diff --git a/disciplines/computerscience.ttl b/disciplines/computerscience.ttl index 3e1380e3..3677988d 100644 --- a/disciplines/computerscience.ttl +++ b/disciplines/computerscience.ttl @@ -548,6 +548,9 @@ Batch programming languages."""@en ; ### http://emmo.info/emmo/disciplines/computerscience#EMMO_51645022_3a21_4fa9_a9ce_a795eebbeca7 :EMMO_51645022_3a21_4fa9_a9ce_a795eebbeca7 rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :EMMO_64963ed6_39c9_4258_85e0_6466c4b5420c ; + :EMMO_b432d2d5_25f4_4165_99c5_5935a7763c1a "From a bash shell would e.g. `ls` be a command. Another example of a shell command would be `/path/to/executable arg1 arg2`."@en ; + :EMMO_c7b62dd7_063a_4c2a_8504_42f7264ba83f "A command must be interpretable by the computer system."@en , + "Commands are typically performed from a shell or a shell script, but not limited to them."@en ; rdfs:comment "An instruction to a computer system to perform a given task."@en ; skos:prefLabel "Command"@en .