Widgets are used to take control of the patching process, allowing the user to create stateful components, control sub-tree rendering, and hook into element removal.
Must be the string "Widget"
The function called when the widget is being created. Should return a DOM Element.
The function called when the widget is being updated.
The function called when the widget is being removed from the dom.
// Boilerplate widget
var Widget = function (){}
Widget.prototype.type = "Widget"
Widget.prototype.init = function(){}
Widget.prototype.update = function(previous, domNode){}
Widget.prototype.destroy = function(domNode){}
The arguments passed to Widget#update
The previous Widget
The previous DOM Element associated with this widget
The argument passed to Widget#destroy
The HTMLElement associated with the widget that will be removed
This example demonstrates one way to pass local component state and use init
, update
, and destroy
to create a widget that counts each time it tries to update, only showing the odd numbers.
var diff = require("virtual-dom").diff
var patch = require("virtual-dom").patch
var h = require("virtual-dom").h
var createElement = require("virtual-dom").create
var OddCounterWidget = function() {}
OddCounterWidget.prototype.type = "Widget"
OddCounterWidget.prototype.count = 1
OddCounterWidget.prototype.init = function() {
// With widgets, you can use any method you would like to generate the DOM Elements.
// We could get the same result using:
// return createElement(h("div", "Count is: " + this.count))
var divElem = document.createElement("div")
var textElem = document.createTextNode("Count is: " + this.count)
return divElem
OddCounterWidget.prototype.update = function(previous, domNode) {
this.count = previous.count + 1
// Only re-render if the current count is odd
if (this.count % 2) {
// Returning a new element from widget#update
// will replace the previous node
return this.init()
return null
OddCounterWidget.prototype.destroy = function(domNode) {
// While you can do any cleanup you would like here,
// we don't really have to do anything in this case.
// Instead, we'll log the current count
var myCounter = new OddCounterWidget()
var currentNode = myCounter
var rootNode = createElement(currentNode)
// A simple function to diff your widgets, and patch the dom
var update = function(nextNode) {
var patches = diff(currentNode, nextNode)
rootNode = patch(rootNode, patches)
currentNode = nextNode
update(new OddCounterWidget())
}, 1000)