList = extract_last_reg_status_change(result)
+ return dictList[0]['LAST_ON_TIME']
+ def get_onu_last_offline_time(self, sn):
+ """获取ONU最近一次下线时间。等同执行show onu last-reg-status-change 命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ Returns:
+ datetime: 查不到ONUID抛异常。查到了,但是无最后一次下线时间(一般从未下线),返回None。正常情况下,返回datetime格式的最近一次的下线时间。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu last-reg-status-change %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ dictList = extract_last_reg_status_change(result)
+ return dictList[0]["LAST_OFF_TIME"]
+ def is_onu_online(self, sn):
+ """检查ONU是否在线。等同执行命令show authorization,然后检查其中的OST字段是否为up。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONUD SN
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,在线;False,不在线。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ values = self.get_authorization()
+ for value in values:
+ if value["PhyId"] == sn:
+ if value["OST"] == "up":
+ return True
+ elif value["OST"] == "dn":
+ return False
+ logging.getLogger().warning('查不到该ONU(%s)状态信息,请检查ONU是否进行过授权' % sn)
+ raise RuntimeWarning('查不到该ONU(%s)状态信息,请检查ONU是否进行过授权' % sn)
+ def reset_onu(self, sn, wait = True):
+ """重置ONU。等同执行onu reset 命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN号
+ wait (bool, optional): 重置ONU后,等待重新上线。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('wait', wait, bool)
+ if not self.is_onu_online(sn):
+ raise RuntimeWarning('无法重置离线状态下的ONU')
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu reset %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ def isOffline():
+ return not self.is_onu_online(sn)
+ wait_for_true(isOffline, 1, 30)
+ if wait:
+ def isOnline():
+ return self.is_onu_online(sn)
+ wait_for_true(isOnline, 1, 180)
+ def reset_all_onu(self, wait = True):
+ """重置所有ONU。等同执行onu reset all命令。不同于resetONU,不会验证是否重启和重新上线。
+ Args:
+ wait (bool, optional): 重置ONU后,等待重新上线。
+ """
+ validate_type('wait', wait, bool)
+ # 获取所有在线的ONU对应的槽位号和端口号,以及下面挂的ONUID
+ stats = { }
+ for authInfo in self.get_authorization():
+ key = (authInfo['Slot'], authInfo['Pon'])
+ if key not in stats.keys():
+ stats[key] = set()
+ if authInfo['OST'] == 'up': # 后面只验证重启时在线的ONU,因为有些ONU重启时可能本来就没上线。
+ stats[key].add(authInfo['PhyId'])
+ # 重启这些个ONU
+ for slotPort in stats.keys():
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % slotPort)
+ # onu reset all命令存在bug,使用普通命令替代
+ for sn in stats[slotPort]:
+ conn.run_cmd('onu reset %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ # 等待下线
+ def isOffline():
+ ret = True
+ for key in stats.keys():
+ for sn in stats[key]:
+ ret = ret and not self.is_onu_online(sn)
+ return ret
+ wait_for_true(isOffline, 1, 30)
+ if wait:
+ # 等待上线
+ def isOnline():
+ ret = True
+ for key in stats.keys():
+ for sn in stats[key]:
+ ret = ret and self.is_onu_online(sn)
+ return ret
+ wait_for_true(isOnline, 1, 180)
+ def clear_whitelist(self):
+ """清空所有授权
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ for wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.phyid, WhitelistMode.logid, WhitelistMode.password ]:
+ onuInfos = self.get_whitelist(wlMode)
+ for onuInfo in onuInfos:
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.phyid, WhitelistMode.phyid_psw ]:
+ conn.run_cmd('no whitelist phy-id %s %s %s' % (onuInfo['Slot'], onuInfo['Pon'], onuInfo['Phy-ID']))
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.logid, WhitelistMode.logid_psw ]:
+ conn.run_cmd('no whitelist logic-id %s %s %s' % (onuInfo['Slot'], onuInfo['Pon'], onuInfo['Logic-Id']))
+ if wlMode in [ wlMode.password ]:
+ conn.run_cmd('no whitelist password %s %s %s' % (onuInfo['Slot'], onuInfo['Pon'], onuInfo['Phy-Pwd']))
+ # 验证
+ for wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.phyid, WhitelistMode.logid, WhitelistMode.password ]:
+ onuInfos = self.get_whitelist(wlMode)
+ if len(onuInfos) != 0:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('%s的白名单没有清理干净' % (get_whitelist_query_str(wlMode)))
+ def clear_pon_whitelist(self, slot, port):
+ """清空指定的槽位号和端口号下的所有类型的ONU授权列表。等同于执行no whitelist all。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (init): 端口号
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ conn.run_cmd('no whitelist %s' % 'all')
+ for wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.phyid, WhitelistMode.logid, WhitelistMode.password ]:
+ whiteList = self.get_pon_whitelist(slot, port, wlMode)
+ if len(whiteList) != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('清空白名单(%s)失败' % wlMode)
+ def get_pon_whitelist(self, slot, port, wlMode):
+ """获取指定槽位号和端口下的指定类型的白名单列表。等同于执行show whitelist命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ wlMode (WhitelistMode): 白名单类型
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含授权信息的列表
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ validate_type('wlMode', wlMode, WhitelistMode)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show whitelist %s' % get_whitelist_query_str(wlMode))
+ return extract_whitelist(result)
+ def get_whitelist(self, wlMode):
+ """读取白名单列表。等同于执行show whitelist命令。
+ Args:
+ wlMode (WhitelistMode): 指定要获取哪种白名单类型的列表。
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含授权字典信息的列表
+ """
+ validate_type('wlMode', wlMode, WhitelistMode)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show whitelist %s' % get_whitelist_query_str(wlMode))
+ return extract_whitelist(result)
+ def is_in_whitelist(self, wlMode, id):
+ """检查ONU是否在对应白名单列表中。
+ Args:
+ wlMode (WhitelistMode): 要在哪个白名单列表中检查
+ id (str): ONU的phyId、logId或passwd
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,在白名单列表中;False,不在白名单列表中
+ """
+ validate_type('wlMode', wlMode, WhitelistMode)
+ validate_type('sn', id, str)
+ id = value(id)
+ onuInfos = self.get_whitelist(wlMode)
+ for onuInfo in onuInfos:
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.phyid, WhitelistMode.phyid_psw ]:
+ if onuInfo['Phy-ID'] == id:
+ return True
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.logid, WhitelistMode.logid_psw ]:
+ if onuInfo['Logic-Id'] == id:
+ return True
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.password ]:
+ if onuInfo['Phy-Pwd'] == id:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_onu_in_whitelist(self, id):
+ """验证ONU是否在白名单中
+ Args:
+ id (str): ONU的phyId、logId或passwd
+ """
+ for wlMode in WhitelistMode:
+ if self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, id):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def add_whitelist(self, wlMode, sn, onuId=None):
+ """将指定的sn号的ONU增加到指定白名单中。支持三种认证方式: sn、sn/pwd, pwd。增加白名单所需的信息自动去查ONU上报的信息。
+ Args:
+ wlMode (WhitelistMode): 要增加到哪个白名单
+ sn (str): ONU的SN,加白名单所需的信息会自动去查
+ onuid (int or None): 指定onuid,不指定自动分配。默认None,自动分配。
+ """
+ # 物理授权
+ # phy-id / phy-id + psw
+ # 逻辑授权
+ # log-id / log-id + psw
+ # 密码授权
+ # psw
+ validate_type('wlMode', wlMode, WhitelistMode)
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ if onuId != None:
+ validate_type('onuid', onuId, int)
+ # 配置所需的LogicId/Pwd, PhyId/Phy
+ onuDetailInfo = None
+ onuInfos = self.get_discovery()
+ for onuInfo in onuInfos:
+ if onuInfo['PhyId'] == sn:
+ onuDetailInfo = onuInfo
+ break
+ if onuDetailInfo == None:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('未查到该ONU信息,无法进行有效配置')
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ if wlMode == WhitelistMode.phyid:
+ if onuId == None:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add phy-id %s' % (onuDetailInfo['PhyId']))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add phy-id %s onuid %s' % (onuDetailInfo['PhyId'], onuId))
+ if not self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, onuDetailInfo['PhyId']):
+ raise RuntimeWarning("白名单添加失败")
+ if wlMode == WhitelistMode.phyid_psw:
+ if onuId == None:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add phy-id %s checkcode %s' % (onuDetailInfo['PhyId'], onuDetailInfo['PhyPwd']))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add phy-id %s checkcode %s onuid %s' % (onuDetailInfo['PhyId'], onuDetailInfo['PhyPwd'], onuId))
+ if not self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, onuDetailInfo['PhyId']):
+ raise RuntimeWarning("白名单添加失败")
+ if wlMode == WhitelistMode.logid:
+ if onuId == None:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add logic-id %s' % (onuDetailInfo['LogicId']))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add logic-id %s onuid %s' % (onuDetailInfo['LogicId'], onuId))
+ if not self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, onuDetailInfo['LogicId']):
+ raise RuntimeWarning("白名单添加失败")
+ if wlMode == WhitelistMode.logid_psw:
+ if onuId == None:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add logic-id %s checkcode %s' % (onuDetailInfo['LogicId'], onuDetailInfo['LogicPwd']))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add logic-id %s checkcode %s onuid %s' % (onuDetailInfo['LogicId'], onuDetailInfo['LogicPwd'], onuId))
+ if not self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, onuDetailInfo['LogicId']):
+ raise RuntimeWarning("白名单添加失败")
+ if wlMode == WhitelistMode.password:
+ if onuId == None:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add password %s' % (onuDetailInfo['PhyPwd']))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('whitelist add password %s onuid %s' % (onuDetailInfo['PhyPwd'], onuId))
+ if not self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, onuDetailInfo['PhyPwd']):
+ raise RuntimeWarning("白名单添加失败")
+ def del_whitelist(self, wlMode, id):
+ """从指定白名单里删除指定的ONU
+ Args:
+ wlMode (Whitelist): 要从哪个白名单里面删除
+ id (str): ONU的phyId、logId或passwd
+ """
+ validate_type('wlMode', wlMode, WhitelistMode)
+ validate_type('sn', id, str)
+ if not self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, id):
+ return
+ onuInfos = self.get_whitelist(wlMode)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ for onuInfo in onuInfos:
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.phyid, WhitelistMode.phyid_psw ] and id == onuInfo['Phy-ID']:
+ conn.run_cmd('no whitelist phy-id %s %s %s' % (onuInfo['Slot'], onuInfo['Pon'], id))
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.logid, WhitelistMode.logid_psw ] and id == onuInfo['Logic-Id']:
+ conn.run_cmd('no whitelist logic-id %s %s %s' % (onuInfo['Slot'], onuInfo['Pon'], onuInfo['Logic-Id']))
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.password ] and id == onuInfo['Phy-Pwd']:
+ conn.run_cmd('no whitelist password %s %s %s' % (onuInfo['Slot'], onuInfo['Pon'], onuInfo['Phy-Pwd']))
+ if self.is_in_whitelist(wlMode, id):
+ raise RuntimeWarning('删除指定白名单中的ONU失败')
+ def del_from_whitelist(self, id):
+ """将指定的ONU从白名单中移除
+ Args:
+ id (str): ONU的phyId、logId或passwd
+ """
+ for wlMode in WhitelistMode:
+ self.del_whitelist(wlMode, id)
+ def get_auto_discover(self, slot, port):
+ """获取ONU自动发现设置。等同于执行show onu auto-discover。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ Returns:
+ list : 返回(slot, portNo, status, agingTime)元组组成的列表
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu auto-discover 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ return extract_auto_discover(result)
+ def get_pon_auto_discover(self, slot, port):
+ """获取指定槽位号和端口下的ONU自动发现设置。等同于执行show onu auto-discover。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ portNo (int): 端口号
+ Returns:
+ tuple: (status, agingTime)元组
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu auto-discover')
+ return extract_pon_auto_discover(result)
+ def set_auto_discover(self, where, status, agingTime):
+ """设置ONU自动发现时间。等同于执行onu auto-discover命令。
+ Args:
+ where (str): 或者'all'
+ status (str): enable或者disable
+ agingTime (int): 发现时间
+ """
+ validate_type('where', where, str)
+ validate_type('status', status, str)
+ validate_type('agingTime', agingTime, int)
+ validate_int_range(agingTime, 0, 3600)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('onu auto-discover %s %s %s' % (where, status, agingTime))
+ def set_pon_auto_discover(self, slot, port, status, agingTime):
+ """设置指定槽位号、端口号下的ONU自动发现设置。等同于执行onu auto-discover命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ status (str): enable或者disable
+ agingTime (int): 发现时间
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ validate_type('status', status, str)
+ validate_type('agingTime', agingTime, int)
+ validate_int_range('agingTime', 0, 3600)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu auto-discover %s %s' % (status, agingTime))
+ def get_discovery(self):
+ """查询自动发现的ONU。等同于执行show discovery命令。
+ Returns:
