All credit for this method goes to jaagr.
Same goes for following documentation.
Modified by ecly.
Files are added to the repository by calling dot add $HOME/.config/file
and when
issuing git status
- only changes to files explicitly added will be shown.
To get a list of files not tracked by git, use dot untracked
or dot untracked-at $HOME/path/to/foo/bar
to only show files in a specific subdirectory.
alias dot='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dots.git/ --work-tree=$HOME'
git init --bare $HOME/.dots.git
dot remote add origin
dot config status.showUntrackedFiles no
# Useful aliases
dot config alias.untracked "status -u ."
dot config alias.untracked-at "status -u"
# Use the dot alias like you would use the git command
dot status
dot add --update ...
dot commit -m "..."
dot push
# Listing files (not tracked by git)
dot untracked
dot status -u .config/
# Listing files (tracked by git)
dot ls-files
dot ls-files .config/polybar/
git clone --recursive --separate-git-dir=$HOME/.dots.git /tmp/dots
rsync -rvl --exclude ".git" /tmp/dots/ $HOME/
rm -r /tmp/dots
dot submodule update --init --recursive $HOME/
If you don't want eg. and to clutter your home dir.
git update-index --assume-unchanged
To later undo this do:
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged