Neuromodulation as a therapeutic intervention in substance use disorders: mechanisms and effects.
Pathology of the function and structure of frontostriatal, mesolimbic and cerebellar circuits in murine models of substance use. Funding PAPIIT DGPA-UNAM 2020.
Brain structural and functional connectivity changes related to clinical improvement in patients with cocaine addiction after long-term treatment with TMS. Pre-registered in Clinical Trials ID: NCT02986438.
Structural and functional brain connectivity as a biomarker of cocaine addiction: A clinical and MRI study. Funding CONACYT.
Brain activity associated with emotion processing and regulation in fibromyalgia. Pre-registered in OSF. Collaboration with Andre Aleman and Maria-Jose Van Tol, University of Grongingen, Netherlands. Funding University of Grongingen.
Relationship between social closeness and loss aversion in the face of deception: A behavioral and fMRI study. Pre-registered in OSF. Collaboration with Roberto Mercadillo, UAM-Iztapalapa, Mexico & Kamila Sip, Neuroleadership Institute, USA. Funding Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz".