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Assignment #1: language identification with as few characters as possible

Part 0: choosing "your" GPU

The GPU is cuda:0. The script will check if cuda is available, and then select cuda:0, if unavailable it will default to cpu.

Part 1: data preparation


  • Swedish
  • Danish
  • Norwegian (Bokmål)
  • Icelandic
  • Faroese
  • English
  • Welsh
  • German
  • Old English
  • Arabic

I chose languages from similar language families, all the Scandinavian languages including Icelandic and Faroese, which could be described as a mix of Danish and Icelandic. English, Old English and German are also similar and I wanted to see how well they can be predicted. Arabic was chosen because it's very much different from the other ones both alphabetically and syntactically. I wanted Arabic to be a sanity check for if the model is actually able to predict anything at all.

Generating training and test files

The training and test files can be generated using the script

  • --showall: Lists all the languages and their language codes.
  • y_file: path to the file with language labels for training.
  • x_file: path to the file with sentences for training.
  • y_new: name of new file with labels saved to disk.
  • x_new: name of new file with sentences saved to disk.
  • languages: Selected languages codes, separated by comma.

The generated files in the for training and test files in the repo:

  • x_train.txt
  • y_train.txt
  • x_test.txt
  • y_test.txt

Part 2: model and training

Network model

The network model is trained by running the script using the parameters:

  • --m: The name of the network model.
  • --x_file: File name of the language data.
  • --y_file: File name of the language labels.
  • --vo: File name of the vocabulary saved to disk.
  • --b: Batch size used for for training the neural network (default 100).
  • --e: Number or epochs used for training the neural network (default 20).
  • --r: Optimizer learning rate (default 0.1).
  • --l: The size of the hidden layer (default 200).
  • --t: Loss type function to use (default 1) The loss functions are 1,2 and 3. ** Loss 1: CrossEntropyLoss with mean reduction. ** Loss 2: CrossEntropyLoss without reduction multiplied with character prefix length (prefix lenth/sentence length). ** Loss 3: CrossEntropyLoss without reduction with additive character prefix length.

The GRU network model is in the file The model has an input, embedding, hidden, linear and an output layer. It contains the critera for CrossEntropyLoss, which combines LogSoftmax and NLLLoss in one single class, with and without reduction. The data is fed into the embedding layer which creates randomly-initialized vectors corresponding to the indices in the sentences. The hidden layer is initialized with the number of layers, length of the sentence and the layer's hidden size. The loss is calculated and printed for every trained batch.


The network model is tested by running the script using the parameters:

  • --m: The previously saved network model.
  • --x_file: File name of the language data for testing.
  • --y_file: File name of the language labels for testing.
  • --vo: The saved vocabulary file.
  • --p: Optional. Prints a table of all the predictions made for a language.

The data is loaded from the selected files into training data, labels and vocabulary. The contains the functions for creating the data fed into the network model. First, the sentences are made into prefixes, made up of one list for every following character up to the lenth of the sentence. The list of prefixes is encoded by swiching each character to the integer representation in the vocabulary, and are then padded up to the length of the longest sentence with zeroes.

The script will check if cuda is available, and then select cuda:0, if unavailable it will select cpu.

The encoded data is put into a Dataset from and put into a dataloader. The dataloader pins the dataloader to memory if cuda:0 is selected. Then it feeds the data in the selected number of batches into the model, printing the updated loss after each batch.

When the model has finished training, the model is saved to disk togeather with the vocabulary to be used in the evaluation.

Part 3: evaluation


The script will check if cuda is available, and then select cuda:0, if unavailable it will select cpu. It loads the test data and labels and the vocabulary.

For each sentence, the prefixes and padding are done using the same functions as in training. For each sentence, an instance of n (length of sentence) prefixes are created and used for testing. The n prefixes are matched with the language label and fed into a dataloader (the reason for this was because it kept having the wrong shape otherwise) and it does not shuffle the data. Then, it tries to predict each prefix. If the prefix is correctly classified, the loop breaks and the testing continues with the next sentence. This turned out to make the testing considerably shorter, as some sentences were correctly predicted at the first character.

For every language, it saves all the predictions and the correct results. If a language was correctly predicted, the prefix number at which it was correct is also saved, otherwise the instance will be None. At a correct classification, the result is printed in the terminal.