+ list: 返回自动发现的ONU信息列表
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show discovery')
+ ret = extract_discovery(result)
+ return ret
+ def get_pon_discovered(self, slot, port):
+ """查询自动发现的ONU。等同于执行show onu discovered命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ Returns:
+ list: 返回自动发现的ONU信息列表
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu discovered')
+ ret = extract_discovery(result)
+ return ret
+ def get_manage_vlan(self, name = None):
+ """获取所有管理VLAN。等同于执行show manage-vlan all命令
+ Args:
+ name (str, optional): 要查询的管理VLAN名称。如果为None,则返回所有管理VLAN。默认为None。
+ Returns:
+ list或dict: 包含管理VLAN信息字典的列表,或指定VLAN信息的字典。
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show manage-vlan all')
+ vlanList = extract_manage_vlan(result)
+ if name == None:
+ return vlanList
+ else:
+ for vlan in vlanList:
+ if vlan['Manage name'] == name:
+ return vlan
+ raise RuntimeWarning('未找到%s名称的管理VLAN信息' % name)
+ def set_auth_mode(self, slot, port, mode):
+ """设置指定端口的授权模式。等同于执行port authentication-mode命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ mode (AuthMode): 授权模式
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ validate_type('mode', mode, AuthMode)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('port authentication-mode 1/%s/%s mode %s' % (slot, port, mode.value))
+ assert self.get_auth_mode(slot, port) == mode
+ def get_auth_mode(self, slot = None, port = None):
+ """获取指定端口的授权模式。等同于执行show port authentication-mode命令
+ Args:
+ slot (int, optional): 槽位号。默认None,获取所有端口的授权信息。
+ port (int, optional): 端口号。默认None,获取所有端口的授权信息。
+ Returns:
+ dict或AuthMode: 获取所有授权信息时,返回(slot, port)为键,AuthMode为值的字典。获取个别端口端口的授权模式时,返回AuthMode。
+ """
+ if (slot, port) != (None, None):
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ if (slot, port) == (None, None):
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show port authentication-mode all')
+ return extract_port_authentication_mode(result)
+ else:
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show port authentication-mode select 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ dictRet = extract_port_authentication_mode(result)
+ return dictRet[slot, port]
+ def set_dhcp_option(self, option, enable=True):
+ """设置DHCP选项开关。等同于执行dhcp option18/option37/option82/patch命令。
+ Args:
+ option (DhcpOption): dhcp option选项
+ enable (bool, optional): 是否打开。默认为True,打开。
+ """
+ validate_type('option', option, DhcpOption)
+ validate_type('enable', enable, bool)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('dhcp %s %s' % (option.value, bool_to_str(enable)))
+ def get_dhcp_option(self):
+ """获取dhcp选项开关状态。等同于执行show dhcp state命令。
+ Return:
+ dict, 包含dhcp状态信息的字典。
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show dhcp state')
+ ret = extract_dhcp_state(result)
+ return ret
+ def set_pppoe_plus(self, enable=True):
+ """设置PPPoE+选项状态。等同于执行pppoe-plus enable/disable命令。
+ Args:
+ enable (bool, optional): 默认为True,打开PPPoE+开关。
+ """
+ validate_type('enable', enable, bool)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('pppoe-plus %s' % bool_to_str(enable))
+ def get_pppoe_plus(self):
+ """获取PPPoE+选项状态。等同于执行show pppoe-plus state命令。
+ return:
+ bool: True使能, False未使能。
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show pppoe-plus state')
+ ret = extract_pppoe_plus(result)
+ return str_to_bool(ret['PPPoE+'])
+ def get_onu_sn(self, slot, port, onuId):
+ """给定ONUID,查找其SN号。等同于执行show authorization,从里面查找对应关系。
+ Args:
+ slot(int): 槽位号
+ port(int): 端口号
+ onuId (int): ONU ID
+ Return:
+ str: 找到,返回ONU SN;没找到,返回None。
+ """
+ validate_type('onuId', onuId, int)
+ authList = self.get_authorization()
+ for info in authList:
+ if info['Onu'] == onuId and info['Slot'] == slot and info['Pon'] == port:
+ return info['PhyId']
+ return None
+ def get_onu_id(self, sn):
+ """给定SN,查找ONUID。等同于执行show authorization,从里面查找对应关系。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): onu sn
+ Return:
+ int : 找到返回ONU ID, 没找到,返回None。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ authList = self.get_authorization()
+ for info in authList:
+ if info['PhyId'] == sn:
+ return info['Onu']
+ return None
+ def set_onu_port_vlan_tls(self, sn, eth, index, tls):
+ """设置ONU Port Vlan TLS特性
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): ONU 端口号
+ index (int): ONU Service 索引号
+ tls (bool): 是否启用tls,True,启用,False,不启用
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ validate_type('index', index, int)
+ validate_type('tls', tls, bool)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu port vlan %s eth %s service %s tls %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, index, bool_to_str(tls)))
+ def get_onu_port_vlan(self, sn):
+ """读取ONU的Port Vlan业务设置。等同于执行命令show onu port vlan。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): 要显示的ONU的SN
+ Return:
+ list : 元组列表。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu port vlan %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ ret = extract_onu_port_vlan(result)
+ return ret
+ def get_onu_port_status(self, sn):
+ """获取ONU端口状态。等同于执行命令show onu port status。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ Returns:
+ list: 端口状态列表
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ if not self.is_onu_online(sn):
+ raise RuntimeWarning('无法查询离线状态下的ONU端口状态')
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('terminal length 0')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu port status %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ ret = extract_onu_port_status(result)
+ return ret
+ def clear_onu_port_vlan(self, sn, eth='all'):
+ """清理指定ONUID下的Port Vlan设置。等同于执行no onu port vlan命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (str或int): 要清理的网口
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ if eth != 'all':
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ if eth == 'all':
+ if not self.is_onu_online(sn):
+ raise RuntimeWarning('ONU不在线,无法查询其端口数')
+ ethCount = len(self.get_onu_port_status(sn)['PORT'])
+ for eth in range(1, ethCount + 1):
+ conn.run_cmd('no onu port vlan %s eth %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('no onu port vlan %s eth %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth))
+ def get_onu_port_vlan_service_count(self, sn, eth):
+ """获取ONU Port VLAN业务个数。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 要获取的ONU对应的网口
+ Returns:
+ int: 返回业务个数
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ portVlanList = self.get_onu_port_vlan(sn)
+ def filterEth(item):
+ if item['PORT'] == eth:
+ return True
+ return False
+ i = 0
+ for _ in filter(filterEth, portVlanList):
+ i = i + 1
+ return i
+ def set_onu_port_vlan_service_count(self, sn, eth, count):
+ """设置ONU Port VLAN业务个数。等同于执行onu port vlan命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 要设置的ONU对应的网口
+ count (int): 要设置的业务个数
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth , int)
+ validate_type('count', count, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu port vlan %s eth %s service count %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, count))
+ def set_onu_port_vlan_service_type(self, sn, eth, index, type):
+ """"设置ONU Port VLAN业务类型。等同于执行onu port vlan命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 网口的索引值,从1开始。
+ index (int): 业务的索引值,从1开始。
+ type (str): unicast,表示单播; multicast,表示多播。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ validate_type('index', index, int)
+ validate_type('type', type, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu port vlan %s eth %s service %s type %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, index, type))
+ def set_onu_port_vlan_service_vlan(self, sn, eth, index, rule):
+ """设置ONU Port Vlan业务
+ 设置方法示例:
+ setONUPortVlanServiceVlan('FHTT000aae64', 1, 1, ('tag', 0, 33024, 1000))
+ setONUPortVlanServiceVlan('FHTT000aae64', 1, 1, ('transparent', 0, 33024, 1000))
+ setONUPortVlanServiceVlan('FHTT000aae64', 1, 1, ('translate', 'enable', 0, 33024, 1000))
+ setONUPortVlanServiceVlan('FHTT000aae64', 1, 1, ('translate', 'disable', 0, 33024, 1000))
+ setONUPortVlanServiceVlan('FHTT000aae64', 1, 1, ('qinq', 'enable', 0, 33024, 1000, 'qinqClsProfile', 'serviceProfile'))
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 网口的索引值,从1开始。
+ index (int): 业务的索引值,从1开始。
+ rule (tuple): LAN业务参数, 以元组的方式提供。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ validate_type('index', index, int)
+ validate_type('rule', rule, tuple)
+ # pvlan格式化模板
+ pvlanFormat = '%s priority %s vid %s'
+ # tag格式化模板
+ tagFormat = '%s priority %s tpid %s vid %s'
+ # translate格式化模板
+ translateEnableFormat = '%s %s priority %s tpid %s vid %s'
+ translateDisableFormat = '%s %s'
+ # transparent格式化模板
+ transparentFormat = '%s priority %s tpid %s vid %s'
+ # qinq格式化模板
+ qinqEnableFormat = '%s %s priority %s tpid %s vid %s %s %s'
+ qinqDisableFormat = '%s %s'
+ mode = rule[0]
+ if mode == 'pvlan':
+ ruleString = pvlanFormat % rule
+ elif mode == 'tag':
+ ruleString = tagFormat % rule
+ elif mode == 'translate':
+ if rule[1] == 'enable':
+ ruleString = translateEnableFormat % rule
+ else:
+ assert rule[1] == 'disable'
+ ruleString = translateDisableFormat % rule
+ elif mode == 'transparent':
+ ruleString = transparentFormat % rule
+ elif mode == 'qinq':
+ if rule[1] == 'enable':
+ ruleString = qinqEnableFormat % rule
+ else:
+ assert rule[1] == 'disable'
+ ruleString = qinqDisableFormat % rule
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('未知VLAN设置参数:%s' % str(rule))
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu port vlan %s eth %s service %s %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, index, ruleString))
+ def del_onu_port_vlan_service(self, sn, eth, index):
+ """删除指定ONU下面指定网口的指定业务
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 要删除的网口
+ index (int): 要删除的业务ID
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ validate_type('index', index, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('no onu port vlan %s eth %s service %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, index))
+ def set_onu_port_vlan_service_classification(self, sn, eth, index, ruleList):
+ """设置ONU端口业务区分规则
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 网口的索引值,从1开始。
+ index (int): 业务的索引值,从1开始。
+ ruleList(list): 规则清单, (类型,操作,值,方向)元组组成的列表
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ validate_type('index', index, int)
+ validate_type('ruleList', ruleList, list)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ for rule in ruleList:
+ type_, op_, value_, direction_ = rule
+ cmd2run = 'onu port vlan %s eth %s service %s %s %s %s %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, index, direction_.value, type_.value, value_, op_.value)
+ conn.run_cmd(cmd2run)
+ def set_igmp_vlan(self, vlan):
+ """设置组播VLAN。等同于执行igmp vlan命令
+ Args:
+ vlan (int或str): VLAN ID。str类型的会自动转换为int类型。
+ """
+ if type(vlan) == str:
+ vlan = value(vlan)
+ validate_type('vlan', vlan, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('igmp')
+ conn.run_cmd('igmp vlan %s' % vlan)
+ def get_igmp_vlan(self, vlan):
+ """获取组播VLAN设置。等同于执行命令show igmp vlan。
+ Args:
+ vlan (int或str): 要查询的组播VLAN ID。
+ Returns:
+ dict: 组播VLAN信息字典。
+ """
+ if type(vlan) == str:
+ vlan = value(vlan)
+ validate_type('vlan', vlan, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('igmp')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show igmp vlan %s' % vlan)
+ return extract_igmp_vlan(result)
+ def set_igmp_mode(self, mode):
+ """设置组播模式。等同于执行命令igmp mode。
+ Args:
+ mode (IGMPMode或str): 要设置的组播模式。str类型的参数会自动转换为IGMPMode类型。
+ """
+ #做一次转换
+ if type(mode) == str:
+ mode = IGMPMode(mode)
+ validate_type('mode', mode, IGMPMode)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('igmp')
+ conn.run_cmd('igmp mode %s' % mode.value)
+ ret = self.get_igmp_mode()
+ try:
+ if ret['IGMP/MLD Mode'] != mode.value:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('设置%s组播模式失败' % mode.value)
+ except KeyError as ke:
+ logging.getLogger().error(ret)
+ raise RuntimeWarning('验证组播模式设置是否成功时,出现异常,无法IGMP/MLD Mode项')
+ def get_igmp_mode(self):
+ """获取组播模式信息。等同于执行命令show igmp mode。
+ Return:
+ dict: 包含组播模式信息的字典。
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('igmp')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show igmp mode')
+ ret = extract_igmp_mode_info(result)
+ return ret
+ def set_port_vlan(self, vlan, tag=None, slot=None, port=None):
+ """设置上联口端口VLAN。如果已经设置了某个VLAN,需要先删除再设置,否则会失败。等同于执行port vlan命令。
+ Args:
+ vlan (str或int): 要设置的VLAN范围。如,1000,或1000 to 2000.
