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Deploying Sterling External Authentication Server on Openshift using the IBM Cloud

Steps required to install Sterling External Authentication Server (SEAS) on OpenShift on the IBM Cloud

Download the following file from Passport Advantage:

  • IBM Sterling External Authentication Server V 6.0.2 for RHOCP English

Clone this repository

  1. Login on OpenShift
git clone

cd sterling-b2b-oncloud/seas-openshift-ibmcloud

Create a new project on OpenShift for SEAS

  1. Login on OpenShift
oc login --token=sha256~... --server=
  1. Create a new project on OpenShift for SEAS
oc new-project sterling-seas

Setup Container Images on Registry

Setup RH OpenShift Image Registry

Upload images to Registry

  1. Get and export variable
oc get route image-registry -n openshift-image-registry

  1. Change to SEAS Project and export project
oc project sterling-seas

export MY_SEAS_PROJECT=sterling-seas
  1. Browse to the location where you have downloaded the SEAS container image.
unzip ../

tar -xvf SEAS.V6020.Docker.tar

tar -xvf seas_6020_docker.tar

tar -xvf seas_6020_helmchart.tar

rm SEAS.V6020.Docker.tar
rm seas_6020_docker.tar
rm seas_6020_helmchart.tar
  1. Login to Registry. Load/tag/push and check.
docker login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t) $MY_IMG_REGISTRY

docker load -i seas_docker_image_6020.tar

docker tag seas-docker-image:     $MY_IMG_REGISTRY/$MY_SEAS_PROJECT/seas-docker-image:

docker push $MY_IMG_REGISTRY/$MY_SEAS_PROJECT/seas-docker-image:
  1. Check result
oc get imagestream 
  1. Returno do previous directory and extract the helm charts
cd <CHANGE HERE>/seas-openshift-ibmcloud

tar -xzvf <Downloads_Directory>/ibm-seas-1.1.0.tgz

Deploy Sterling Toolkit on OpenShift

Follow the article Deploy Sterling Toolkit on OpenShift to setup toolkit

Deploy SEAS on OpenShift

Setup directories and files on Toolkit Container

  1. Get pod information
oc project sterling-tookit

oc get pods

NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sterling-tookit-59..         1/1     Running   0          73m

Export Toolkit Pod

export  MY_TOOLKIT_POD=sterling-tookit-59..
  1. Connect to Pod and setup directories
oc rsh pod/$MY_TOOLKIT_POD
cd /var/nfs-data/

mkdir -p seas

chmod -R a+rwx seas

chown -R 1000:1000 seas 


Define Security

  1. Define our project
oc project sterling-seas
  1. Change directory and setup permissions on OpenShift
cd ibm-seas/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/clusterAdministration


cd ../../../../..
  1. Change Rolebinding
cd ibm-seas/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/namespaceAdministration

sh sterling-seas

cd ../../../../..

Configure Storage for SEAS

  1. Locate the required information on the default storage volume
oc get pv -n openshift-image-registry

NAME       CAPACITY ACCESS MOD  RECLAIM POLICY  STATUS  CLAIM                                              STORAGECLASS    
pvc-99...  100Gi    RWX           Delete          Bound   openshift-image-registry/image-registry-storage  ibmc-file-gold      
  1. Get the details of the PV
oc describe pv pvc-99...

Type:   NFS (an NFS mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod)
Path:   /IBMxxSEVxxxxxxx_xx/data01
  1. Create file my-seas-pv.yaml, change from previous command:
cp seas-pv-nfs.yaml my-seas-pv-nfs.yaml
  1. Allocate PV/PVC
oc create -f my-seas-pv-nfs.yaml

Configuring Secrets

  1. Change file my-seas-secrets.yaml for passphrase
echo -n "Passw0rd@123" | base64
  1. Change file my-seas-secrets.yaml for password
echo -n "passw0rd" | base64
  1. Create secrets
cp seas-secrets.yaml my-seas-secrets.yaml

oc create -f my-seas-secrets.yaml

Deploy with Helm

  1. Create file my-seas-override.yaml, and change
cp seas-override.yaml my-seas-override.yaml
  1. Deploy with Helm
cd ibm-seas

helm install seas --namespace sterling-seas --timeout 120m0s -f ../my-seas-override.yaml .

You can check install using this commands:

$ oc get pods
seasXXXXX   1/1     Running   0          24s

$ oc logs -f seasXXXXX
$ oc get svc
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)           AGE
seasXXXXX       LoadBalancer   172.xx.xx.131   ..../TCP   5m46s