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Honeyquest Dataset v1.0

Artifact Version: July 27, 2024

Game Description

The Honeyquest game asked participants to identify security vulnerabilities in web applications. Honeyquest presented participants with realistic web application vignettes ("queries"). The design of the queries followed one of three strategies:

  • Neutral queries may be harmless, secure, benign, well-protected, or of neutral appearance.
  • Risky queries may be harmful, insecure, malicious, lack security measures, or have negative intent.
  • Deceptive queries want to grab the attention of an adversary, often by seeming risky.

For each query, participants are asked to think like a hacker and tell us their next move:

  • Participants can continue and do nothing.
  • Participants can mark lines to exploit or mark them as a traps to avoid.
  • Participants can indicate the order in which they would like to exploit something.

Honeyquest user interface

Dataset Description

We provide five files:

Note that participants are often referred to as users and responses are often referred to as answers.

Each row in this dataset represents one participant.

The phase in which a participant participated in can be identified by the first_seen column. The first phase (23 participants in February 2023) can be identified by the year 2023 in this field. The second phase (24 participants in January 2024) can be identified by the year 2024 in this field.

Column Description
eid ID of the experiment, i.e., ex1 for security professionals or ctf1 for CTF players
uid ID of the user (globally-unique)
job Job description, i.e., one of student, dev, ops, secops, biz, research, or other
years Years of professional experience in the field of cyber security
rank Skill level, i.e., one of none, little, good, advanced, or expert
color Favorite color of participant, encoded as a hex code
first_seen Timestamp of the first response of this user
last_seen Timestamp of the last response of this user
num_answers Total number of answered queries of this user (excluding tutorial queries)

Each row in this dataset is a mark that was placed by a participant on a query line.

Note that participants were free to place multiple marks in a single response. Please also note that this dataframe cannot encode responses in which participants skipped a query without placing any marks. Instead, if you want to analyze complete responses to queries, refer to the response-based dataframe and possibly match on the rid field.

This dataframe is useful for mark-based analysis, i.e., if you need to know which lines a participant marked.

Column Description
mid ID for an individual mark (part of a response) that a user placed on a query
eid ID of the experiment, i.e., ex1 for security professionals or ctf1 for CTF players
uid ID of the user that placed the mark (globally-unique)
rid ID of the associated response (which is composed of multiple answer marks) that a user submitted
qid ID of the associated query that received those marks
query_label Associated query label, one of neutral, deceptive, or risky
query_type Associated query type, one of filesystem, htaccess, httpheaders, or networkrequests
answer_time Timestamp when the associated response was submitted
response_time Time in seconds that it took the user to submit the associated response
answer_rank Index of that mark in the associated response, i.e., the ordered rank (starts at 0)
answer_line Index of the line (in the query) that this mark was placed on (starts at 1)
answer_type hack for exploit marks and trap for trap marks
mrk_neutral True if this indicates a neutral mark, i.e., the user placed no marks (pseudo entry, always False)
mrk_hack True if this is an exploit mark, i.e., if the answer_type is hack
mrk_trap True if this is a trap mark, i.e., if the answer_type is trap
mrk_line The associated query line text on which this marked was placed
mrk_on_dcpt True if the mark was placed on a deceptive line in the associated query
mrk_on_risk True if the mark was placed on a risky line in the associated query
mrk_hack_on_risk True if this is an exploit mark that was placed on a risky line in the associated query
mrk_hack_on_dcpt True if this is an exploit mark that was placed on a deceptive line in the associated query
mrk_trap_on_risk True if this is a trap mark that was placed on a risky line in the associated query
mrk_trap_on_dcpt True if this is a trap mark that was placed on a deceptive line in the associated query

Each row in this dataset is a response (i.e., an answer) submitted by a participant to a query.

Note that participants were free to place multiple marks in a single response. If you want to analyze individual marks instead, refer to the mark-based dataframe and possibly match on the rid field.

This dataframe is useful for response-based analysis, i.e., if you need complete answers to queries.

