- React.js v.17.0.2 + TypeScript v.4.4.3
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux Thunk
- axios
- eslint
- prettier
- Material UI
- List of the universities
- Show modal to view the university detail
- Show modal to edit the university
- Show modal to create a new university
- Delete a university
- Add filter to search university by name
- Add filter to the categorized university by country
- Add sort by name and country
- Add pagination and limit per page
- Create dynamic URL params by the filter
- Create re-usable components (Modal, Button, Alert, Avatar, Badge, ..., etc)
- Using React state-management packages (Redux, Redux-toolkit, Redux-Thunk)
- Clone a project from repository and install all dependencies:
$ npm install
Then set Prettier as a default code style formatter for your IDE.
Run a project:
$ npm start
- To run build for production without sourcemap:
$ npm run build