Releases: eclipse-embed-cdt/eclipse-plugins
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.9.2-201508071246
Version 2.9.2-201508071246 is a maintenance release; the main improvements include support for multi-LED boards in the STM32F4 C++ template and more elaborate PLL settings in the STM32F4 templates.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.9.1-201508011813
Version is a new release; the main improvement is the new version of the GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU emulator (including a graphical LED emulator), paired with a new version of the QEMU Debugging plug-in; also embedded applications can now be executed in Run mode, not only in Debug mode.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.8.1-201504061754
Version 2.8.1-201504061754 is a new release; the main improvement is the addition of an experimental QEMU Debugging plug-in, using the GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU emulator.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.7.1-201503211846
Version 2.7.1-201503211846 is a new release; the main improvements include: a new set of preferences pages to configure the debug tools paths (J-Link, OpenOCD); as a homage to the team who created the former CodeRed suite, a new debug perspective named CodeRed was added, intended to be compatible with the CodeRed Develop perspective.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.6.1-201502281154
Version 2.6.1-201502281154 is a new release; the main improvements include: significant stability and reliability changes to the Peripheral view, making it production ready; a new mechanism to manage the toolchain path and build tools path; for a better integration with the debug plug-ins, a new distribution of OpenOCD was added as a subproject named GNU ARM Eclipse OpenOCD.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.5.1-201412191510
Version 2.5.1-201412191510 is a new release; the main improvements include a more reliable J-Link GDB server startup code and an improved Peripherals view, also handling enumerated fields.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.4.2-201411261616
Version 2.4.2-201411261616 is a maintenance release; the main improvements include support for Peripherals view in the OpenOCD debug plug-in and the newlib-nano explicit configuration options.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.4.1-201410142110
Version 2.4.1 is a major release. The main additions, which extend the CMSIS Packs support, are a peripherals registers view in debug, and a documentation view in the C/C++ perspective.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.3.2-201407190854
Version 2.3.2-201407190854 is a maintenance release.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.3.2-201407190818
Version 2.3.2 201407190818 is a maintenance release, issued to fix the preferences toolchain name & path exception.