Column Description
rid ID for a response (that is composed of answer marks) that a user submitted to a query
ans_all True if the user marked every single line
ans_all_hack True if the user marked every single line with an exploit mark
ans_all_trap True if the user marked every single line with a trap mark
ans_any True if the user placed at least one exploit or trap mark anywhere
ans_any_hack True if the user placed at least one exploit mark anywhere
ans_any_trap True if the user placed at least one trap mark anywhere
ans_hack_on_risk_var The variant on how the exploit marks intersects with the risky lines (see below)
ans_hack_on_risk True if the exploit marks intersect the risky lines
ans_hack_on_dcpt_var The variant on how the exploit marks intersects with the deceptive lines (see below)
ans_hack_on_dcpt True if the exploit marks intersect the deceptive lines
ans_trap_on_risk_var The variant on how the trap marks intersects with the risky lines (see below)
ans_trap_on_risk True if the trap marks intersect the risky lines
ans_trap_on_dcpt_var The variant on how the trap marks intersects with the deceptive lines (see below)
ans_trap_on_dcpt True if the trap marks intersect the deceptive lines
ans_any_on_risk True if the user placed at least one exploit or trap mark on a risky line
ans_any_on_dcpt True if the user placed at least one exploit or trap mark on a deceptive line
ans_deceived_ranks The ranks of the exploit marks that were placed on deceptive lines
ans_not_deceived_ranks The ranks of the exploit marks that were placed on non-deceptive lines
ans_deceived_first True if the first exploit mark was placed on a deceptive line, False otherwise
ans_hacked_ranks The ranks of the exploit marks that were placed on risky lines
ans_not_hacked_ranks The ranks of the exploit marks that were placed on non-risky lines
ans_hacked_first True if the first exploit mark was placed on a risky line, False otherwise

The _var columns hold the specific intersection variant that is explained in the appendix of our paper:

  • exact (A1) marked line annotations exactly
  • subset (A2) marked only some line annotations
  • overlap (A3) marks only overlap line annotations
  • other (A4) marked only lines that are not in the line annotations
  • none (A5) no marks, despite non-empty line annotations

Each row in this dataset is a query that was presented to a user.

This dataframe is useful as a reference for the queries that we used in our experiment. Note that our open-source repository (linked at the bottom) also contains all queries with full metadata information.

Column Description
qid ID for a query
query_label Query label, one of neutral, deceptive, or risky
query_type Query type, one of filesystem, htaccess, httpheaders, or networkrequests
original_query If this is a patched query, the reference to its original
original_risky True if the original query was risky
applied_honeywire The name of the applied CDT, if one has been applied
risk_type The risk type for risky queries, i.e., one of weakness, vulnerability, or attack
present_vulnerability The name of the vulnerability, if one is present
present_weakness The name of the weakness, if one is present
present_attack The name of the attack, if one is present
present_risk The name of any risk (vulnerability, weakness, or attack), if one of them is present
num_risky_lines The number of risky lines in this query
num_deceptive_lines The number of deceptive lines in this query
num_lines The total number of lines in the query payload

Each row in this dataset is a query line that received at least one exploit or trap mark during the experiment.

This dataframe is useful for query line-based analysis, i.e., if you need to know the mark statistics for individual query lines.

Column Description
mrk_line The associated query line text that received at least one mark
mrk_on_dcpt The number of marks that this line received, if this line is deceptive
mrk_on_risk The number of marks that this line received, if this line is risky
mrk_hack_on_dcpt The number of expoit marks this line received, if this line is deceptive
mrk_trap_on_dcpt The number of trap marks this line received, if this line is deceptive
mrk_hack_on_risk The number of exploit marks this line received, if this line is risky
mrk_trap_on_risk The number of trap marks this line received, if this line is risky
mrk_hack The number of exploit marks this line received
mrk_trap The number of trap marks this line received
mrk_neutral The number of neutral marks (i.e., no marks) this line received (pseudo entry, always zero)
mrk_query_type Associated query type, one of filesystem, htaccess, httpheaders, or networkrequests
applied_honeywire The name of the applied CDT in the associated query, if one has been applied
present_risk The name of any risk in the associated query (vulnerability, weakness, or attack), if one of them is present

⚖️ License and Attribution

Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0)

  • You are free to share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
  • You are free to adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

If you use this dataset please cite the following work, which also describes the experimental setup:

Mario Kahlhofer, Stefan Achleitner, Stefan Rass, and René Mayrhofer. 2024. Honeyquest: Rapidly Measuring the Enticingness of Cyber Deception Techniques with Code-based Questionnaires. In The 27th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2024), September 30-October 02, 2024, Padua, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 20 pages.

If you want to design or run your own studies, you can find the latest version of the Honeyquest tool on GitHub: