First of all, thank you for considering contributing to PortfolioGenerator! I appreciate any kind of contribution you'll make to this project, and I hope this project gets better with your contribution.
Websites generated with Portfolio Generator has a localization system. If you would like to help us, consider the Crowdin page! After you log in to Crowdin with an account, you can easily start translating. When at least 50% of the translation in a language is done, that language will be added to the project, along with everyone who contributed to the translation for that language.
When contributing to the project via code, make sure to follow these instructions:
- Use Forks & Branches - Always create a fork work there. Always create branches in your fork. Each branch can be for a single feature, such as "translation" or "advanced-project-system".
- Use Loggers - Never forget to use the logger while doing something, always log what you did, log warnings when there is a mistake made by the user, and always log everything you do to the debug logger.
- Formatting - I don't really care about formatting, so you don't have to pay that much attention to formatting code. Just press
key (Shift+Alt+F
for VSCode) every few minutes.
Here are the steps to start contributing this project (using IntelliJ IDEA)
- Fork the repository.
- Click
>Project from Version Control...
. - Choose 'GitHub' from the list (you need to log in to GitHub with IDEA ).
- Choose your forked repository in there.
- Click 'Clone'.
- Wait for IntelliJ IDEA to finish background tasks.
- Create a branch to work on it.
- Start contributing!