+ tag (str): tag,数据出去时不剥离标签; untag,数据出去时剥离标签。
+ slot (int): 要设置的槽位号。如,9。不指定,则设置所有端口
+ port (str): 要设置的端口号。如,'2',或'2, 3'。不指定,则设置所有端口
+ """
+ vlan = str(vlan)
+ validate_type('vlan', vlan, str)
+ validate_type('tag', tag, str)
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ if slot == None and port == None and tag == None:
+ conn.run_cmd('port vlan %s allslot' % (vlan))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('port vlan %s %s 1/%s %s' % (vlan, tag, slot, port))
+ def get_port_vlan(self, slot, port):
+ """查询指定槽位和端口的Port VLAN信息。等同于执行show port vlan命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 要查的槽位号。
+ port (int): 要查的端口号。
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含VLAN信息的元组列表。
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show port vlan 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ return extract_port_vlan(result)
+ def del_port_vlan(self, vlan, slot, port):
+ """删除上联口端口VLAN。等同于执行no port vlan命令。
+ Args:
+ vlan (str): 要删除的VLAN范围。如,1000,或1000 to 2000.
+ slot (int): 要设置的槽位号。如,9
+ port (str): 要设置的端口号。如,'2',或'2, 3'。
+ """
+ validate_type('vlan', vlan, str)
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ try:
+ conn.run_cmd('no port vlan %s 1/%s %s' % (vlan, slot, port))
+ except RuntimeWarning as rw:
+ logging.getLogger().debug('不存在该Port VLAN配置')
+ def set_onu_wan_cfg(self, **kargs):
+ """配置ONU WAN设置。等同于执行onu wan-cfg命令。
+ Args:
+ onuid (int): 要设置的ONU ID
+ index (int): 要设置的wan cfg的index
+ mode (WanMode): 要设置的wan模式
+ type (WanType): 要设置的wan类型
+ wvid (int): WAN VLAN ID
+ wcos (int): WAN COS
+ nat (str): 是否使能NAT,enable使能,disable去使能
+ qos (str): 是否使能QoS,enable使能,disable去使能
+ vlanmode (str, optional): 支持tag和transparent
+ tvlan (str, optional): 是否翻译VLAN,enable翻译,disable不翻译
+ tvid (int, optional): TVLAN ID
+ tcos (int, optional): TVLAN COS
+ qinq (str, optional): 是否使能QinQ, enable使能,disable去使能
+ stpid (int, optional): QinQ设置中的SVLAN的TPID
+ svlan (int, optional): QinQ设置中的SVLAN ID
+ scos (int, optional): QinQ设置中的SVLAN的COS
+ dsp (DSPMode): DSP模式
+ remoteid (str, optional): DSP模式为dhcp-remoteid时,指定的remoteid
+ ip (str, optional): DSP模式为static时,指定的ip地址
+ mask (str, optional): DSP模式为static时,指定的mask
+ gate (str, optional): DSP模式为static时,指定的gateway
+ master (str, optional): DSP模式为static时,指定的主DNS
+ slave (str, optional): DSP模式为static时,指定的从DNS
+ proxy (str, optional): PPPoE模式下,是否使能代理模式,enable使能,disable去使能
+ username (str, optional): PPPoE模式下,鉴权的账号名
+ password (str, optional): PPPoE模式下,鉴权的密码
+ servername (str, optional): PPPoE模式下,PPPoE服务名
+ pppoemode (PPPoEMode, optional): PPPoE模式下,PPPoE模式,支持auto/payload/manual三种
+ active (str, optional): 是否active,enable使能,disable去使能
+ servicetype (int, optional): 业务类型
+ upnp (str, optional): 是否使能uPnP功能,enable使能,disable去使能
+ fe (list, optional): 要绑定的网口。字符串列表形式提供,如,['fe1', 'fe2']
+ ssid (str, optional): 要绑定的SSID。字符串列表形式提供,如,['ssid1', 'ssid2']
+ """
+ validate_key(kargs, 'onuId', int)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'index', int)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'mode', WanMode)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'type', WanType)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'wvid', int)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'wcos', int)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'nat', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'qos', str)
+ wanCfgCMDPart1 = 'onu wan-cfg %s index %s mode %s type %s %s %s nat %s qos %s ' % \
+ (
+ kargs['onuId'],
+ kargs['index'],
+ kargs['mode'].value,
+ kargs['type'].value,
+ kargs['wvid'],
+ kargs['wcos'],
+ kargs['nat'],
+ kargs['qos']
+ )
+ wanCfgCMDPart2 = ' '
+ if 'vlanmode' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_key(kargs, 'vlanmode', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'tvlan', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'tvid', int)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'tcos', int)
+ wanCfgCMDPart2 = 'vlanmode %s tvlan %s %s %s ' % \
+ (
+ kargs['vlanmode'],
+ kargs['tvlan'],
+ kargs['tvid'],
+ kargs['tcos']
+ )
+ if 'qinq' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_key(kargs, 'qinq', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'stpid', int)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'svlan', int)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'scos', int)
+ wanCfgCMDPart2 = 'qinq %s %s %s %s ' % \
+ (
+ kargs['qinq'],
+ kargs['stpid'],
+ kargs['svlan'],
+ kargs['scos']
+ )
+ wanCfgCMDPart3 = ' '
+ validate_key(kargs, 'dsp', DSPMode)
+ if kargs['dsp'] == DSPMode.pppoe:
+ validate_key(kargs, 'proxy', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'username', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'password', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'servername', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'pppoemode', PPPoEMode)
+ wanCfgCMDPart3 = 'dsp %s proxy %s %s %s %s %s ' % \
+ (
+ kargs['dsp'].value,
+ kargs['proxy'],
+ kargs['username'],
+ kargs['password'],
+ kargs['servername'],
+ kargs['pppoemode'].value
+ )
+ elif kargs['dsp'] == DSPMode.dhcp:
+ pass
+ elif kargs['dsp'] == DSPMode.dhcp_remoteid:
+ validate_key(kargs, 'remoteid', str)
+ wanCfgCMDPart3 = 'dsp %s %s ' % \
+ (
+ kargs['dsp'].value,
+ kargs['remoteid']
+ )
+ elif kargs['dsp'] == DSPMode.static:
+ validate_key(kargs, 'ip', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'mask', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'gate', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'master', str)
+ validate_key(kargs, 'slave', str)
+ wanCfgCMDPart3 = 'dsp %s ip %s mask %s gate %s master %s slave %s ' % \
+ (
+ kargs['dsp'].value,
+ kargs['ip'],
+ kargs['mask'],
+ kargs['gate'],
+ kargs['master'],
+ kargs['slave']
+ )
+ else:
+ pass
+ wanCfgCMDPart4 = ' '
+ if 'active' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_type('active', kargs['active'], str)
+ wanCfgCMDPart4 = wanCfgCMDPart4 + 'active %s ' % kargs['active']
+ if 'servicetype' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_type('servicetype', kargs['servicetype'], int)
+ wanCfgCMDPart4 = wanCfgCMDPart4 + 'service-type %s ' % kargs['servicetype']
+ if 'upnp' in kargs.keys():
+ validate_type('upnp', kargs['upnp'], str)
+ wanCfgCMDPart4 = wanCfgCMDPart4 + 'upnp_switch %s ' % kargs['upnp']
+ if 'fe' in kargs.keys() or 'ssid' in kargs.keys():
+ if 'fe' not in kargs.keys():
+ kargs['fe'] = [ ]
+ if 'ssid' not in kargs.keys():
+ kargs['ssid'] = [ ]
+ wanCfgCMDPart4 = 'entries %s %s %s' % (
+ len(kargs['fe']) + len(kargs['ssid']),
+ list_to_str(kargs['fe']),
+ list_to_str(kargs['ssid']),
+ )
+ cmd2Run = wanCfgCMDPart1 + wanCfgCMDPart2 + wanCfgCMDPart3 + wanCfgCMDPart4
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(kargs['onuId']))
+ conn.run_cmd(cmd2Run)
+ def get_onu_wan_cfg(self, sn, index):
+ """读取指定ONU ID和WAN INDEX的配置。等同于执行命令show onu wan-cfg。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ index (int): 要获取的WAN index
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含配置信息的字典。字典的键名参考setONUWanCfg
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('index', index, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu wan-cfg %s index %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), index))
+ return extract_wan_cfg(result)
+ def del_onu_wan_cfg(self, sn, index):
+ """删除指定的ONU WAN配置。等同于执行命令no onu wan-cfg。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): 要删除的ONU SN
+ index (int): 要删除的WAN index
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('index', index, int)
+ # 检查要删除的wan配置是否存在
+ wanCfgRet = self.get_onu_wan_cfg(sn, index)
+ if None == wanCfgRet:
+ return
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ wanCfg = wanCfgRet.copy()
+ if len(wanCfg['fe']) != '0':
+ wanCfg['fe'] = [ ]
+ if len(wanCfg['ssid']) != '0':
+ wanCfg['ssid'] = [ ]
+ self.set_onu_wan_cfg(**wanCfg)
+ conn.run_cmd('no onu wan-cfg %s index %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), index))
+ def get_onu_statistics(self, sn):
+ """获取ONU统计信息。等同于执行命令show onu statistics。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含ONU统计信息的字典。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu statistics %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ return extract_onu_statistics(result)
+ def add_bandwidth_profile(self, name, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsCir, dsPir):
+ """增加Bandwidth Profile。等同于执行命令bandwidth-profile add。
+ Args:
+ name (str): Profile名称
+ usCir (int): upstream committed information rate
+ usPir (int): upstream peak information rate
+ usFir (int): upstream fix information rate
+ dsCir (int): downstream committed information rate
+ dsPir (int): downstream peak information rate
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('usCir', usCir, int)
+ validate_type('usPir', usPir, int)
+ validate_type('usFir', usFir, int)
+ validate_type('dsCir', dsCir, int)
+ validate_type('dsPir', dsPir, int)
+ # bandwidth profile name should not exist
+ assert self.query_bandwidth_profile_id_by_name(name) == None
+ # add bandwidth profile
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ # conn.run_cmd('bandwidth-profile add %s upstream cir %s pir %s fir %s downstream cir %s pir %s' % (name, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsCir, dsPir))
+ conn.run_cmd('bandwidth-profile add %s upstream-pir %s downstream-pir %s upstream-cir %s downstream-cir %s upstream-fir %s' % (name, usPir, dsPir, usCir, dsCir, usFir))
+ assert self.exist_bandwidth_profile(name, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsCir, dsPir)
+ def not_exist_bandwidth_profile(self, nameOrId):
+ """检查Bandwidth Profile是否不存在。
+ Args:
+ nameOrId (str或int): Bandwidth Profile的名称或ID
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,不存在;False,存在。
+ """
+ if type(nameOrId) != int and type(nameOrId) != str:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('非法的nameOrId类型')
+ profiles = self.get_bandwidth_profile()
+ for profile in profiles:
+ if type(nameOrId) == int and profile['Id'] == nameOrId:
+ return False
+ if type(nameOrId) == str and profile['Name'] == nameOrId:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def exist_bandwidth_profile(self, nameOrId, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsCir, dsPir):
+ """检查Bandwidth Profile是否存在。
+ Args:
+ nameOrId (str或int): Bandwidth Profile的名称或ID
+ usCir (int): upstream committed information rate
+ usPir (int): upstream peak information rate
+ usFir (int): upstream fix information rate
+ dsCir (int): downstream committed information rate
+ dsPir (int): downstream peak information rate
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,存在;False,不存在。
+ """
+ if type(nameOrId) != int and type(nameOrId) != str:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('非法的nameOrId类型')
+ validate_type('usCir', usCir, int)
+ validate_type('usPir', usPir, int)
+ validate_type('usFir', usFir, int)
+ validate_type('dsCir', dsCir, int)
+ validate_type('dsPir', dsPir, int)
+ profiles = self.get_bandwidth_profile()
+ for profile in profiles:
+ if type(nameOrId) == int and profile['Id'] == nameOrId:
+ if profile['upMin'] == usCir \
+ and profile['upMax'] == usPir \
+ and profile['upFix'] == usFir \
