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Releases: ebengoechea/de1app_plugin_DYE

v2.30: DYE Favorites & DSx2 initial integration

13 Jan 09:09
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  • DYE Favorites. Inspired on DSx2 Favorites, DYE Favorites of type "recent" remember up the
    last 12 combinations of beans/profile/grinder/DSx2_workflow (at user choice) used and can
    copy the last shot done with each combination to the next shot definition.

  • Integration with Damian's new DSx2 skin:

    • New DSx2 theme to show DYE pages using a color palette consistent with DSx2 current
      theme. Code kindly contributed by Eran Yaniv.

    • DYE Favorites can (at user choice) be used instead of DSx2 favorites on DSx2 default
      home page (Damian theme):

      • One-click instant swap between recently used beans (or beans/profile/grinder/DSx2_workflow
        combinations, at user choice)

      • Tap on the "..." below the favorites bar on the right to get to the new
        DYE Favorites page.

      • Tap on the pencil close to any favorite on the DYE Favorites page to open the
        new DYE Favorite Edit page.

    • Last and Next shot descriptions can be shown on DSx2 default home page (Damian theme),
      below the chart, at user choice, and they link to the main DYE page for editing its metadata. Changes on DSx2 espresso
      settings variables such as dose, yield, or profile, are reflected inmediately in these descriptions as well as in
      DYE pages, and viceversa.

    • DSx2 workflow is now stored with shot data in DYE/SDB and can be propagated to the next shot
      when using DSx2 from any previous shot done with DSx2.

    • New settings page for DSx2 user options, linked from DYE main settings page.


  • Fix a couple of bugs that could produce runtime errors when using DYE on fresh new DE1 app
    installs (without any shots) or when the DE1 app settings file had been removed, as reported
    by Paul Chan.


29 Dec 09:59
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v2.28 Pre-release
  • Use Font Awesome 6 instead of 5 in skin themes, and change the symbol names modified in DUI.tcl by commit 50951f3


27 Dec 10:25
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v2.27 Pre-release

[2.27] - 2023-12-27


  • Don't fail anymore if using DYE with an unsupported skin. Now only a warning is written to the log file.
    Requested by @Damian-AU to help developing DSx2 forks. Beware this doesn't guarantee than DYE will work correctly with
    any skin.
  • Added DSx2 theme that follows DSx2 colors. Thanks to Eran Yaniv who contributed the code.


26 Nov 16:02
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v2.26 Pre-release


  • Added minimal support for DYE to work with DSx2.


  • Fix bug on the roast date field that would interpret august and september months ("08" and "09") as octal.
    Thanks to Dennis Schuber.

  • Fix outdated URL to the manual in Diaspora. Thanks to @kuy


16 Feb 09:59
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v2.25 Pre-release
  • Ensure the description of the last shot on DSx home page persists through app restarts. Bug reported by GrahamC.


03 Feb 11:48
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v2.24 Pre-release
  • Show correct extension of shot filenames (.shot instead of .tcl) in shot previewer.
  • Fix wrong clearing of grinder_setting when copying from next to last metadata and DYE settings had propagate_previous_shot_desc=0 and reset_next_plan=1. Reported by Bob Stern.
  • Fix bug showing the wrong shot duration on the Shot Selector when using a string filter. Reported by JoeD.


08 Dec 11:32
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v2.22 Pre-release


  • Added setting reset_next_plan to auto-clear the next shot plan data after pulling each shot. It is exposed in the DYE settings page and can only be enabled when propagation is disabled. Should handle the workflow/use case presented by Bob Stern.
  • New setting date_input_format, exposed in the DYE settings page, can take values "MDY", "DMY" or "YMD", with "MDY" as default. Replaces the previous date_input_formats. It is initialized to the closest matching format of the first item in date_input_formats, if it exists. Setting date_input_formats is removed.
  • New setting roast_date_format defines how to show the roast date after it's entered.


  • Read from previous now ignores zero-valued fields for determining blank shots.
  • Profiles imported from Visualizer whose title already include a folder ("<folder>/<profile_name>") now get the correct title ("Visualizer/<profile_name>"). Reported by Ricco Rosini.
  • New more user-friendly roast date parser, using the new date settings. Allows entering partial dates (only day or day+month), using any field separator (spaces, hyphens, dashes...), month numbers or 3-letter abbreviations, full or abbreviated years ("21" or "2021"), and adding extra text after the date (e.g. "21/12/2021 Roast 2") while still correctly parsing the date for computing days off-roast.
  • Update DYE page calculated/derived fields (days off-roast, enable/disable grinder setting, TDS) when data is cleared or imported.


05 Dec 18:11
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v2.21 Pre-release


  • The Visualizer dialog, when on the next shot plan, now allows downloading any of the "Recently selected shots" in Visualizer. A summary of the shots is shown when the "Shared" option is selected.


  • Selecting shots in the Shot Selector dialog now works correctly irrespective of the values of settings variables use_finger_down_for_tap and disable_long_press.
  • Filtering shots in the Shot Selector by a search string is now performed in Tcl instead of passing it to SQLite like in previous versions. This is done because SQLite cannot perform case-insensitive searches on concatenated fields on the tablet build of Androwish (whereas on PC it works). This also improves responsiveness, but has the drawback that the search is performed only on the subset of shots downloaded in current filter and within the maximum number of rows (currently 500).
  • Selection of shots in the Shot Selector when the preview panel is collapsed is now slightly faster, as the summary info is now not written to the preview Tk Text panel when not needed.

v2.20: A better Shot Selector!

30 Nov 17:44
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  • New "Shot Selector" page dialog (dye_shot_select_dlg), replaces the plain listbox-based selector used previously in all instances where a shot can be selected in DYE. Initial implementation of core features, "Navigate by" is disabled at the moment, and styles still have to be adapted to the different skin/themes.

  • New option "Copy to next shot plan" in the "Edit data menu" allows to send data from the currently viewed shot in DYE to be used in the next shot plan.

Profile Selector dialog

24 Nov 19:36
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  • New "Profile Selector" page dialog (dye_profile_select_dlg)
  • New option to compare to "Another profile" in the Profile Viewer page.
  • New buttons on the profile settings "presets" and "editing" pages to directly launch the Profile Viewer and Profile Selector dialogs.
  • New "Change profile" option on the "Manage" menu when in "Plan next shot" page.


  • Icon to launch DYE on Insight home page.
  • Bigger tapping area in many buttons, using the new DUI -tap_pad option of dbuttons.