File notExisting = new File("notExistingFile");
//if the file does not exist, it does not throw an exception!!!
boolean isDeleted = notExisting.delete();
System.out.println(isDeleted); //false;
is immutable. This line is ignored:
Path p1;
Calling resolve() with an absolute path as a parameter returns the absolute path.
var p1 = Path.of("/tmp")
var p2 = Path.of("enrico")
var p3 = Path.of("/users")
var resolve = p1.resolve(p2); // /tmp/enrico
resolve = p2.resolve(p1); // /tmp
resolve = p1.resolve(p3) // /users
resolve = p3.resolve(p1) // /tmp
Both paths to be either absolute or relative.
Path path1 = Path.of("tmp/fish.txt"); //relative
Path path2 = Path.of("/user/friendly/birds.txt"); //absolute
// Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'other' is different type of Path
It does throw IOException
Path pom = Path.of("pom.xml");
throws IOException
if the path does not exist.
It does NOT throw IOException
Path pom = Path.of("pom.xml").toAbsolutePath();
Do not close!
Because these are static objects, the System streams are shared by the entire application.
The JVM creates and opens them for us. They can be used in a try-with-resources statement
or by calling close(), although closing them is not recommended.
Class Name | Level |
FileInputStream | low |
FileOutputStream | low |
FileReader | low |
FileWriter | low |
BufferedInputStream | high |
BufferedOutputStream | high |
BufferedReader | high |
BufferedWriter | high |
ObjectInputStream | high |
ObjectOutputStream | high |
PrintStream | high |
PrintWriter | high |
is an abstract class
Writer writer = new PrintWriter(dest)
I need to declare throws IOException
since Writer
(abstract) implements Closeable
which can throw IOE.
Writer w = c.writer();
try (w) {...}
Marks the present position in the stream. Subsequent calls to reset() will reposition the stream to this point. Params: readAheadLimit – Limit on the number of characters that may be read while still preserving the mark. Because the stream's input comes from a string, there is no actual limit, so this argument must not be negative, but is otherwise ignored.
If Object implemented Serializable
, all objects would be serializable by default,
defeating the purpose of having the Serializable interface.
Serialization Example
try {
//this is the proper way to read multiple items from a file
var obj=ois.readObject();
if(obj instanceof Person p){
//do something
}catch(EOFException e){}
On deserialization, the JVM will call the no-arg constructor of the first non-serializable parent class it can find in the class hierarchy.
Always checks if console is not null before using it.
Console console = System.console();
wrong way:
Console console = new Console(); //does not compile
String input = console.readLine("Type your name: ");
char[] pwd = console.readPassword("Type your pwd: ");
Reader reader = console.reader();
PrintWriter writer = console.writer()
and System.err
when declared within the try with resources can no longer log if used after
they are closed.
System.err closed
if (inputStream.markSupported()){