+ and profile['downMin'] == dsCir \
+ and profile['downMax'] == dsPir:
+ return True
+ if type(nameOrId) == str and profile['Name'] == nameOrId:
+ if profile['upMin'] == usCir \
+ and profile['upMax'] == usPir \
+ and profile['upFix'] == usFir \
+ and profile['downMin'] == dsCir \
+ and profile['downMax'] == dsPir:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def modify_bandwidth_profile(self, nameOrId, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsCir, dsPir):
+ """修改Bandwidth Profile。等同于执行bandwidth-profile modify命令。
+ Args:
+ nameOrId (str或int): Bandwidth Profile的名称或ID
+ usCir (int): upstream committed information rate
+ usPir (int): upstream peak information rate
+ usFir (int): upstream fix information rate
+ dsCir (int): downstream committed information rate
+ dsPir (int): downstream peak information rate
+ """
+ if type(nameOrId) != int and type(nameOrId) != str:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('非法的nameOrId类型')
+ validate_type('usCir', usCir, int)
+ validate_type('usPir', usPir, int)
+ validate_type('usFir', usFir, int)
+ validate_type('dsCir', dsCir, int)
+ validate_type('dsPir', dsPir, int)
+ if type(nameOrId) == int:
+ nameOrId = 'id %s' % nameOrId
+ else: # type(nameOrId) == str
+ nameOrId = 'name %s' % nameOrId
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('bandwidth-profile modify %s upstream cir %s pir %s fir %s downstream cir %s pir %s' % (nameOrId, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsCir, dsPir))
+ assert self.exist_bandwidth_profile(nameOrId, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsCir, dsPir)
+ def del_bandwidth_profile(self, nameOrId):
+ """删除Bandwidth Profile。等同于执行bandwidth-profile delete命令。
+ Args:
+ nameOrId (str或int): Bandwidth Profile的名称或ID
+ """
+ if type(nameOrId) != int and type(nameOrId) != str:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('非法的nameOrId类型')
+ prfId = None
+ if type(nameOrId) == int:
+ prfId = nameOrId
+ nameOrId = 'id %s' % nameOrId
+ else:
+ prfId = self.query_bandwidth_profile_id_by_name(nameOrId)
+ nameOrId = 'name %s' % nameOrId
+ for onu in self.get_authorization():
+ prof = self.get_onu_bandwidth_profile(onu['Onu'])
+ if prof['prfId'] == prfId:
+ self.clear_onu_bandwithd_profile(onu['Onu'])
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('bandwidth-profile delete %s' % (nameOrId))
+ assert self.not_exist_bandwidth_profile(nameOrId)
+ def get_bandwidth_profile(self, id='all'):
+ """获取指定ID的Bandwidth Profile。等同于show bandwidth-profile命令。
+ Args:
+ id (str, optional): 要获取的profile Id名称。默认为'all',即获取全部。
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含Bandwidth profile信息的列表
+ """
+ if type(id) == str:
+ assert id == 'all'
+ else:
+ assert type(id) == int
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show bandwidth-profile %s' % id)
+ ret = extract_bandwidth_profile(result)
+ return ret
+ def query_bandwidth_profile_id_by_name(self, name):
+ """根据Profile 名称查询对应的ID。
+ Args:
+ name (str): 要查询Bandwidth Profile的名称
+ Returns:
+ int: Bandwidth Profile的ID。查不到,返回None。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ allProfiles = self.get_bandwidth_profile()
+ for profile in allProfiles:
+ if profile['Name'] == name:
+ return int(profile['Id'])
+ return None
+ def clear_bandwidth_profile(self):
+ """清理所有Bandwidth Profile。
+ """
+ profiles = self.get_bandwidth_profile()
+ def delFunc(profile):
+ id = profile['Id']
+ self.del_bandwidth_profile(id)
+ run_by_thread_pool(delFunc, profiles, 5)
+ def set_onu_bandwidth_profile(self, sn, profileIdOrName):
+ """为ONU关联带宽模板。等同于执行onu bandwidth-profile命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ profileIdOrName (int或str): 带宽模板的ID或者名称
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ assert type(profileIdOrName) == int or type(profileIdOrName) == str
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ if type(profileIdOrName) == int:
+ strProfile = 'profile-id %s' % profileIdOrName
+ else:
+ strProfile = 'profile-name %s' % profileIdOrName
+ conn.run_cmd('onu bandwidth-profile %s %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), strProfile))
+ if type(profileIdOrName) == str:
+ id = self.query_bandwidth_profile_id_by_name(profileIdOrName)
+ else:
+ id = profileIdOrName
+ ret = self.get_onu_bandwidth_profile(sn)
+ try:
+ assert ret['prfId'] == id
+ except KeyError as ke:
+ logging.getLogger().error(ret)
+ raise RuntimeWarning('带宽模板关联验证失败')
+ def clear_onu_bandwithd_profile(self, sn):
+ """取消ONU带宽模板的关联。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): 要取消模板关联的ONU SN
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ self.set_onu_bandwidth_profile(sn, 0)
+ ret = self.get_onu_bandwidth_profile(sn)
+ try:
+ assert ret['prfId'] == 0
+ except KeyError as ke:
+ logging.getLogger().error(ret)
+ raise RuntimeWarning('带宽模板关联取消失败')
+ def get_onu_bandwidth_profile(self, sn):
+ """查询ONU关联的带宽模板信息。等同于执行命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): 要查询的ONU SN
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含ONU所关联带宽模板的信息。
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu bandwidth %s' % self.get_onu_id(sn))
+ ret = extract_onu_bandwidth(result)
+ ret['prfId'] = ret['prfId'] + 1
+ return ret
+ def set_onu_bandwidth(self, sn, usCir, usPir, usFir, dsPir):
+ """设置ONU带宽。等同于执行onu bandwidth命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ usCir (int): upstream committed information rate
+ usPir (int): upstream peak information rate
+ usFir (int): upstream fix information rate
+ dsPir (int): downstream peak information rate
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('usCir', usCir, int)
+ validate_type('usPir', usPir, int)
+ validate_type('usFir', usFir, int)
+ validate_type('dsPir', dsPir, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu bandwidth %s upstream-pir %s downstream-pir %s upstream-cir %s upstream-fir %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), usPir, dsPir, usCir, usFir))
+ ret = self.get_onu_bandwidth_profile(sn)
+ actualUsCir = ret['upAssureBand']
+ actualUsPir = ret['upMaxband']
+ actualUsFir = ret['upFixband']
+ actualDsPir = ret['downMaxband']
+ assert actualUsCir == usCir \
+ and actualUsPir == usPir \
+ and actualUsFir == usFir \
+ and actualDsPir == dsPir
+ def set_pon_bandwidth(self, slot, port, usPir, dsPir):
+ """设置PON口带宽。等同于执行bandwidth命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ usPir (int): 上行Pir
+ dsPir (int): 下行Pir
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ validate_type('usPir', usPir, int)
+ validate_type('dsPir', dsPir, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ if usPir != dsPir:
+ conn.run_cmd('bandwidth %s %s' % ('upstream', usPir))
+ conn.run_cmd('bandwidth %s %s' % ('downstream', dsPir))
+ else:
+ conn.run_cmd('bandwidth %s %s' % ('all', dsPir))
+ ret = self.get_pon_bandwidth(slot, port)
+ assert ret['UP'] == usPir and ret['DOWN'] == dsPir
+ def get_pon_bandwidth(self, slot, port):
+ """查询PON口带宽。等同于执行show bandwidth命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ Returns:
+ dict: 含带宽信息的字典。
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show bandwidth')
+ ret = extract_bandwidth(result)
+ return ret
+ def set_onu_port_service_bandwidth(self, sn, eth, serviceIndex, usProfileId, dsProfileId):
+ """设置端口业务带宽模板。等同于执行onu port service-bandwidth命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 端口号
+ serviceIndex (int): 业务Index
+ usProfileId (int): 上行带宽模板
+ dsProfileId (int): 下行带宽模板
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ validate_type('serviceIndex', serviceIndex, int)
+ validate_type('usProfileId', usProfileId, int)
+ validate_type('dsProfileId', dsProfileId, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu port service-bandwith %s eth %s service %s upstream-profile %s downstream-profile %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, serviceIndex, usProfileId, dsProfileId))
+ def set_onu_port_policy(self, sn, eth, usEnable, usCir, usCbs, usEbs, dsEnable, dsCir, dsPir):
+ """设置ONU端口策略。等同于执行onu port policing命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ eth (int): 网口号
+ usEnable (str): enable,使能上行策略;disable,去使能上行策略。
+ usCir (int): 上行CIR
+ usCbs (int): 上行CBS
+ usEbs (int): 上行EBS
+ dsEnable (str): enable,使能下行策略;disable,去使能下行策略。
+ dsCir (int): 下行CIR
+ dsPir (int): 下行PIR
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('eth', eth, int)
+ validate_type('usEnable', usEnable, str)
+ validate_type('usCir', usCir, int)
+ validate_type('usCbs', usCbs, int)
+ validate_type('usEbs', usEbs, int)
+ validate_type('dsEnable', dsEnable, str)
+ validate_type('dsCir', dsCir, int)
+ validate_type('dsPir', dsPir, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu port policing %s eth %s upstream %s cir %s cbs %s ebs %s downstream %s cir %s pir %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), eth, usEnable, usCir, usCbs, usEbs, dsEnable, dsCir, dsPir))
+ def set_onu_layer3_rate_limit(self, sn, wanIndex, usProfileId, dsProfileId):
+ """设置ONU三层限速。等同于执行onu layer3-ratelimit-profile命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ wanIndex (int): WAN Index
+ usProfileId (int): 上行限速模板ProfileId
+ dsProfileId (int): 下行限速模板ProfileId
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('wanIndex', wanIndex, int)
+ validate_type('usProfileId', usProfileId, int)
+ validate_type('dsProfileId', dsProfileId, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ conn.run_cmd('onu layer3-ratelimit-profile %s %s upstream-profile-id %s downstream-profile-id %s' % (self.get_onu_id(sn), wanIndex, usProfileId, dsProfileId))
+ found = False
+ profiles = self.get_onu_layer3_rate_limit(sn)
+ for profile in profiles:
+ if profile['Wan index'] == wanIndex:
+ assert profile['Up bandwidth profile id'] == usProfileId if usProfileId != -1 else 65535
+ assert profile['Down bandwidth profile id'] == dsProfileId if dsProfileId != -1 else 65535
+ found = True
+ break
+ assert found, '三层限速设置失败: %s' % profiles
+ def get_onu_layer3_rate_limit(self, sn, state=None):
+ """获取ONU 3层限速配置信息。等同于执行show onu layer3-ratelimit-profile命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU sn
+ state (str, optional): 查询哪种状态的限速. 默认为None,查询offline和online两种状态的限速信息。
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含限速信息的列表
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ if state != None:
+ validate_type('state', state, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % self.get_onu_position(sn))
+ onuId = self.get_onu_id(sn)
+ if state == None:
+ result1 = conn.run_cmd('show onu layer3-ratelimit-profile %s %s' % (onuId, 'offline'))
+ ret1 = extract_onu_layer3_rate_limit_profile(result1)
+ result2 = conn.run_cmd('show onu layer3-ratelimit-profile %s %s' % (onuId, 'online'))
+ ret2 = extract_onu_layer3_rate_limit_profile(result2)
+ ret = ret1 + ret2
+ else:
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onu layer3-ratelimit-profile %s %s' % (onuId, state))
+ ret = extract_onu_layer3_rate_limit_profile(result)
+ return ret
+ def del_onu_layer3_rate_limit(self, sn, wanIndex):
+ """删除指定ONU的三层限速。等同于执行onu layer3-ratelimit-profile命令。
+ Args:
+ sn (str): ONU SN
+ wanIndex (int): WAN Index
+ """
+ validate_type('sn', sn, str)
+ validate_type('wanIndex', wanIndex, int)