The results for every language are saved as:

  • The predicted language
  • The language that was correct
  • Percentages of the correctly predicted languages
  • The mean prefix number at which each language was correctly predicted
  • The number of sentences for a language that were never predicted

Part 4: reporting

Results using different loss functions

The tabels show how many sentences that were correcly classified, at what percentage, the average prefix number at which is was correctly predicted and how many sentences that were never predicted correctly.

The extra tabels show the sum and percentages of all the predictions made for each language. One prediction equals one prefix in a sentence, so sentences that were harder and took longer to classify will have a higher sum. Since the first table only shows how many full sentences were correct this shows more in detail what the model has tried to predict.

Loss1 Loss2 Loss3
Total accuracy 88.8% 90.0% 89.1%
Avg loss 0.0007 72.855 31542.24
Avg prefix 4.1 4.5 4.1

The models performs very similar. The loss for model 1 is the lowest and predicts the correct language at an earlier prefix than the second one, but model 2 (multiplying the prefix lengths) gave the most accurate predictions overall.

Loss 1

Language Correct Total % correct Avg prefix Never
Old English 459 500 91 4 41
Arabic 499 500 99 1 1
Welsh 480 500 96 3 20
Danish 414 500 82 3 86
German 443 500 88 6 57
English 430 500 86 3 70
Faroese 465 500 93 3 35
Icelandic 408 500 81 9 92
Norwegian (Bokmål) 414 500 82 4 86
Swedish 432 500 86 5 68
Loss 1: Total number of predicted results per language in %
ang ara cym dan deu eng fao isl nob swe
ang 7.50 0.20 6.10 22.55 13.13 22.89 11.30 7.98 3.47 4.89
ara 0.48 80.48 0.00 0.00 12.10 0.16 3.06 2.42 1.29 0.00
cym 7.35 0.03 13.21 10.87 13.84 19.59 11.92 3.05 8.31 11.83
dan 6.08 0.01 1.56 3.93 6.98 10.89 12.71 2.30 37.81 17.75
deu 9.01 0.05 4.81 18.92 5.01 12.46 13.49 6.08 17.35 12.84
eng 15.38 0.01 10.17 13.40 9.81 4.81 7.40 4.05 12.26 22.72
fao 8.41 0.04 3.02 19.48 1.66 9.43 9.18 30.85 13.52 4.42
isl 7.50 0.18 2.21 6.72 4.23 3.48 61.30 2.89 6.83 4.65
nob 3.87 0.00 1.52 52.25 1.90 7.85 14.60 1.18 3.90 12.93
swe 3.89 0.52 4.99 29.60 8.38 6.95 10.66 7.82 22.75 4.44
Loss 1: Total number of predicted results per language
ang ara cym dan deu eng fao isl nob swe
ang 459 12 373 1379 803 1400 691 488 212 299
ara 3 499 0 0 75 1 19 15 8 0
cym 267 1 480 395 503 712 433 111 302 430
dan 641 1 164 414 736 1148 1340 242 3986 1871
deu 796 4 425 1672 443 1101 1192 537 1534 1135
eng 1375 1 909 1198 877 430 662 362 1096 2032
fao 426 2 153 987 84 478 465 1563 685 224
isl 1058 26 311 947 597 491 8642 408 963 656
nob 411 0 161 5550 202 834 1551 125 414 1373
swe 378 51 485 2879 815 676 1037 761 2213 432

