import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pkiEzmaxinvoicingcommissionID | int | The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicingcommission | [optional] |
fkiEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalID | int | The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | [optional] |
fkiEzmaxpartnerID | int | The unique ID of the Ezmaxpartner | [optional] |
fkiEzmaxrepresentativeID | int | The unique ID of the Ezmaxrepresentative | [optional] |
dtEzmaxinvoicingcommissionStart | String | The start date for the Ezmaxinvoicingcommission | |
dtEzmaxinvoicingcommissionEnd | String | The end date for the Ezmaxinvoicingcommission | |
iEzmaxinvoicingcommissionDays | int | This is the number of days during the month on which the Ezmaxinvoigcommission applies | |
dEzmaxinvoicingcommissionAmount | String | The amount of Ezmaxinvoicingcommission | |
objContactName | CustomContactNameResponse | [optional] |