+ self.set_onu_layer3_rate_limit(sn, wanIndex, -1, -1)
+ def set_service_vlan(self, name, vlan, vlan_type):
+ """设置业务VLAN
+ Args:
+ name (str): 业务VLAN名称
+ vlan (str): 业务VLAN范围。如 1000 - 2000, 或 1000。
+ vlan_type (str): 业务VLAN类型。仅限'cnc', 'data', 'iptv', 'ngn', 'system', 'uplinksub', 'vod', 'voip'类型。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('vlan', vlan, str)
+ validate_type('type', vlan_type, str)
+ ValidTypesList = [ 'cnc', 'data', 'iptv', 'ngn', 'system', 'uplinksub', 'vod', 'voip']
+ assert vlan_type in ValidTypesList, '无效的业务VLAN类型'
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('service-vlan %s %s type %s' % (name, vlan.replace('-', ' to '), vlan_type))
+ assert self.exist_service_vlan(name, vlan, vlan_type)
+ def get_service_vlan(self):
+ """获取业务VLAN信息。等同于执行show service-vlan命令。
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含业务VLAN信息字典的列表。
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show service-vlan')
+ return extract_service_vlan(result)
+ def del_service_vlan(self, name):
+ """删除业务VLAN信息。等同于执行no service-vlan命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): 业务VLAN的名称。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ if not self.exist_service_vlan(name):
+ return
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('no service-vlan %s' % name)
+ assert not self.exist_service_vlan(name)
+ def clear_service_vlan(self):
+ """清空所有Service Vlan
+ """
+ def delFunc(info):
+ self.del_service_vlan(info['name'])
+ run_by_thread_pool(delFunc, self.get_service_vlan())
+ def exist_service_vlan(self, name, vlan_range=None, service_type=None):
+ """检查指定的业务VLAN是否存在。
+ Args:
+ name (str): 业务VLAN名称
+ vlan_range (str, optional): 业务VLAN的范围. 默认为None,不指定要检查的范围。
+ service_type (str, optional): 业务VLAN的类型. 默认为None,不指定要检查的业务类型。
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,所指定的业务VLAN,VLAN范围和类型存在; False,不存在。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ if vlan_range != None:
+ validate_type('vlan', vlan_range, str)
+ if service_type != None:
+ validate_type('type', service_type, str)
+ svlanList = self.get_service_vlan()
+ for svlanDict in svlanList:
+ if svlanDict['name'] == name:
+ if vlan_range != None:
+ expectedVlanList = re.split('\s*[~-]\s*', vlan_range)
+ actualVlanList = re.split('\s*[~-]\s*', str(svlanDict['vlan range']))
+ if expectedVlanList != actualVlanList:
+ return False
+ else:
+ if service_type == None:
+ return True
+ else:
+ if service_type == svlanDict['type']:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def add_onu_qinq_classification_profile(self, name, fieldValueOpList):
+ """新增onuqinq-classfication-profile。
+ Args:
+ name (str): Profile名称
+ fieldValueOpList (list): (field, value, op)元组列表。如,[(0, '000000000000', 4)]。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('fieldValueOpList', fieldValueOpList, list)
+ if self.exist_onu_qinq_classification_profile(name):
+ logging.getLogger().warning('名为%s的onuqinq-classification-profile已经存在,将会覆盖它' % name)
+ self._add_or_modify_onu_qinq_classification_profile(name, fieldValueOpList, op='add')
+ def modify_onu_qinq_classification_profile(self, name, fieldValueOpList):
+ """修改onuqinq-classfication-profile。
+ Args:
+ name (str): Profile名称
+ fieldValueOpList (list): (field, value, op)元组列表。如,[(0, '000000000000', 4)]。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('fieldValueOpList', fieldValueOpList, list)
+ assert self.exist_onu_qinq_classification_profile(name)
+ self._add_or_modify_onu_qinq_classification_profile(name, fieldValueOpList, op='modify')
+ def _add_or_modify_onu_qinq_classification_profile(self, name, fieldValueOpList, op='add'):
+ """增加或修改onuqinq-classfication-profile。
+ Args:
+ name (str): Profile名称
+ fieldValueOpList (list): (field, value, op)元组列表。如,[(0, '000000000000', 4)]。
+ op (str, optional): 默认为'add',增加。还可以为'modify'。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('fieldValueOpList', fieldValueOpList, list)
+ validate_type('op', op, str)
+ fieldValueOpStr = ''
+ for param in fieldValueOpList:
+ fieldValueOpStr = fieldValueOpStr + ' %s %s %s' % param
+ fieldValueOpStr = fieldValueOpStr.strip()
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('onuqinq-classification-profile %s %s %s' % (op, name, fieldValueOpStr))
+ assert self.exist_onu_qinq_classification_profile(name)
+ def get_onu_qinq_classification_profile(self, name=None):
+ """查询onuqinq-classfication-profile。等同于执行show onuqinq-classification-profile命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): 要查询Profile的名称
+ Returns:
+ list: 包含Profile信息字典的列表
+ """
+ if name != None:
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ if name:
+ cmdStr = 'name %s' % name
+ else:
+ cmdStr = 'all'
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show onuqinq-classification-profile %s' % cmdStr)
+ ret = extract_onu_qinq_classification_profile(result)
+ return ret
+ def del_onu_qinq_classification_profile(self, name):
+ """删除onuqinq-classfication-profile。等同于执行命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): 要删除的Profile的名称
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ if not self.exist_onu_qinq_classification_profile(name):
+ return
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('onuqinq-classification-profile delete %s' % name)
+ assert not self.exist_onu_qinq_classification_profile(name)
+ def exist_onu_qinq_classification_profile(self, name):
+ """检查onuqinq-classfication-profile的是否存在。
+ Args:
+ name (str): Profile名称。
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,存在;False,不存在。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ profiles = self.get_onu_qinq_classification_profile()
+ for profile in profiles:
+ if profile['name'] == name:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def add_olt_qinq_domain(self, name):
+ """新增oltqinq-domain。等同于执行oltqinq-domain add命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): oltqinq-domain的名称。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('oltqinq-domain add %s' % name)
+ # verify set successfully
+ assert self.exist_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ def get_olt_qinq_domain(self, nameOrIndex):
+ """获取oltqinq-domain。等同于执行命令。
+ Args:
+ nameOrIndex (str或int): 要获取oltqinq-domain的名称。
+ Returns:
+ dict: 包含oltqinq-domain信息的字典。
+ """
+ assert type(nameOrIndex) == str or type(nameOrIndex) == int, "nameOrIndex只接受str或int类型"
+ if type(nameOrIndex) == str and not nameOrIndex.isdigit():
+ strCmdArgs = nameOrIndex
+ else:
+ strCmdArgs = "index %s" % nameOrIndex
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show oltqinq-domain %s' % strCmdArgs)
+ return extract_olt_qinq_domain(result)
+ def exist_olt_qinq_domain(self, name):
+ """检查指定的oltqinq-domain是否存在。
+ Args:
+ name (str): 要检查的oltqinq-domain域的名称。
+ Return:
+ bool: True,存在;False,不存在。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ profile = self.get_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ if profile == None:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_olt_qinq_domain_service_count(self, name, count):
+ """设置oltqinq-domain服务数量。等同于执行oltqinq-domain modify命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): 要设置的oltqinq-domain。
+ count (int): 服务的数量。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('count', count, int)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('oltqinq-domain modify %s service-count %s' % (name, count))
+ # verify
+ profile = self.get_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ assert len(profile['services']) == count
+ def set_olt_qinq_domain_service_type(self, name, serviceIndex, type):
+ """设置oltqinq-domian业务类型。等同执行oltqinq-domain modify命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): oltqinq-domain域名称
+ serviceIndex (int): 业务的索引号
+ type (str): 业务的类型。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('serviceIndex', serviceIndex, int)
+ validate_type('type', type, str)
+ profile = self.get_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ assert profile != None, "oltqinq-domain不存在"
+ assert serviceIndex <= profile['count'], "业务索引号(%s)超出范围, 仅有%s条业务。" % (serviceIndex, profile['count'])
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('oltqinq-domain modify %s service %s type %s' % (name, serviceIndex, type))
+ profile = self.get_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ for service in profile['services']:
+ if service['no'] == serviceIndex and service['type'] == type:
+ return
+ raise RuntimeWarning('设置oltqinq-domian业务类型失败')
+ def del_olt_qinq_domain(self, name):
+ """删除oltqinq-domian域。
+ Args:
+ name (str): oltqinq-domain域名称。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ if not self.exist_olt_qinq_domain(name):
+ return
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('oltqinq-domain delete %s' % name)
+ # verify
+ assert not self.exist_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ def set_olt_qinq_domain_stream_rules(self, name, serviceIndex, stream, ruleList):
+ """设置oltqinq-domian上下行流识别规则。等同于执行oltqinq-domain命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): oltqinq-domian域名称
+ serviceIndex (int): 业务索引号
+ stream (str): 上行流还是下行流。上行,upstream;下行,downstream
+ ruleList (list): (field-id, value, condition)形式的元组列表
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('serviceIndex', serviceIndex, int)
+ validate_type('stream', stream, str)
+ validate_type('ruleList', ruleList, list)
+ # 将元组列表转换为字符串
+ strRule = list_to_str(ruleList, 'field-id %s value %s condition %s')
+ # 执行命令
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('oltqinq-domain %s service %s classification %s %s' % (name, serviceIndex, stream, strRule))
+ # 验证
+ profile = self.get_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ serviceEntry = None
+ for service in profile['services']:
+ if service['no'] == serviceIndex:
+ serviceEntry = service
+ break
+ assert serviceEntry != None
+ streamRules = serviceEntry['rule'][stream]
+ for fvo, rule in zip(ruleList, streamRules):
+ assert fvo == rule, '%s != %s' % (fvo, rule)
+ def set_olt_qinq_domain_stream_vlan(self, name, serviceIndex, vlanRuleList):
+ """设置oltqinq-domian VLAN规则。等同于执行oltqinq-domain命令。
+ Args:
+ name (str): oltqinq-domain域名称
+ serviceIndex (int): 业务类型
+ vlanRuleList (list): vlan规则的元组列表。如,[(1, 'null', 'null', 'transparent', '33024', 'null', 'null')]。几个参数分别对应vlan层数,用户vid,用户cos,动作,目标tpid,目标cos和目标vid。
+ """
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ validate_type('serviceIndex', serviceIndex, int)
+ validate_type('vlanRuleList', vlanRuleList, list)
+ # 将规则列表转换为字符串
+ strVlanRule = list_to_str(vlanRuleList, 'vlan %s user-vlanid %s user-cos %s %s tpid %s cos %s vlanid %s')
+ # run command
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('oltqinq-domain %s service %s %s' % (name, serviceIndex, strVlanRule))
+ # verify
+ profile = self.get_olt_qinq_domain(name)
+ serviceEntry = None
+ for service in profile['services']:
+ if service['no'] == serviceIndex:
+ serviceEntry = service
+ break
+ assert serviceEntry != None
+ vlanRules = serviceEntry['vlan']
+ for rule, vlanRule in zip(vlanRuleList, vlanRules):
+ assert rule == vlanRule, '%s != %s' % (rule, vlanRule)
+ def bound_olt_qinq_domain(self, slot, port, name):
