## Worksheet Name SPELLS ## Properties ### `id` - **Type:** `number` - **Description:** An increasing integer. The respective string ID will have the `SPELL_` prefix. ### `name` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The full name. ### `check` *univ* - **Type:** `[number, number, number]<&>` - **Description:** The spell's check attributes. The integers represent the numeric attribute IDs. ### `checkMod` *univ* - **Type:** `("SPI" | "TOU" | ["SPI", "TOU"]<,>)?` - **Description:** If the check will be modified by Spirit or Toughness, insert `SPI` or `TOU` respectively. If the higher is the characteristic to choose, insert an array (`SPI,TOU`). ### `ic` *univ* - **Type:** `number` - **Description:** Improvement cost. See table below. ### `traditions` *univ* - **Type:** `Array` - **Description:** The tradition(s) the spell is available for. The integers represent the tradition ids; see below. ### `subtraditions` *univ* - **Type:** `Array` - **Description:** The subtradition(s) the spell from given tradition is available for, e.g. Hazaqi. ### `property` *univ* - **Type:** `number` - **Description:** The property id; see below. ### `effect` *l10n* - **Type:** `markdown` - **Description:** The effect description. ### `castingTime` *l10n* - **Type:** `markdown` - **Description:** The casting/ritual time. ### `castingTimeShort` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The casting/ritual time on character sheet. ### `aeCost` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The AE cost. ### `aeCostShort` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The AE cost on character sheet. ### `range` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The range. ### `rangeShort` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The range on character sheet. ### `duration` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The duration. ### `durationShort` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The duration on character sheet. ### `target` *l10n* - **Type:** `string` - **Description:** The target category. ### `gr` *univ* - **Type:** `number` - **Description:** The group id. ### `prerequisites` *univ* - **Type:** `Array<"RCP" | RequiresActivatableObject | RequiresIncreasableObject | RequiresPrimaryAttribute | SexRequirement | RaceRequirement | CultureRequirement, &>` - **Description:** The list of prerequisites. See [Advantages, Disadvantages and Special Abilities](Advantages,-Disadvantages,-Special-Abilties.md) for details (the `prerequisites` column in that table is working exactly the same). **Do not** include the target liturgical chant, this will be handled automatically! ### `src` *l10n* - **Type:** `Array, &>` - **Description:** The source books where you can find the entry. The list items contain the book IDs (from the [Books table](./Books)) and the page (`firstPage`). If an entry spans multiple pages, provide the last page as well. ## Special ID Tables ### Improvement Costs id | name :--- | :--- `1` | A `2` | B `3` | C `4` | D ### Groups id | en-US | de-DE :-- | :-- | :-- `1` | Spells | Zaubersprüche `2` | Rituals | Rituale `3` | Curses | Flüche `4` | Elven Magical Songs | Elfenlieder `5` | – | Zaubermelodien `6` | – | Zaubertänze `7` | – | Herrschaftsrituale `8` | – | Schelmenzauber `9` | – | Animistenkräfte `10` | – | Geodenrituale `11` | – | Zibiljarituale ### Traditions id | en-US | de-DE :-- | :-- | :-- `1` | General | Allgemein `2` | Guild Mages | Gildenmagier `3` | Witches | Hexen `4` | Elves | Elfen `5` | Druids | Druiden `6` | – | Scharlatane `7` | – | Zauberbarden `8` | – | Zaubertänzer `9` | – | Intuitive Zauberer `10` | – | Meistertalentierte `11` | – | Qabalyamagier `12` | – | Kristallomanten `13` | – | Geoden `14` | – | Alchimisten `15` | – | Schelme `16` | – | Animisten `17` | – | Zibilijas `18` | – | Brobim-Geoden ### Spell Properties id | en-US | de-DE :-- | :-- | :-- `1` | Anti-Magic | Antimagie `2` | Demonic | Dämonisch `3` | Influence | Einfluss `4` | Elemental | Elementar `5` | Healing | Heilung `6` | Clairvoyance | Hellsicht `7` | Illusion | Illusion `8` | Spheres | Sphären `9` | Objekt | Objekt `10` | Telekinesis | Telekinese `11` | Transformation | Verwandlung