Loss 2

Avgerage percent correct for model: 89.5%

Language Correct Total % correct Avg prefix Never
Old English 454 500 90 5 46
Arabic 499 500 99 1 1
Welsh 486 500 97 2 14
Danish 394 500 78 6 106
German 456 500 91 6 44
English 447 500 89 7 53
Faroese 474 500 94 3 26
Icelandic 409 500 81 7 91
Norwegian (Bokmål) 451 500 90 3 49
Swedish 432 500 86 5 68
Loss 2: Total number of predicted results per language in %
ang ara cym dan deu eng fao isl nob swe
ang 6.23 0.00 5.67 9.48 10.68 42.37 7.95 5.67 7.32 4.64
ara 1.60 79.97 0.16 0.16 0.64 0.32 1.44 2.56 0.80 12.34
cym 6.63 0.28 19.30 8.26 10.13 15.29 14.06 8.26 10.96 6.83
dan 5.14 0.00 2.37 2.86 10.31 8.39 12.04 3.67 42.74 12.49
deu 11.13 0.04 8.99 9.70 5.97 4.99 16.40 9.33 21.90 11.56
eng 20.27 0.01 6.38 8.44 8.79 5.06 12.36 5.19 15.03 18.48
fao 4.06 0.04 6.12 17.84 2.40 15.10 10.62 25.81 11.38 6.63
isl 6.05 0.22 2.63 4.73 3.15 2.50 67.16 3.23 6.00 4.32
nob 4.73 0.14 5.20 28.11 7.64 12.57 18.56 3.81 6.80 12.44
swe 3.77 0.00 4.52 14.97 8.80 8.63 18.81 5.48 30.43 4.58
Loss 2: Total number of predicted results per language
ang ara cym dan deu eng fao isl nob swe
ang 454 0 413 691 778 3087 579 413 533 338
ara 10 499 1 1 4 2 9 16 5 77
cym 167 7 486 208 255 385 354 208 276 172
dan 708 0 327 394 1421 1156 1660 506 5891 1721
deu 850 3 687 741 456 381 1253 713 1673 883
eng 1792 1 564 746 777 447 1093 459 1329 1634
fao 181 2 273 796 107 674 474 1152 508 296
isl 765 28 333 598 399 316 8497 409 759 547
nob 314 9 345 1865 507 834 1231 253 451 825
swe 356 0 426 1412 830 814 1774 517 2870 432

Loss 3

Language Correct Total % correct Avg prefix Never
Old English 460 500 92 5 40
Arabic 499 500 99 1 1
Welsh 484 500 96 2 16
Danish 345 500 69 4 155
German 460 500 92 5 40
English 449 500 89 6 51
Faroese 447 500 89 4 53
Icelandic 423 500 84 5 77
Norwegian (Bokmål) 455 500 91 3 45
Swedish 430 500 86 6 70
Loss 3: Total number of predicted results per language in %
ang ara cym dan deu eng fao isl nob swe
ang 6.92 0.00 6.53 7.84 11.45 38.58 7.25 9.36 8.14 3.93
ara 0.80 79.97 0.32 0.00 1.60 0.32 0.80 0.48 0.32 15.38
cym 7.30 0.03 16.91 6.88 16.28 22.91 7.37 3.07 10.79 8.45
dan 4.18 0.00 1.36 1.93 9.44 9.31 9.84 3.67 51.83 8.44
deu 11.61 0.47 3.01 10.51 6.62 12.95 14.77 13.91 14.34 11.81
eng 22.58 0.12 8.72 10.33 8.16 5.39 6.56 8.66 17.79 11.68
fao 6.99 0.04 4.69 14.15 5.08 8.39 6.08 33.51 14.65 6.43
isl 5.49 0.01 1.52 2.99 5.03 4.36 61.83 4.12 11.06 3.58
nob 5.56 0.00 2.57 35.87 8.75 10.88 10.72 7.48 7.16 11.02
swe 6.16 0.31 4.63 17.13 10.49 9.02 10.44 12.35 25.33 4.13
Loss 3: Total number of predicted results per language
ang ara cym dan deu eng fao isl nob swe
ang 460 0 434 521 761 2564 482 622 541 261
ara 5 499 2 0 10 2 5 3 2 96
cym 209 1 484 197 466 656 211 88 309 242
dan 748 0 244 345 1690 1666 1762 656 9277 1510
deu 807 33 209 731 460 900 1027 967 997 821
eng 1879 10 726 860 679 449 546 721 1481 972
fao 514 3 345 1041 374 617 447 2465 1078 473
isl 564 1 156 307 517 448 6351 423 1136 368
nob 353 0 163 2279 556 691 681 475 455 700
swe 641 32 482 1783 1092 939 1087 1286 2637 430

Part Bonus A: mini-batching

I've added the option of feeding the data into the model using batches. One batch is one prefix of a sentence. I did a test on a smaller dataset of only 3 languages and plotted the results over 20 epochs with batches of different sizes. The loss is lower when selecting a higher batch size and the loss quickly goes down and doesn't change much.

80 batches 60 batches 40 batches 20 batches