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26 lines (21 loc) · 1.4 KB

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26 lines (21 loc) · 1.4 KB


Load the model package

import 'package:openapi/api.dart';


Name Type Description Notes
pkiFranchisereferalincomeID int The unique ID of the Franchisereferalincome [optional]
fkiFranchisebrokerID int The unique ID of the Franchisebroker
fkiFranchisereferalincomeprogramID int The unique ID of the Franchisereferalincomeprogram
fkiPeriodID int The unique ID of the Period
dFranchisereferalincomeLoan String The loan amount
dFranchisereferalincomeFranchiseamount String The amount that will be given to the franchise
dFranchisereferalincomeFranchisoramount String The amount that will be kept by the franchisor
dFranchisereferalincomeAgentamount String The amount that will be given to the agent
dtFranchisereferalincomeDisbursed String The date the amounts were disbursed
tFranchisereferalincomeComment String Comment about the transaction
fkiFranchiseofficeID int The unique ID of the Franchisereoffice
sFranchisereferalincomeRemoteid String

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