Sample project for implementing OIDC server with a web application and an API service.
This repository is associated with an article series that provides a step-by-step guide on implementing OIDC (OpenID Connect 1.0) with Node.js, TypeScript, and MongoDB:
- Series: Implementing OpenID with Node.js, TypeScript, and MongoDB - A Step-by-Step Guide
- Part I: Developing Simple OpenID Authorization Server with Node.js & Typescript
- Part II: Persisting OpenID Server Data on MongoDB with Node.js
- Part III: Adding Resource Server Authorization to OpenID with Node.js
- Part IV: Configuring OpenID Security Settings in Node.js
The project has been developed and tested in the following environment:
$ node -v
$ yarn -v
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350
$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.15.1
Install dependencies Open a terminal and run the following command to install the project dependencies:
$ yarn install
Run containers Start the project containers by running the command:
$ yarn compose:up
You can see the front end by navigating to http://localhost:3005 with your browser.
Stop containers When you're done using the application, stop the containers by running the command:
$ yarn compose:down
If you have any suggestions or want to propose code changes, you can open an issue or create a pull request with your proposed changes. Feel free to make any further adjustments or additions to the README to suit your project's specific requirements and conventions.