diff --git a/changelog/fragments/1699010487-leaderelectionconfig.yaml b/changelog/fragments/1699010487-leaderelectionconfig.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e965af360df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog/fragments/1699010487-leaderelectionconfig.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Kind can be one of:
+# - breaking-change: a change to previously-documented behavior
+# - deprecation: functionality that is being removed in a later release
+# - bug-fix: fixes a problem in a previous version
+# - enhancement: extends functionality but does not break or fix existing behavior
+# - feature: new functionality
+# - known-issue: problems that we are aware of in a given version
+# - security: impacts on the security of a product or a user’s deployment.
+# - upgrade: important information for someone upgrading from a prior version
+# - other: does not fit into any of the other categories
+kind: enhancement
+# Change summary; a 80ish characters long description of the change.
+summary: Added Kubernetes leader_election provider configuration parameters
+# Long description; in case the summary is not enough to describe the change
+# this field accommodate a description without length limits.
+# NOTE: This field will be rendered only for breaking-change and known-issue kinds at the moment.
+# Affected component; usually one of "elastic-agent", "fleet-server", "filebeat", "metricbeat", "auditbeat", "all", etc.
+component: elastic-agent
+# PR URL; optional; the PR number that added the changeset.
+# If not present is automatically filled by the tooling finding the PR where this changelog fragment has been added.
+# NOTE: the tooling supports backports, so it's able to fill the original PR number instead of the backport PR number.
+# Please provide it if you are adding a fragment for a different PR.
+#pr: https://github.com/owner/repo/1234
+# Issue URL; optional; the GitHub issue related to this changeset (either closes or is part of).
+# If not present is automatically filled by the tooling with the issue linked to the PR number.
+#issue: https://github.com/owner/repo/1234
diff --git a/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/config.go b/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/config.go
index 7ccc2f9a799..7988fcd6fc2 100644
--- a/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/config.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/config.go
@@ -13,10 +13,18 @@ type Config struct {
 	// Name of the leaderelection lease
 	LeaderLease string `config:"leader_lease"`
+	//Parameters to configure election process
+	LeaseDuration int `config:"leader_leaseduration"`
+	RenewDeadline int `config:"leader_renewdeadline"`
+	RetryPeriod   int `config:"leader_retryperiod"`
 	KubeClientOptions kubernetes.KubeClientOptions `config:"kube_client_options"`
 // InitDefaults initializes the default values for the config.
 func (c *Config) InitDefaults() {
 	c.LeaderLease = "elastic-agent-cluster-leader"
+	c.LeaseDuration = 15
+	c.RenewDeadline = 10
+	c.RetryPeriod = 2
diff --git a/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/kubernetes_leaderelection.go b/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/kubernetes_leaderelection.go
index b1388005ab7..c32b57d78c8 100644
--- a/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/kubernetes_leaderelection.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/composable/providers/kubernetesleaderelection/kubernetes_leaderelection.go
@@ -83,12 +83,13 @@ func (p *contextProvider) Run(ctx context.Context, comm corecomp.ContextProvider
 		ReleaseOnCancel: true,
-		LeaseDuration:   15 * time.Second,
-		RenewDeadline:   10 * time.Second,
-		RetryPeriod:     2 * time.Second,
+		LeaseDuration:   time.Duration(p.config.LeaseDuration) * time.Second,
+		RenewDeadline:   time.Duration(p.config.RenewDeadline) * time.Second,
+		RetryPeriod:     time.Duration(p.config.RetryPeriod) * time.Second,
 		Callbacks: leaderelection.LeaderCallbacks{
 			OnStartedLeading: func(ctx context.Context) {
 				p.logger.Debugf("leader election lock GAINED, id %v", id)
+				p.logger.Debugf("leader configuration timings: LeaseDuration: %v , RenewDeadline: %v, RetryPeriod: %v", p.leaderElection.LeaseDuration, p.leaderElection.RenewDeadline, p.leaderElection.RetryPeriod)
 			OnStoppedLeading: func() {