If you are going to have volonteers on your build site it is imporant that you have each volonteer provide the following evidence prior to stepping onto your build site:
- As the owner-builder you will need to insure yourself and any other volonteer builders who are on site, please consult your local state based building association for a list of insurance providers.
- Have each volonteer read over the following list of potential hazards which they are likely to encounter on a build site, make sure they provide an email/sms message to you acknowledging that they are aware of ALL hazards and have reviewed the precaution training guides which WorkSafe Australia recommend. OH&S list of likely incidents to occur during an off-grid build, and skills which volonteer builders should be ready to perform safely prior to participating on a build site.
- Each volonteer builder should take one of the "white card" construction site safety trainings courses, which are often provided free by industry organisations like Civil Construction Victoria.
- Please note, if you are allowing volonteer builders to camp on site, you will require additional insurance coverage, please see this list OH&S equipment.
If you have any additional hazards and/or skills to add to the above list, please email: earthsteading@gmail.com
The above checklist was created as part of Victoria University's course in Civil Construction Operations (2021).