- Sell the project
- Wireless is the backbone of modern civilisation
- Nonlinear amplifiers are vital for an energy efficient future
- Cheaper
- Instrumentation outpaced metrology
- Design depends on modeling, models are characterised by measurements.
- Modeling depends on metrology
- Modeling and metrology include error
- Valuable to quantify contributions
- Measurement uncertainty evaluation enables this
- Wave parameters
- Scattering parameters as a linear model
- VNAs
GUM paper Published in Elsevier Measurement
- Brief NPLesque spiel - "underpinning" etc
- Enables comparisons
- Many interprations possible
- GUM is international guide which aims to standardise and enable compatible and fairer comparisons
- Even GUM changes - frequentist vs Bayesian
- Elsevier paper
Ripple paper Published in IET MAP
- Calibration and residual error in VNAs
XP extraction options paper Abstract written
- Direct waveform lookup
- X-Parameter model
- Cardiff model
Phase reference uncertainty paper Abstract written
Frequency domain NL measurement uncertainty Idea - easy
PCA for MDIF NL measurements Vague idea
- 8-term model with phase and power calibration
- Uncertainty contributions from phase and power measurements and models.
- Power uncertainty MUF analysis?
XP measurement uncertainty paper Final draft to be sent to IEEE T-MTT
Mixer measurement XP uncertainty Idea - easy
Temperature dependent XP uncertainty paper Discuss with Sean
XP uncertainty with DC terms Idea - medium