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File metadata and controls

214 lines (177 loc) · 7.15 KB



This project is no longer maintained, if you are seeking for a replacement of this Ecto adapter, we would like to recommend ecto_tablestore for your reference.


Otto is an easy-to-use wrapper for accessing Aliyun Table Store(OTS), a distributed NoSQL database. It is based on package ex_aliyun_ots. It works well with ecto, which means you can define struct and field types in ecto, then otto will handle it.

Using otto, you can:

  • Easily create and update ots table.
  • CURD in an ecto-like way.
  • Encrypt fields if neccessary, using AES encryption algorithm.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding otto to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:otto, "~> 0.1.0"}


Add ex_aliyun_ots configuration.

Otto depends on ex_aliyun_ots, so you should add config for it first, without this, your app cannot run.

config :ex_aliyun_ots, instances: [Instance1, Instance2]

config :ex_aliyun_ots, Instance1,
  name: "instance1_name",
  endpoint: "YOUR-OTS-ENDPOINT",
  access_key_id: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID",
  access_key_secret: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-SECRET"

config :ex_aliyun_ots, Instance2,
  name: "instance2_name",
  endpoint: "YOUR-OTS-ENDPOINT",
  access_key_id: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID",
  access_key_secret: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-SECRET"

Add otto configuration.

Here is an example of otto configuration.

:ciphers is a keyword list of cipher configs. A cipher contains three parts:

  • tag: such as aes_gcm_v2, aes_gcm_v1 in the config. It is the key of each cipher. Tag will be used to get key.
  • module: the real aes algorithm you use. Now we implemented AES-GCM and AES-CDR. You can also define your own, but it must implement behaviour Otto.Cipher.
  • key: the key to use when encrypting and decrypting in aes. You can generate a key by Otto.Cipher.generate_key/0, or run 32 |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes() |> Base.encode64().

When a new row need encryption, it will use the first cipher in the list. An iv is generated for each encryption, iv is similar to salt. We will add __aes_iv__ and __aes_tag__ in your ots row. When updating or decrypting the row, we will use the same iv and tag.

config :otto,
  ciphers: [
    aes_gcm_v2: [
      module: Otto.Cipher.AES.GCM,
      key: "2DR+mrNKNv3bGsQA2VnvTy8WrUwtNiO28/VXgWwAYEE=" |> Base.decode64!()
    aes_gcm_v1: [
      module: Otto.Cipher.AES.GCM,
      key: "QLHEOuMbWAQVkfe3u14gNOZYajKOgz0q0mB7cyjdBTo=" |> Base.decode64!()


Define a Table

You can define a table using Otto.Table with some options, could look like this:

defmodule DemoTableCreate do
  use Otto.Table,
    instance: Instance1,
    table: "test_table",
    primary: [:pk1, :pk2],
    encrypt: [:enc1, :enc2],
    reserved_throughput_read: 10,
    index: [
      index_name1: [field_name1: :long, field_name2: :text],
      index_name2: [field_name1: :keyword, field_name2: :text],

required fields:

  • table: the ots table name, it should be unique in one instance.
  • primary: the primary keys atom list.

optional fields:

  • encrypt: fields to encrypt, encrypt should not be in primary.
  • index: search index information, one table can have multiple indexes.
  • reserved_throughput_write: integer, table write performance data.
  • reserved_throughput_read: integer, table read performance data.
  • time_to_live: integer, live seconds of the table data stored.
  • max_versions: integer, max versions of table.
  • deviation_cell_version_in_sec: integer.
  • stream_spec: keyword list, define stream specs of the table, such as [enable_stream: true, expiration_time: 9999999999999]

With the configuration, table "test_table" will be created by Otto.Table.create_table(DemoTableCreate), then you can get a function __ots__/0 with the instance name and all the metadata defined in options. And __ots__/1 with some useful functions.


@behaviour Otto.Table is already added when using Otto.Table, you need to implement the two callbacks in your table module.

@callback __schema__(:type, field) :: atom()
@callback __schema__(:fields) :: list(atom)

But if you use Ecto.Schema, it already did it.

Do CURD with Otto.Query

Otto.Query has two macro called filter and condition, which can be used when using get_row or get_range. So if you use the filter, you'd better import Otto.Query.

Here is a sample:

defmodule DemoTable do
  use Otto.Table,
    instance: Instance1,
    table: "demo",
    primary: [:pk1, :pk2],
    attrs: [:attr1, :attr2, :attr3, :attr4, :attr5, :attr6]
    encrypt: [:attr2, :attr4, :attr6]

  use Ecto.Schema
  import Ecto.Changeset
  import Otto.Query
  alias DemoTable

  schema "test_query" do
    field(:pk1, :string)
    field(:pk2, :integer)

    field(:attr1, :string)
    field(:attr2, :integer)
    field(:attr3, :string)
    field(:attr4, :map)
    field(:attr5, :float)
    field(:attr6, :boolean)

  def changeset(query_test, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, __MODULE__.__schema__(:fields))

  def test do
    attrs = %{
      pk1: "pk1",
      pk2: 3,
      attr1: "attr1",
      attr2: 2,
      attr3: "attr3",
      attr4: %{a: 1, b: 2},
      attr5: 1.32,
      attr6: false

    put_row_data = struct(DemoTable, attrs)
    update_row_data = %DemoTable{
      pk1: "pk1",
      pk2: 3,
      attr3: "attr3_update",
      attr4: %{a: 3, b: 4},
      attr6: true
    get_row_data = %{
      pk1: "pk1",
      pk2: 3
    get_row_data2 = %{
      pk1: "pk12",
      pk2: 3
    get_range_data1 = %{pk1: "pk1", pk2: :__inf_min__}
    get_range_data2 = %{pk1: "pk2", pk2: :__inf_max__}
    get_range_data3 = %{pk1: :__inf_max__, pk2: :__inf_min__}
    get_range_data4 = %{pk1: :__inf_min__, pk2: :__inf_max__}

    put_row(put_row_data |> Map.merge(%{pk1: "pk12", attr2: 10}))
    put_row(put_row_data |> Map.merge(%{pk1: "pk13", attr2: 100}))

    update_row(update_row_data, delete_fields: [:attr2, :attr5])

    get_row(DemoTable, get_row_data)
    get_row(DemoTable, get_row_data2)
    get_row(DemoTable, get_row_data, filter: filter("attr2" == "9"))
    get_row(DemoTable, %{pk1: "pk2", pk2: 3})

    get_range(DemoTable, get_range_data1, get_range_data2)
    get_range(DemoTable, get_range_data1, get_range_data3)
    get_range(DemoTable, get_range_data4, get_range_data3, direction: :forward, limit: 1)
    assert {:ok, nil} = get_range(DemoTable, get_range_data1, get_range_data4, direction: :backward)

    delete_row(%DemoTable{pk1: "pk1", pk2: 3})
    delete_row(%DemoTable{pk1: "pk12", pk2: 3})
    delete_row(%DemoTable{pk1: "pk13", pk2: 3})

If the table has encrypt_fields, the encrypt fields will be stored encrypted.


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