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File metadata and controls

90 lines (69 loc) · 6.2 KB

Working Log

21 July 2021

  • Working on unread stuff. Going to store unread status as an edge between author and doc of kind HAS_NOT_READ. Marking something as read will mean deleting the edge, which means the server doesn't get clogged up with unread/read data tracking.
  • Of course this also means that other people can see what you've marked as read and what you haven't. If we make it clear that's the case, it could server as a nice social signal.
  • The read/unread thing could stand alone as another layer, really.
  • Wait, crap - you'd need to create unread edges for every user on the workspace when posting a thread/reply, that doesn't work at all.
  • Pondered over this with a lunch of carrots dipped in peanut butter. Think I've got an idea that leads to a better experience.
  • Have a READ_THREAD_UP_TO edge, where source is author and dest is a thread root.
    • This edge has a tiny bit of metadata on it: a timestamp representing where the thread was read up to.
    • If this edge does not exist, everything in the thread can be considered unread.
    • If this edge does exist, the root and replies' timestamps are compared to the timestapm in the READ_THREAD_UP_TO edge. If lower, it is read. If higher, it is unread.
  • Added isUnread, threadHasUnreadPosts, and markReadUpTo methods. Also made it so that when you post a thread or reply the thread is marked read up until there.

20 July 2021

  • Late start today, want to get cracking so I can show something substantial for Wednesday (Earthstar Picnic #4).
  • Going to use Tailwind for styling. A bit confusing for beginners but will save a lot of time with styling at this early stage.

  • Started work on getting threads.
  • Wondering how to identify threads - by timestamp?
    • It's possible for two people to post something exactly at the same time, but with small groups, and microseconds... I think we can safely use timestamps as IDs for threads.
    • The way I'm writing getThread a malicious user could know how threads are queried and make a doc that starts with /letterbox/ and ends with {timestamp}.md. I guess... I should put the author pubkey in there. Okay.
      • Not exactly friendly URLs but it's not like anybody's going to be spidering these.
  • Should everyone be able to tag a thread, or just the author? I'm going to go with just the author for now, we want to see the author's intent rather than everyone's personal filing system.
  • Hard time choosing between paths for replying... right now it's /{workspace}/thread/{authorPubKey}/{timestamp}/reply, but I also like /{workspace}/reply/{authorPubKey}/{timestamp}.
    • Easier to do nested layout with the former, so you can still the whole thread you're replying to inline. Was tempted by opening reply box in a new window, though...
  • Added thread view + thread replies. Horrendous layout, but it works.
  • Put together an acceptable layout for a prototype.
  • Spent a lot of today trying to figure out how to render my own markup with parsed markdown in order to add my own classes to them.
  • Added a nice (toggleable) preview area.
  • Made threads and replies order properly.
  • Got lost in the styling weeds today.
    • Had to do some styling to avoid UI soup
    • Also the js markdown ecosystem is extremely confusing.
    • Also worked from home today, a nice bit of paper with all the things I should do in order is at the studio and was sorely missed.
  • Always had open in the corner and wrote as I worked, which led to much better notes.

Next time

  • Will work on read / unread UI.

19 July 2021

  • Started work on an app for threaded discussions. I'm going to call it Letterbox.
    • Partly because I have a nice idea for a UI element that lets you open/close a letterbox, thereby preventing/allowing in incoming/outgoing posts. Not married to it.
  • My motivation is that I'd like for us to dogfood Earthstar more, and have a non-discord place, more long-form space for discussion related to it.
    • Something in the spaces between Slack, email, and forums.
  • I'd like to have simple, linear threads without sub-threading.
  • I have a natural disinclination towards channels for mid/long-form discussion. They seem to be really oriented around reducing noise between different departments. I am going to try using tags first.
  • I feel like having fine control over posts' 'read' status will be key. I don't like interfaces where something automatically stops being new after it was served for the first time.

  • Started work on LetterboxLayer.
  • Simple class which takes a storage, and optional keypair.
  • Posts are stored at /letterbox/~{userKeypair}/{timestamp}.md;
    • Using timestamps like lobby again - but this time in microseconds to match Earthstar. It's just such a nice way to get a post ID and embed some kind of 'first published' metadata.
  • earthstar-graph-db does the heavy lifting here.
    • Uses a HAS_THREAD edge where the source is the workspace and the destination is the .md document.
      • The author also owns the edge.

  • Worked react-router into the app. I would like to be able to use the back button, basically.
    • It would also be nice for users of the same namespace to be able to link to threads.
      • Which depends on a lot of things, first and foremost them having the same workspaces already configured...
  • In order not to put full workspace addresses in URLs (easy to leak via screenshots), I added a way to refer to workspaces using just their name (i.e. non-pubkey part).
    • If two workspaces have the same name, the second one will put its full workspace address in the URL. This can be improved.

  • Made a basic posting UI.
    • Although the current letterbox spec does not enforce thread titles, I've gently enforced it with the UI by making a required title field, the value of which is just prepended to the markdown as a heading.

  • Miscellaneous thoughts
    • Although I want to avoid subthreading for the time-being, it would be trivial to spawn new threads from replies by just creating a new HAS_THREAD edge between a reply and the workspace.
    • How am I going to deal with thread ordering (ie getting all threads by most recently posted to?) in an efficient way?
      • Can I even hope for pagination?

Next time

  • Make a thread view where you can add replies.
  • Start using some styling.