First of all: thanks for contributing to TrackFind! We really appreciate it.
If you have some propositions, feel free to create an issue containing feature-request.
Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching all issues.
If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
If bug is UI-related, screenshots are mandatory.
If this is something you think you can fix, then fork TrackFind and create a branch with a descriptive name.
A good branch name would be (where issue #325 is the ticket you're working on):
git checkout -b 325-fix-parsing-json
Make sure you're using correct Maven version and appropriate Java version.
You should be able to run the tests using:
mvn clean test
If your tests are passing locally but they're failing on Travis, reset your test environment.
You should be able to run application as follows:
docker-compose up -d
Next navigate to http://localhost and perform a smoke-test: make sure that all basic functionality is working properly.
If a maintainer asks you to "rebase" your PR, they're saying that a lot of code has changed, and that you need to update your branch so it's easier to merge.
To learn more about rebasing in Git, there are a lot of good resources, but here's the suggested workflow:
git checkout 325-fix-parsing-json
git pull --rebase upstream master
git push --force-with-lease 325-fix-parsing-json