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Vault Remote Attestation Plugin using Intel SGX

The plugin enriches the HashiCorp Key and Identity Management to deal with SGX remote attestation. The plug-in implements Intel's DCAP remote attestation protocol. The HahsiCorp Vault can run both enclaved and non-enclaved workloads, enforce access policies, and provision workload with secrets with the addition that now the workload is cryptographically authenticated. By running the HashiCorp Vault in an enclave (see enclaive-docker-hashicorp-vault repo), secret and identity management is encrypted while in use. (By default, Vault encrypts the communication and the secrets at rest through Shamir's secret sharing.)


Read the Makefile and to understand the usage. Here's the quickstart:

# Build plugin 

export ENCLAIVE_NAMESPACE="default"

# start Vault dev server with plugin automatically registered
make start

Now open a new terminal window and run the following commands:

# Enable the plugin
make enable

# Create a new enclave with a policy and secrets
make create

# Login using an attestation
make login

SGX Deployment

If using k8s:

make pccs

make vault
# Measurement: e211ba4d0a996136d1131f8b837ea20758a396a732f5123d71d22b544f4ff240

make docker/redis
# Measurement: 5cd731b2990478b4542eb9f9f362f3e8de8845fa2e19146737f11ded92298a66

docker push enclaive/sgx-pccs:latest
docker push enclaive/hashicorp-vault-sgx:k8s
docker push enclaive/redis-sgx:k8s

# set APIKEY in pccs.yaml
scp pccs/pccs.yaml vault/vault.yaml apps/redis/redis.yaml k8s-host:

export ENCLAIVE_NAMESPACE="default"
export VAULT_CACERT="certs/attest.pem"
export VAULT_ADDR=""

kubectl apply -f ./pccs.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./redis.yaml
kubectl get pods # Status: Init:0/1
kubectl apply -f ./vault.yaml

mkdir -p certs
kubectl port-forward svc/enclaive-vault-sgx 8200:8200 &

make client

# verify attestation, will request VAULT_ADDR/premain/attest and write cert to VAULT_CACERT
./client verify -ref e211ba4d0a996136d1131f8b837ea20758a396a732f5123d71d22b544f4ff240

# vault-cli is now using RA-TLS certificate from enclave

vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1
> Unseal Key 1: NuOdkesZvcOprMJf3ktr6A/kt6RwYBekTgPgx0UW+/w=
> Initial Root Token: hvs.NxFQYAJTnrW2uv1Rrk0F03ar

vault operator unseal
vault login

docker pull enclaive/hashicorp-vault-sgx:k8s
HASH=$(docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sha256sum enclaive/hashicorp-vault-sgx:k8s plugins/vault-plugin-auth-sgx | awk '{print $1}')
vault plugin register -sha256="${HASH}" auth vault-plugin-auth-sgx

# enable plugin and other engines, will create certs (Root-CA, Intermediate-CA, admin.client.deployment.enclaive)
make enable

# register enclave, set measurement in
make create

fg # ctrl+c kubectl port-forward

kubectl port-forward svc/enclaive-redis-sgx 6379:6379 &

redis-cli --tls --cacert certs/sgx-ca.pem --cert certs/sgx-cert.pem --key certs/sgx-key.pem