+ """绑定oltqinq-domain域。等同于执行oltqinq-domain命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 要绑定的槽位号
+ port (int): 要绑定的端口号
+ name (str): 要绑定的QinQ域的名称
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ conn.run_cmd('oltqinq-domain %s' % name)
+ def unbound_olt_qinq_domain(self, slot, port, name):
+ """取消绑定oltqinq-domain。等同于执行no oltqinq-domain命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 要取消绑定的槽位号
+ port (int): 要取消绑定的端口号
+ name (str): 要取消绑定的QinQ域的名称
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ if not self.is_olt_qinq_domain_bound(slot, port, name):
+ return
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ conn.run_cmd('no oltqinq-domain %s' % name)
+ def is_olt_qinq_domain_bound(self, slot, port, name):
+ """检查指定oltqinq-domain是否绑定。等同于执行show oltqinq-domain bound-info命令。
+ Args:
+ slot (int): 槽位号
+ port (int): 端口号
+ name (str): QinQ域名称
+ Returns:
+ bool: True, 绑定;Flase,未绑定。
+ """
+ validate_type('slot', slot, int)
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ validate_type('name', name, str)
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ conn.run_cmd('interface pon 1/%s/%s' % (slot, port))
+ try:
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show oltqinq-domain bound-info %s' % name)
+ ret = extract_olt_qinq_domain_bound_info(result)
+ return ret == (value(slot), value(port))
+ except AssertionError as ae:
+ return False
+ def clear_olt_qinq_domain(self):
+ """清空所有OLTQinQDomain
+ """
+ def delFunc(id):
+ try:
+ self.del_olt_qinq_domain(self.get_olt_qinq_domain(id)['name'])
+ except RuntimeWarning:
+ logging.getLogger().debug('要删除的OLTQinQDomain(%s)不存在' % id)
+ return
+ logging.getLogger().debug('删除OLTQinQDomain(%s)成功' % id)
+ run_by_thread_pool(delFunc, range(1,20001))
+ def get_current_alarm(self):
+ """获取OLT上面当前产生的告警
+ """
+ with Connection.get(self.olt_dev) as conn:
+ conn.run_cmd('config')
+ result = conn.run_cmd('show alarm current')
+ ret = extract_current_alarm(result)
+ return ret
+__all__ = [
+ 'OLTCLI_AN6K_17'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oltcli/cli/common.py b/oltcli/cli/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5127199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oltcli/cli/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+from enum import Enum
+class IGMPMode(Enum):
+ """所有支持的IGMP模式
+ """
+ control = 'control' # 可控模式
+ proxy_proxy = 'proxy-proxy' # 代理-代理模式
+ snooping = 'snooping' # 侦听模式
+ proxy_snooping = 'proxy-snooping' # 代理-侦听模式
+ disable = 'disable' # 关闭模式
+class DhcpOption(Enum):
+ """用于dhcp option18/37/82或patch enable/disable命令
+ """
+ option18 = 'option18'
+ option37 = 'option37'
+ option82 = 'option82'
+ patch = 'patch'
+class WhitelistMode(Enum):
+ """whitelist add命令所支持的所有授权模式。
+ """
+ phyid = 'phy-id'
+ phyid_psw = 'phy-id+psw'
+ logid = 'log-id'
+ logid_psw = 'log-id+psw'
+ password = 'password'
+def get_whitelist_query_str(wlMode):
+ """根据WhitelistMode的类型,返回对应的查询白名单的字符
+ Args:
+ wlMode (WhitelistMode): 白名单模式
+ """
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.phyid, WhitelistMode.phyid_psw ]:
+ return 'phy-id'
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.logid, WhitelistMode.logid_psw ]:
+ return 'logic-id'
+ if wlMode in [ WhitelistMode.password ]:
+ return 'password'
+class AuthMode(Enum):
+ """用于port authentication-mode 命令,设置授权模式
+ """
+ logid = 'log-id'
+ logid_psw = 'log-id+psw'
+ no_auth = 'no-auth'
+ password = 'password'
+ phyid_psw = 'phy-id+psw'
+ phyid_o_logid_psw_o_psw = 'phy-id/log-id+psw/psw'
+ phyid_o_logid_o_psw = 'phy-id/log-id/psw'
+ phyid_o_psw = 'phy-id/psw'
+ phyid = 'phyid'
+class WanMode(Enum):
+ tr069 = 'tr069'
+ internet = 'internet'
+ tr069_internet = 'tr069-internet'
+ other = 'other'
+ multi = 'multi'
+ voip = 'voip'
+ voip_internet = 'voip-internet'
+ iptv = 'iptv'
+ radius = 'radius'
+ radius_internet = 'radius-internet'
+ unicast_iptv = 'unicast-iptv'
+ multicast_iptv = 'multicast-iptv'
+class WanType(Enum):
+ bridge = 'bridge'
+ route = 'route'
+class DSPMode(Enum):
+ dhcp = 'dhcp'
+ dhcp_remoteid ='dhcp-remoteid'
+ static = 'static'
+ pppoe = 'pppoe'
+class PPPoEMode(Enum):
+ auto = 'auto' # 自动连接
+ payload = 'payload' # 有流量的时候连接
+ manual = 'manual' # 手动连接
+class Type(Enum):
+ """规则类型
+ """
+ sa = 'sa' # 基于SA MAC地址
+ da = 'da' # 基于DA MAC地址
+ sip = 'sip' # 基于源IP地址
+ dip = 'dip' # 基于目的IP地址
+ vid = 'vid' # 基于VLAN ID
+ sport = 'sport' # 基于L4的源Port
+ dport = 'dport' # 基于L4的目的Port
+ iptype = 'iptype' # 基于IP协议类型
+ eth_type = 'eth_type' # 基于以太网
+ tos = 'tos' # 基于IP ToS
+ priority = 'priority' # 基于以太网优先级
+ daipv6pre = 'daipv6pre' # 基于目的IPv6地址前缀
+ saipv6pre = 'saipv6pre' # 基于源IPv6地址前缀
+ ipver = 'ipver' # 基于IP版本
+ ipv6tra = 'ipv6tra' # 基于IPv6优先级字段分类
+ ipv6fl = 'ipv6fl' # 基于IPv6流量标签
+ ipv6nh = 'ipv6nh' # 基于下一包头(IPv6)
+class Operator(Enum):
+ """操作
+ """
+ equal = 0
+ not_equal = 1
+ less_than = 2
+ greater_than = 3
+ exist = 4
+ not_exist = 5
+ always = 6
+class Direction(Enum):
+ """流的类型
+ """
+ upstream = 'upstream' # 上行流
+ downstream = 'downstream' # 下行流
+__all__ = [
+ 'IGMPMode',
+ 'DhcpOption',
+ 'WhitelistMode',
+ 'AuthMode',
+ 'WanMode',
+ 'WanType',
+ 'DSPMode',
+ 'PPPoEMode',
+ 'Direction',
+ 'Type',
+ 'Operator',
+ 'get_whitelist_query_str'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oltcli/conn.py b/oltcli/conn.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65cdd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oltcli/conn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import NoReturn
+from telnetlib import Telnet
+import logging
+class Connection(ABC):
+ """Connection Class
+ Connection represents a connection with OLT
+ """
+ def __enter__(self):
+ """to support with syntax
+ """
+ self.connect()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
+ """to support with syntax
+ """
+ self.disconnect()
+ @abstractmethod
+ def connect(self) -> NoReturn:
+ """called when connect
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def disconnect(self) -> NoReturn:
+ """called when disconnect
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def run(self, cmd:str, **kwargs) -> str:
+ """called when run command through connection
+ Args:
+ cmd (str): command to run
+ Returns:
+ str: result in str
+ """
+ pass
+class OLTTelnet(Connection):
+ """OLT Telnet
+ OLTTelnet represents a telnet connection with OLT
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ip:str, username:str, password:str, read_interval:int=1) -> NoReturn:
+ """init
+ Args:
+ ip (str): OLT ip address
+ username (str): username for connection
+ password (str): password for connection
+ """
+ # save information need for connection
+ self._ip = ip
+ self._username = username
+ self._password = password
+ # save read interval
+ self._read_interval = read_interval
+ # telnet client
+ self._telnet = None
+ def connect(self):
+ """connect OLT with given information
+ """
+ # close already opened telnet first
+ if self._telnet != None:
+ self._telnet.close()
+ self._telnet = None
+ # connect telnet server
+ self._telnet = Telnet(self._ip, 23)
+ self._login()
+ self._admin()
+ # disable paging
+ self.run('terminal length 0')
+ def _admin(self):
+ """enter admin mode
+ """
+ assert self._telnet != None
+ # input en
+ self._telnet.read_until(b"User>", self._read_interval).decode("ascii")
+ self._telnet.write("enable".encode('ascii') + b"\n")
+ # input password
+ self._telnet.read_until(b"Password:", self._read_interval)
+ self._telnet.write(self._password.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
+ def _login(self):
+ """login
+ """
+ assert self._telnet != None
+ # input username
+ self._telnet.read_until(b"Login:", self._read_interval)
+ self._telnet.write(self._username.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
+ # input password
+ self._telnet.read_until(b"Password:", self._read_interval)
+ self._telnet.write(self._password.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
+ def disconnect(self):
+ """disconnect with OLT
+ """
+ if(self._telnet != None):
+ self._telnet.close()
+ self._telnet = None
+ def run(self, cmd:str, append_return:bool=True, sepcial_end_mode:bool=False) -> str:
+ """run command through telnet connection
+ Args:
+ cmd (str): command need to run
+ append_return (bool, optional): whether add RETURN at end of command, default is True
+ sepcial_end_mode (bool, optional): whether use a special way to end reading result, default is False
+ Returns:
+ str: result to return
+ """
+ if(self._telnet == None):
+ raise RuntimeError("need connect OLT first")
+ # before run command, should read out last result in buffer
+ self._telnet.read_until(b"# ", self._read_interval).decode("ascii")
+ # run command
+ if append_return:
+ cmdBytes = cmd.encode('ascii') + b"\r\n"
+ else:
+ cmdBytes = cmd.encode('ascii')
+ self._telnet.write(cmdBytes)
+ # read result
+ output_data = [ ]
+ while(True):
+ # read in every interval
+ data = self._telnet.read_until(b"# ", self._read_interval).decode("ascii")
+ output_data.append(data)
+ # 这里是为了解决执行pingonu命令时,telnet卡住的问题
+ # 每当读到round-trip(ms) min/avg/max信息时,发送回车,解决卡住不输出的问题
+ if("round-trip(ms) min/avg/max" in data):
+ self._telnet.write("\r\n".encode("ascii"))
+ continue
+ # 如果开启了特殊读取模式,则连续两次没有读到数据,退出循环
+ if sepcial_end_mode and len(output_data) >= 2:
+ if output_data[-1] == "" \
+ and output_data[-2] == "":
+ break
+ else:
+ # 否则,要读到提示符出现为止
+ if("# " in data \
+ or "User> " in data \
+ or "Login: " in data \
+ or "Password: " in data):
+ break
+ # 对输出数据中的特殊字符处理
+ output = "".join(output_data)
+ output = output.replace("--Press any key to continue Ctrl+c to stop--", "")
+ output = output.replace("\x08", "")
+ output = output.replace(" " * 48, "") # remove empty line
+ # 去掉输出数据中的ansi escape sequence
+ # ansi escape sequence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
+ output = output.replace("\x1b[19;05H ", "")
+ output = output.replace("\r\n \x1b[2J", "")
+ output = output.replace("\x1b[2J" ,"")
+ logging.getLogger().info(output)
+ # 去掉输出数据中的第一行(输入命令)和最后一行(提示符)
+ data_without_inputcmd_and_prompt = output.split("\r\n")[1:-1]
+ # 将输出数据使用回车换行连接成长字符串
+ ret = "\r\n".join(data_without_inputcmd_and_prompt)
+ # 检查输出结果中不应该存在命令执行失败的提示。
+ if ret.find("Command executes failed.") != -1:
+ logging.getLogger().debug(output)
+ raise RuntimeWarning("命令'%s'执行结果中包含'Command executes failed.'" % cmd)
+ if ret.find("% Unknown command.") != -1:
+ logging.getLogger().debug(output)
+ raise RuntimeWarning("命令'%s'执行结果中包含'% Unknown command.'" % cmd)
+ return ret
+__all__ = [
+ 'Connection'
diff --git a/oltcli/device.py b/oltcli/device.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44accfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oltcli/device.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from devicepool import DevicePool
+from .utils import read_dict_list_from_csv
+olt_list = read_dict_list_from_csv('**/olt_list.csv')
+olt_pool = DevicePool(olt_list)
+__all__ = [
+ 'olt_pool'
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print(olt_list)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oltcli/utils.py b/oltcli/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cfce6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oltcli/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+import random
