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Releases: easystats/see

see 0.9.0

06 Sep 05:59
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  • New plot() method for performance::check_dag().

  • Minor improvements to plot() for methods p_direction() and p_significance(),
    which also support forthcoming changes in the parameters package.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in plot() for performance::check_model() when package qqplotr
    is not installed.

see 0.8.5

17 Jul 20:37
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Major Changes

  • The minimum needed R version has been bumped to 4.0.

Minor Changes

  • Improved scaling for detrended QQ plots when package {qqplotr} is not installed.
    The normal and the detrended QQ plots are now visually more similar.

  • Gets rid of warnings due to API changes in the {datawizard} package.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed CRAN test failures.

see 0.8.4

29 Apr 04:53
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Minor Changes

  • Fixes warnings generated from the {ggplot2} 3.5.0 release.

  • Small adjustment to size of point geoms for check_model() plots.

  • More arguments to change base font sizes and geom sizes are now passed to
    downstream plot-functions (i.e., plot() for check_model() passes arguments
    to change geom sizes to the underlying plot-functions).

  • plot() for check_predictions() now supports Bayesian regression models from
    brms and rstanarm.

Bug fixes

  • Corrected order of models for plot.compare_parameters().

see 0.8.3

24 Mar 18:24
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Major changes

  • New plot() method for simulated residuals (implemented in the performance

  • plot() for check_model() was revised and now includes more accurate Q-Q
    plots for non-Gaussian models.

Minor Changes

  • plot.check_model() now passes arguments size_point and size_line to the
    posterior predictive check plot.

  • Minor changes regarding the latest update of ggplot2.

see 0.8.2

14 Feb 14:13
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Minor Changes

  • plot.n_factors() now shows a dashed line over the bars, indicating the
    cumulate explained variance by the number of factors.

  • plot.check_outliers() now dodges the x-axis labels, to avoid overlapping

see 0.8.1

03 Nov 12:21
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Major Changes

  • This release changes the licensing model of {see} to an MIT license.

New features

  • There is now a plot() method for outputs of datawizard::data_tabulate()

Minor Changes

  • The print() method for performance::check_model() now also evaluates the
    default plot type for posterior predictive checks.

  • QQ/PP-plots now default to drawing simultaneous testing bands (when the
    qqplotr package is available). Previous behavior can be restored by setting
    method = "pointwise".

  • Plot method for performance::check_normality() now default to a detrended
    QQ-plot. Previous behavior can be restored by setting type = "density".

  • Plot method for binned_residuals() gains a show_smooth argument, to show
    or hide the smooth line.

  • Plot method for check_predictions() gains a x_limits argument, to limit
    the x-axis-range. This can be useful to "zoom in" certain parts of the plot.

see 0.8.0

05 Jun 16:50
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Major Changes

  • plot() for performance::check_model() no longer produces a normal QQ plot
    for GLMs. Instead, it now shows a half-normal QQ plot of the absolute value of
    the standardized deviance residuals.

  • plot() for performance::check_model() and
    performance::check_predictions() gains a type argument, to either create
    density plots, or discrete dots resp. interval plots for posterior predictive

  • plot() for performance::check_model() gains an n_column argument, to
    define the number of columns for the diagnostic plots (by default, two

  • plot() for performance::check_model() sometimes failed to create the plot
    under certain conditions, e.g. when the screen or app windows was zoomed-in.
    If an error occurs, a much more informative error message is shown, providing
    several possible solutions to resolve this problem.

  • plot() for parameters::equivalence_test() now aligns the labelling with
    the print() method. Hence, the legend title is no longer labelled "Decision on H0", but rather "Equivalence", to emphasize that we can assume practical
    equivalence for effects, but that we cannot accept the H0 (in a frequentist

  • Added some examples and cross references between docs. Furthermore, a vignette
    about plotting functions for the datawizard package was added.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with duplicated legend in the plot() method for

  • Fixes issue in plot.binned_residuals() for models whose residuals were
    completely inside error bounds.

  • plot() now works when using it on the output of describe_distribution()
    with a select argument of length 1.

see 0.7.5

23 Mar 22:31
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  • Changed the default "yellow" color in palette_okabeito() to "#F5C710"
    instead of "#F0E442" to increase visibility against a white background.
    For the original Okabe-Ito palette, set palette = "full_original" or
    palette = "black_first_original".

  • Deals with deprecated arguments and functions in recent {ggplot2} updates.

see 0.7.4

26 Nov 06:45
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  • Updates docs and tests for {ggplot2} release (3.4.0).

  • New function scale_color_colorhex() provides color scales based on palettes
    from (#245).

  • The default for the smoothing bandwidth from plot.check_predictions() has
    changed from "nrd0" to "nrd", which seems to produce better fitting plots
    for non-Gaussian models. Furthermore, performance::check_predictions()
    accepts a bw argument (smoothing bandwidth), which is passed down to the
    plot() method's density-estimation.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with plot() for check_outliers() for models with convergence

see 0.7.3

21 Sep 05:34
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  • Indrajeet Patil is now the maintainer.

  • The minimum needed R version has been bumped to 3.6.

  • Replaced deprecated arguments in function calls.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues in the plot() method from model_parameters() for
    intercept-only models.