Warp is a blazingly fast rust-based terminal.
Using this terminal is a requirement for this guide, as Warp has a lot of features by default.
To install Warp, run the command:
brew install --cask warp
Run the command:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-fira-code-nerd-font
If you are using the latest version of MacOS, you already have Zsh installed by default.
# to check if you have it installed already
zsh --version
# if you don't, run this:
brew install zsh
The Oh My Zsh is a framework for Zsh that standardizes how we can configure themes, plugins and so on. Run the command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
Starship is a blazing-fast shell prompt, also rust-based 😜.
brew install starship
Now you need to define the configurations for Oh My Zsh. To do that, open your ~/.zshrc
With this file open, copy the content of this file, paste it, and save it.
Now you need to create the theme configuration file. To create this file run the command:
touch ~/starship.toml
Now open this file, copy the content of this file, paste it, and save it.
As Warp doesn't have a configuration file, so we need to manually set the configs.
To enable a custom prompt:
- Open Warp
- Press
Command + p
then search for the option "Enable Honor User's Custom Prompt" - Press enter
To set a custom theme:
- Press
Command + p
then search for the option "Open Theme Picker" - Press enter
- Set your theme (I'm using "Dracula")
Finally, to set a custom font:
- Press
Command + p
then search for the option "Open Settings" - Press enter
- Go to the Appearance
- Set the Terminal font to "FiraCode Nerd Font"
- Set the font size to 17
- Set the line height to 1.25
After all these steps, everything should be ready and working as expected, enjoy ✨.