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from ping_cmd import host
+from types import FunctionType, MethodType
+import time
+import logging
+import pyshark
+import inspect
+import shutil
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+from hashlib import md5
+import threadpool
+import tempfile
+import csv
+import pathlib
+def value(strValue, maxValue=None):
+ """将字符串类型表示的值尽可能的转换成对应格式的类型。如,'1.0'转换成浮点型,'1'或'0xFF'转换成整型。
+ Args:
+ strValue (str or None): 要转换的字符串格式的值,为None时不转换,直接返回。
+ maxValue (int, optional): 当指定该参数时,如果转换的int类型的值为maxValue将会返回'null'。如,指定65535,当值strValue为'65535'时,自动转换为'null',而非整数。 默认为None,不进行判定和转换。
+ Returns:
+ any: 转换后的值,'1'将为int类型的1, '1.0'将为float类型的1.0, '1920-10-1 10:11:11'转换为datetime格式,'hello'仍然为'hello'
+ """
+ # 如果为None不做转换
+ if strValue == None:
+ return strValue
+ else:
+ validate_type('strValue', strValue, str)
+ # 去掉首尾空格
+ strValue = strValue.strip()
+ intExp = re.compile('^-?(0x|0X)?\d+$') # 匹配 10和16进制的±整数
+ floatExp = re.compile('^-?\d+.\d+$') # 匹配 10进制的±浮点数
+ datetimeExp = re.compile("\d{4,4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}")
+ if intExp.match(strValue):
+ # 如果是整数类型
+ intValue = int(strValue, 10 if strValue.find('0x') == -1 and strValue.find('0x') == -1 else 16)
+ if maxValue != None and intValue == maxValue:
+ # 当设置了达到最大值的选项,且满足时,返回'null'
+ return 'null'
+ else:
+ return intValue
+ elif floatExp.match(strValue):
+ # 如果是浮点类型
+ return float(strValue)
+ elif datetimeExp.match(strValue):
+ # 如果是日期类型
+ if strValue != '0000-00-00 00:00:00':
+ return parse(strValue)
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ # 不识别字符串的不处理
+ return strValue
+def validate_type(varName, varValue, expectedType):
+ """验证变量的类型是否满足要求。
+ Args:
+ varName (str): 变量名称
+ varValue (any): 变量的值
+ expectedType (any或list): 希望的类型
+ """
+ if type(expectedType) == list:
+ assert type(varValue) in expectedType, "%s应当为%s类型, 但为%s类型" % (varName, expectedType, type(varValue))
+ else:
+ assert type(varValue) == expectedType, "%s应当为%s类型, 但为%s类型" % (varName, expectedType, type(varValue))
+def validate_ip_addr(ip):
+ """验证IP地址是否可达。
+ Args:
+ ip (str): a.b.c.d格式的IP地址
+ """
+ assert type(ip) == str, "IP地址应当为str类型,但为%s类型" % type(ip)
+ assert is_valid_ipv4_addr(ip), "IP地址格式无效: %s" % ip
+ assert is_ip_connectable(ip), "IP地址不可达: %s" % ip
+def validate_int_range(intValue, min, max):
+ """验证int值是否落在[min, max]区间中。
+ Args:
+ intValue (int): 要验证范围的值
+ min (int): 最小值
+ max (int): 最大值
+ """
+ assert min <= intValue and intValue <= max, "%s超出范围[%s, %s]" % (intValue, min, max)
+def validate_key(name, expectedKey, expectedType):
+ """验证字典是否包含指定类型的key
+ Args:
+ name (dict): 要进行检查的字典
+ expectedKey (Any): 要进行检查的键名
+ expectedType (Any或list): 要确认键值的类型
+ """
+ assert expectedKey in name.keys(), "字典中不包含该键:%s" % expectedKey
+ if type(expectedType) != list:
+ assert type(name[expectedKey]) == expectedType, "字典中该键值的类型不符合预期,预期%s,实际%s" % (expectedType, type(name[expectedKey]))
+ else:
+ assert type(name[expectedKey]) in expectedType, "字典中该键值的类型不符合预期,预期%s,实际%s" % (expectedType, type(name[expectedKey]))
+def move(file, dstDir):
+ """将文件移动到目标目录中。如果目录不存在则创建。
+ Args:
+ file (str): 文件路径
+ dstDir (str): 目标目录路径
+ Returns:
+ str: 文件新的路径
+ """
+ file = os.path.abspath(file)
+ if not os.path.exists(file):
+ return
+ absDstDir = os.path.abspath(dstDir)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(absDstDir)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(absDstDir))
+ if not os.path.exists(absDstDir):
+ os.mkdir(absDstDir)
+ shutil.move(file, absDstDir)
+ return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(absDstDir), os.path.basename(file))
+def merge(base, more):
+ """将more字典合并入base字典中,同名的key值将使用more覆盖base中的值。
+ Args:
+ base (dict): 基准字典
+ more (dict): 更新字典
+ Returns:
+ dict: 合并过后的字典
+ """
+ assert type(base) == dict and type(more) == dict
+ b = dict(base)
+ u = dict(more)
+ b.update(u)
+ return b
+def expand_list(tupleList):
+ """将[(x, [y1, y2, y3]), ...]形态的列表展开为[(x, y1), (x, y2), (x, y3), ...]形态
+ Args:
+ tupleList (list): [(x, [y1, y2, y3]), ...]形态的列表
+ Returns:
+ list: [(x, y1), (x, y2), (x, y3), ...]形态的列表
+ """
+ ret = [ ]
+ for t in tupleList:
+ x, yList = t
+ for y in yList:
+ ret.append((x, y))
+ return ret
+def break_frame_slot_port(port):
+ """提取frame/slot/port字串中的slot和port信息。如,'1/9/2'提取为(1, 9 , 2)
+ Args:
+ strPort (str): frame/slot/port字串
+ Returns:
+ tuple: (frame, slot, port)元组
+ """
+ portExpr = re.compile('(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)')
+ match = portExpr.match(port)
+ assert None != match
+ f, s, p = match.groups()
+ return value(f), value(s), value(p)
+def count_packets(pcapFile, filter):
+ """统计给定的Pcap文件中满足过滤器条件的个数
+ Args:
+ pcapFile (str): pcap/pcapng文件路径
+ filter (str): Wireshark过滤表达式
+ Returns:
+ 满足条件的包的个数
+ """
+ validate_type('pcapFile', pcapFile, str)
+ validate_type('filter', filter, str)
+ assert os.path.exists(pcapFile), "指定的文件不存在: %s" % pcapFile
+ pkts = pyshark.FileCapture(pcapFile, display_filter=filter)
+ count = 0
+ for pkt in pkts:
+ count = count + 1
+ pkts.close()
+ return count
+def get_packets_info(pcapFile, attribute, filter = None, disableProtocol = 'rtcp'):
+ """从给定的Pcap文件中提取所需的信息
+ Args:
+ pcapFile (str): Pcap文件
+ attributes (str或list): 要获取的属性值
+ filter (str, optional): 过滤Pcap文件的过滤器
+ disableProtocol (str): 要禁用解析的协议。有时候pyshark调用tshark对某些协议的内容强行进一步解析时,会出现Malformed Packet的错误,这个时候把这个出现错误的解析协议屏蔽掉,避免出现异常。
+ 示例:
+ 获取PPPoED中PADS消息携带的Session ID,同时,还会返回eth层的源MAC和目的MAC
+ getPacketsInfo(file, ['eth.src', 'eth.dst', 'pppoed.pppoe_session_id'], 'pppoe.code == 0x65')
+ 获取IPCP Configuration Ack消息中的IP Address,同时,还会返回eth层的源MAC和目的MAC
+ getPacketsInfo(file, ['eth.src', 'eth.dst', 'ipcp.opt_ip_address'], '(ppp.code == 2) && (ppp.protocol == 0x8021) && (ipcp.opt.type == 3)')
+ Returns:
+ list: 返回包含提取字段信息(字典)的列表
+ """
+ validate_type('pcapFile', pcapFile, str)
+ assert os.path.exists(pcapFile), "指定的文件不存在: %s" % pcapFile
+ logging.getLogger().debug('文件%s的md5sum为: %s' % (pcapFile, md5sum(pcapFile)))
+ pkts = pyshark.FileCapture(pcapFile, display_filter=filter, disable_protocol=disableProtocol)
+ ret = [ ]
+ try:
+ for pkt in pkts:
+ if type(attribute) == list:
+ ret.append({})
+ for attr in attribute:
+ ret[-1][attr] = value(str(eval('pkt.%s' % attr)))
+ continue
+ if type(attribute) == str:
+ ret.append(value(str(eval('pkt.%s' % attribute))))
+ finally:
+ pkts.close()
+ return ret
+def wait_until_no_change(func, interval=5, overtime=600):
+ """等待函数返回值不再变化
+ Args:
+ func (functionType): 反复调用该函数获取返回值
+ interval (int, optional): 调用间隔。默认5秒。
+ overtime (int, optional): 超时时长.默认600秒。
+ """
+ # only function can be called
+ assert type(func) == FunctionType or type(func) == MethodType
+ s_time = time.time()
+ last_result = func()
+ while True:
+ logging.getLogger().info("等待%s秒后重试" % interval)
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ result = func()
+ waittime = time.time() - s_time
+ if result == last_result:
+ logging.getLogger().warning("总共等待%.1f秒" % waittime)
+ break
+ else:
+ last_result = result
+ if waittime > overtime:
+ raise RuntimeWarning("%s秒等待超时" % overtime)
+ return result
+def wait_for_true(condFunc, interval=1, overtime=30):
+ """等待条件函数返回值为True
+ Args:
+ condFunc (FunctionType): 条件函数,期间反复调用,直至返回为True或者超时
+ interval (int, optional): 调用间隔,单位秒。默认1秒。
+ overtime (int, optional): 超时时间。默认30秒。
+ """
+ assert type(condFunc) == FunctionType or type(condFunc) == MethodType
+ s_time = time.time()
+ while overtime > (time.time() - s_time):
+ if condFunc():
+ logging.getLogger().warning("总共等待%.1f秒" % (time.time() - s_time))
+ return
+ else:
+ logging.getLogger().info("已经等待%.1f秒, 等待%s秒后重试" % (time.time() - s_time, interval))
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ raise RuntimeWarning('%s秒等待超时' % overtime)
+def is_ip_connectable(ipAddr):
+ """检查IP地址是否可达
+ Args:
+ ipaddr (str): IP地址字符串
+ Returns:
+ bool: True,可达; False不可达
+ """
+ assert is_valid_ipv4_addr(ipAddr), "IP地址非法: %s" % ipAddr
+ return 0 == host.ping(ipAddr)
+def is_valid_ipv4_addr(ipaddr):
+ """检查IP地址格式的是否为x.x.x.x格式。
+ Args:
+ ipaddr (str): IP地址字符串
+ Returns:
+ bool: True合法,False非法
+ """
+ if(None == re.match("^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}$", ipaddr)):
+ return False
+ for n in ipaddr.split("."):
+ num = int(n)
+ if(num < 0 and num > 255):
+ return False
+ return True
+def dict_to_opt(dict, prefix='', optBlackList = []):
+ """将字典中的key/value转换成'key1=value1 key2=value2'这样的字符串。
+ Args:
+ dict (dict): 包含选项和选项值的字典。
+ prefix (str): 在选项前增加的符号。指定则会增加,如,'-',格式化为'-key1=value1 -key2=value2'
+ optBlackList (list, optional): 黑名单。如果选项的key值在黑名单中,将不会格式化输出到字符串中。默认为空。
+ Returns:
+ str: 格式化完成后的字符串。
+ """
+ strCmd = ''
+ for key in dict.keys():
+ # key是否在黑名单中
+ if key in optBlackList:
+ continue
+ # 如果选项的值为字符类型,且其中带有空格,将用引号括起来
+ if type(dict[key]) == str and ' ' in dict[key]:
+ strOpt = '%s%s "%s"' % (prefix, key, dict[key])
+ else:
+ strOpt = '%s%s %s' % (prefix, key, dict[key])
+ # append to strCmd
+ strCmd = strCmd + ' ' + strOpt
+ return strCmd.strip() # strip space in the head and tail
+def add_dollar_sign(value):
+ """为给定的值加上$符号。
+ Args:
+ value (str or list): 可以是单串,空格分隔的长串,或者列表。
+ Returns:
+ str: 给定'port',返回'$port'。给定'port1 port2', 返回'$port1 $port2'。给定['port1', 'port2'], 返回'$port1 $port2'。
+ """
+ ret = ''
+ for var in re.split('\s+', value.strip()) if type(value) == str else value:
+ ret = ret + ' $%s' % var
+ return ret.strip()
+def list_to_str(listArg, template='%s', sep=' '):
+ """将给定的列表中元素,依次使用模板格式化后,使用指定的分隔符连接为一个长串后返回。如,list2Str([1,2,3], '$%s')返回'$1 $2 $3'
+ Args:
+ listArg (list): 要处理的列表
+ template (str): 用于格式化的模板。默认值'%s'。
+ Returns:
+ str: 返回的字符长串
+ """
+ ret = ''
+ for i in listArg:
+ ret = ret + sep + template % i
+ return ret.strip()
+class MAC:
+ """MAC类用于生成MAC地址。如,mac = MAC('00:10:94:00:00:00'), mac.next()将生成00:10:94:00:00:01的IP地址。
+ """
+ def __init__(self, addr='00:10:94:00:00:00'):
+ """初始化MAC类
+ Args:
+ addr (str, optional): 指定MAC地址,生成MAC地址将从它的基础上增加而来。默认'00:10:94:00:00:00'。
+ """
+ self.macExp = re.compile('([A-Fa-f0-9]{2,2}):([A-Fa-f0-9]{2,2}):([A-Fa-f0-9]{2,2}):([A-Fa-f0-9]{2,2}):([A-Fa-f0-9]{2,2}):([A-Fa-f0-9]{2,2})')
+ assert self.macExp.match(addr) != None, 'invalid mac addr: %s' % addr
+ self.addr = addr
+ def _incrHex(self, hex):
+ """对给定的hex值加1,并且判断是否大于0xFF需要进位。
+ Args:
+ hex (str or int): 被加1的值
+ Returns:
+ tuple: 返回(是否进位, 累加后的HEX值)元组, 如,0xFF增加1后,返回(1, '0x00'), 0xFE增加1后,返回(0, '0xFF')
+ """
+ if type(hex) == str:
+ hex = int(hex, 16)
+ hex = hex + 1
+ if hex > 255:
+ return 1, '00'
+ else:
+ return 0, '%02x' % hex
+ def next(self):
+ """返回下个生成的MAC地址。
+ Returns:
+ str: 生成的MAC地址字符串。
+ """
+ m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6 = self.macExp.match(self.addr).groups()
+ incr, m6 = self._incrHex(m6)
+ if incr == 1:
+ incr, m5 =self._incrHex(m5)
+ if incr == 1:
+ incr, m4 = self._incrHex(m4)
+ assert incr == 0
+ self.addr = '%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6)
+ return self.addr
+class IP:
+ """IP类用于生成IP地址。如,ip = IP(''), ip.next()将会生成192.168.0.1的IP地址。
+ """
+ def __init__(self, addr=''):
+ """初始化IP类
+ Args:
+ addr (str, optional): 指定IP网段,生成的IP地址将从该地址的基础上增加而来. 默认为''.
