ServiceNow Foundations Videos (Link to videos)
- Part One | User Experience
- Quick Tour of the ServiceNow Platform: Reinforces what the training videos presented. Shows where the different frames like banner and content are located.
- Part Two | Getting Started
- Platform Architecture: This video givesa technical overview of the ServiceNow platform. It isuseful for learning more about the different instances of ServiceNow, and how they can communicate with each other.
- Platform Applications: This video is useful for learning more about the types of applications available on ServiceNow. It also shows how much we have customized our Knowledge Base and Dashboards.
- Tables, Records, and Fields: This video is one of the more applicable/useful ones. It gives a good overview of how different tables are linked up (like how the Caller field in the Incident Table is a reference toa field inthe User Table).
- Part Three | User Interface
- Overview: This video gets you more familiar with how to navigate ServiceNow's main screen and how to use the search bar.
- Application Navigator: This videoprovides an overview of how to use the application navigator. Good for getting familiar with it.
- Lists: This video shows how you can filter lists, group them, and search them. Very helpful and relevant.
- Forms:This video shows how you can customize a form. Helpful since we will be doing this a lot?
- Part Four | Process User and Manager Capabilities
- Getting Started with the ITIL Role: I liked this video since I think it gives a good overview of the “big picture” of why and how ServiceNow is usedto solve incidents/help users.
- Part Five | System Configuration
- Performing Basic Setup in Your Instance: This video shows you how you can customize your ServiceNow instance. For example, shows how you can add a logo and change the background colors.
- Form Layout and Design: Useful videothat shows how to design forms and customize thefields.Helpful since we will be doing this a lot too?
- Overview Pages (Homepages): This video gives an overview of how you can customize the homepage by adding widgets to it.Helpfulsince our ITSM dashboard also uses widgets.
- Business Rules: Provides an overview of how scripts/logic can be used to automatically fill in fields in Tables.
- Inbound Email Actions and Notifications: Important video since we will be doing this ourselves. Shows how when a user sends an email, a ticket automatically is created with the fields filled in with information from that email. Also shows how you can customize notifications.
- Part Seven | IT Service Management
- All these videos are optional, but I liked watching them because they give an overview of the “big picture” of ITSM. They are basically more in-depth videoscompared to Part 4’s video.