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33 lines (28 loc) · 2.35 KB

File metadata and controls

33 lines (28 loc) · 2.35 KB


Load the model package

import 'package:openapi/api.dart';


Name Type Description Notes
pkiEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalID int The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal [optional]
fkiEzmaxinvoicingID int The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicing [optional]
fkiEzmaxproductID int The unique ID of the Ezmaxproduct
sEzmaxproductDescriptionX String The description of the Ezmaxproduct in the language of the requester
dtEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalStart String The start date for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal
dtEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalEnd String The end date for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal
iEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalDays int The number of days for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalCountreal String The count item calculated
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalCountbilled String The count item billed
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalSubtotal String The Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal subtotal
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRebateamount String The rebate amount for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRebatepercent String The rebate percentage of the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRebatetotal String The rebate amount total for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalTotal String The Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal total
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRepresentative String The amount of commission for the representative [optional]
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalPartner String The amount of commission for the partner [optional]
dEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalNet String The net amount of the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal [optional]
bEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalAdjustment bool Whether it is adjustment for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal
tEzmaxproductHelpX String The help message of the Ezmaxproduct in the language of the requester

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