+ """
+ self.ipExp = re.compile('(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})')
+ match = self.ipExp.match(addr)
+ assert match != None, 'invalid ip address: %s' % addr
+ a, b, c, d = match.groups()
+ intA, intB, intC, intD = int(a), int(b), int(c), int(d)
+ assert intD == 0, 'invalid ip address: %s, expected %s.%s.%s.0' % (addr, intA, intB, intC)
+ self.addr = addr
+ self.gateway = '%s.%s.%s.254' % (intA, intB, intC)
+ def next(self):
+ """返回下个生成的IP地址。
+ Returns:
+ str: 生成的IP地址字符串。
+ """
+ a, b, c, d = self.ipExp.match(self.addr).groups()
+ intA, intB, intC, intD = int(a), int(b), int(c), int(d)
+ intD = intD + 1
+ assert intD < 254, 'out of range: %d.%d.%d.%d' % (intA, intB, intC, intD)
+ self.addr = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (intA, intB, intC, intD)
+ return self.addr
+class Port:
+ """用于创建唯一的端口号
+ """
+ def __init__(self, base=1024):
+ """初始化Port类。
+ Args:
+ base (int, optional): 从哪个端口号开始创建。默认是1024开始。
+ """
+ self.base = base
+ def next(self):
+ """返回下个生成的端口号
+ Returns:
+ int: 端口号
+ """
+ port = self.base
+ self.base = self.base + 1
+ return port
+def group_mac(ip):
+ """根据给定的组播IP地址,返回其对应的组播MAC地址
+ Args:
+ ip (str): 组播IP地址
+ Returns:
+ str: 组播MAC地址
+ """
+ validate_type('ip', ip, str)
+ ipExp = re.compile('(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})')
+ # 验证IP地址格式
+ match = ipExp.match(ip)
+ assert match != None, '无效的IP地址格式: %s' % ip
+ # 将IP转换为32个单位长度的01字符串
+ a, b, c, d = match.groups()
+ a, b, c, d = int(a), int(b), int(c), int(d)
+ strBinary = bin(((a << 8 | b ) << 8 | c) << 8 | d)[2:]
+ # 验证是否为合法的组播地址
+ assert strBinary[0:4] == '1110', '组播IP地址应该以1110开头,但给定的IP为%s开头' % strBinary[0:4]
+ # 转换为01字符串格式的MAC组播地址
+ strMac = '00000001' + '00000000' + '01011110' + '0' + strBinary[9:]
+ # 转换为00:00:00:00:00:00格式的MAC地址
+ a, b, c, d, e, f = int(strMac[0:8], 2), int(strMac[8:16], 2), int(strMac[16:24], 2), int(strMac[24:32], 2), int(strMac[32:40], 2), int(strMac[40:48], 2)
+ strHexMax = '%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x' % (a, b, c, d, e, f)
+ return strHexMax
+def len_of_mask(mask):
+ """计算子网掩码对应的长度
+ Args:
+ mask (str): 点分格式的子网掩码
+ Return:
+ int: 子网掩码对应的长度,如,,对应的长度是24
+ """
+ maskExpr = re.compile('(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})')
+ match = maskExpr.match(mask)
+ a, b, c, d = match.groups()
+ a, b, c, d = int(a), int(b), int(c), int(d)
+ strBinary = bin(((a << 8 | b ) << 8 | c) << 8 | d)[2:]
+ length = 0
+ zero = False
+ for i in strBinary:
+ if i == '1' and zero == False:
+ length = length + 1
+ if i == '1' and zero == True:
+ raise RuntimeWarning('非法的子网掩码: %s' % strBinary)
+ if i == '0':
+ zero = True
+ return length
+def varname(var):
+ """获取变量名字符串。如,varname(hello),将会返回'hello'
+ Args:
+ var (any): 变量
+ Returns:
+ str: 变量的名称
+ """
+ for fi in reversed(inspect.stack()):
+ names = [var_name for var_name, var_val in fi.frame.f_locals.items() if var_val is var]
+ if len(names) > 0:
+ return names[0]
+def find_class(className, moduleName, caseSensitive=False):
+ """在模块中查找对应的类
+ Args:
+ className (str): 类名
+ moduleName (str): 模块名
+ Returns:
+ any: 属性对象
+ """
+ # 导入模块
+ module = __import__(moduleName)
+ foundClassName = None
+ attrList = dir(module)
+ for attrName in attrList:
+ if not caseSensitive:
+ if attrName.lower() == className.lower():
+ foundClassName = attrList[attrList.index(attrName)]
+ break
+ else:
+ if attrName == className:
+ foundClassName = attrList[attrList.index(attrName)]
+ break
+ return getattr(module, foundClassName, None)
+def remove_duplicate_data_from_dic_list(dictList):
+ """将字典列表里面的重复项移除
+ Args:
+ dictList(list): 字典列表
+ Returns:
+ list: 去重后的字典列表
+ """
+ return [ dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in dictList]) ]
+def md5sum(file_path):
+ """计算文件的md5sum。
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): 文件的路径
+ """
+ assert os.path.exists(file_path), "指定的文件不存在: %s" % file_path
+ md5Digest = md5()
+ with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
+ while True:
+ bytes = f.read()
+ if len(bytes) != 0:
+ md5Digest.update(bytes)
+ else:
+ break
+ return md5Digest.hexdigest()
+def run_by_thread_pool(func, argList, poolSize=5):
+ """使用线程池的方法运行函数
+ Args:
+ func (functionType): 要执行的函数,它接收的参数来自argList中的元素。
+ argList (list): 参数列表
+ poolSize (int, optional): 线程池大小。默认5。
+ """
+ pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(5)
+ requests = threadpool.makeRequests(func, argList)
+ [pool.putRequest(req) for req in requests]
+ pool.wait()
+def next_temp_name():
+ """创建一个随机字符串
+ Returns:
+ str: 随机字符串
+ """
+ return next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())
+def random_pick_dict(dictData, count):
+ """从可枚举值里面随机取指定数目的项
+ Args:
+ dictData (dict): 字典对象
+ count (int): 取指定数目的项目
+ Returns:
+ dict: 返回处理后的字典(不会修改原字典)
+ """
+ validate_type('dictData', dictData, dict)
+ ret = dictData.copy()
+ if len(ret.keys()) < count:
+ raise RuntimeError('字典数据不足,无法挑选')
+ while True:
+ removeCount = len(ret.keys()) - count
+ if removeCount == 0:
+ break
+ toRemoveKey = [ ]
+ for key in ret.keys():
+ if removeCount == 0:
+ break
+ if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ toRemoveKey.append(key)
+ removeCount = removeCount - 1
+ for key in toRemoveKey:
+ del ret[key]
+ return ret
+def shift_one_char(data, baseIndex=0):
+ """将str中的某一位变换一下
+ Args:
+ data (str): 要变换的数据
+ baseIndex(int): 从哪个index之后开始变换。默认为0。
+ Returns:
+ str: 变换后的字符串
+ """
+ validate_type('data', data, str)
+ index = random.randint(baseIndex, len(data)-1)
+ dataList = list(data)
+ alphabet_regex = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]')
+ digital_regex = re.compile('[0-9]')
+ if alphabet_regex.match(dataList[index]):
+ dataList[index] = chr(ord(dataList[index]) + 1)
+ if digital_regex.match(dataList[index]):
+ dataList[index] = "%s" % ((int(dataList[index]) + 1) % 10)
+ return ''.join(dataList)
+def strip_dict_key_and_value(dict_data):
+ """将字典中key的空格和value的空格都干掉
+ Args:
+ dict_data (dict): 要处理的字典
+ Returns:
+ dict: 处理过后的字典
+ """
+ ret = { }
+ for key in dict_data.keys():
+ ret[key.strip()] = dict_data[key].strip() if dict_data[key].strip() != '' else None
+ return ret
+def read_dict_list_from_csv(match_pattern, search_base='.'):
+ """从CSV文件里面读取字典,并自动去重
+ Args:
+ match_pattern (str): 搜索文件名、匹配模式
+ search_base (str): 搜索的起始目录
+ Returns:
+ list: 字典列表
+ """
+ validate_type('match_pattern', match_pattern, str)
+ validate_type('search_base', search_base, str)
+ search_dir = pathlib.Path(search_base)
+ ret = [ ]
+ for csv_file in search_dir.glob(match_pattern):
+ with open(csv_file, 'r') as f:
+ rows = csv.DictReader(f)
+ for row in rows:
+ ret.append(strip_dict_key_and_value(row))
+ return [dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in ret])]
+def read_str_list_from_txt(match_pattern, search_base='.'):
+ """从文本里面读取字符串列表
+ Args:
+ match_pattern (str): 搜索文件名、匹配模式
+ search_base (str): 搜索的起始目录
+ Returns:
+ list: 去重,去掉空格的字符串列表
+ """
+ validate_type('match_pattern', match_pattern, str)
+ validate_type('search_base', search_base, str)
+ search_dir = pathlib.Path(search_base)
+ ret = [ ]
+ for txt_file in search_dir.glob(match_pattern):
+ with open(txt_file, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line != '':
+ ret.append(line)
+ ret = list(set(ret))
+ ret.sort()
+ return ret
+class dotdict(dict):
+ """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes"""
+ __getattr__ = dict.get
+ __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
+ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
+__all__ =[
+ 'value',
+ 'validate_type',
+ 'validate_ip_addr',
+ 'validate_int_range',
+ 'validate_key',
+ 'move',
+ 'merge',
+ 'expand_list',
+ 'break_frame_slot_port',
+ 'count_packets',
+ 'get_packets_info',
+ 'wait_until_no_change',
+ 'wait_for_true',
+ 'is_ip_connectable',
+ 'is_valid_ipv4_addr',
+ 'dict_to_opt',
+ 'add_dollar_sign',
+ 'list_to_str',
+ 'MAC',
+ 'IP',
+ 'Port',
+ 'group_mac',
+ 'len_of_mask',
+ 'varname',
+ 'find_class',
+ 'remove_duplicate_data_from_dic_list',
+ 'md5sum',
+ 'run_by_thread_pool',
+ 'next_temp_name',
+ 'random_pick_dict',
+ 'shift_one_char',
+ 'strip_dict_key_and_value',
+ 'read_dict_list_from_csv',
+ 'read_str_list_from_txt',
+ 'dotdict'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pytest.ini b/pytest.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1dc2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytest.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+addopts = --html test_report.html --cov=vstc
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d911064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import setuptools
+def readme():
+ with open('README.md', 'r') as f:
+ return f.read()
+ name='fiberhome-oltcli',
+ version='1.0.1',
+ author='Ding Yi',
+ author_email='dvdface@hotmail.com',
+ url='https://github.com/dvdface/fiberhome-oltcli',
+ description='OLT CommandLine API for FiberHome',
+ long_description=readme(),
+ long_description_content_type='text/markdown',
+ packages=['vstc'],
+ install_requires=[],
+ tests_require= ['pytest', 'pytest-html'],
+ license='MIT',
+ classifiers=[
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ ],
+ python_requires='>=3.6'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tpui.bat b/tpui.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e58228e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpui.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+del dist\* /Q && python setup.py pytest && python setup.py sdist && twine upload dist/*.tar.gz && pip install fiberhome-oltcli -U
\ No newline at end of file