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File metadata and controls

1146 lines (807 loc) · 54.8 KB



Enonic XP library for serving assets from a folder in the application resource structure. The aim is "perfect client-side and network caching" via response headers - with basic error handling included, and a simple basic usage but highly configurable (modelled akin to serve-static).

Intended for setting up XP endpoints that serve static files in a cache-optimized way. Optimally, these should be immutable files (files whose content aren’t meant to change, that is, can be trusted to never change without changing the file name), but lib-static also handles ETags which provide caching with dynamic files too (more about handling mutability).

Why use lib-static instead of portal.assetUrl?

Enonic XP already comes with an asset service, where you can just put resources in the /assets root folder and use portal.assetUrl(resourcePath) to generate URLs from where to fetch them. Lib-static basically does the same thing, but with more features and control:

  • Caching behaviour: With assetUrl, you get a URL where the current installation/version of the app is baked in as a hash. It will change whenever the app is updated, forcing browsers to skip their locally cached resources and request new ones, even if the resource wasn’t changed during the update. Using lib-static with immutable assets retains stable URLs and has several ways to adapt the header to direct browsers' caching behaviour more effectively, even for mutable assets.

  • Endpoint URLs: make your resource endpoints anywhere,

  • Response headers: override and control the MIME-type resolution, or the Cache-Control headers more specifically

  • Control resource folders: As long as the resources are built into the app JAR, resources can be served from anywhere - even with multiple lib-static instances at once: serve from multiple specific-purpose folders, or use multi-instances to specify multiple rules from the same folder.

  • Security issues around this are handled in the standard usage: a set root folder is required (and not at the JAR root), and URL navigation out from it is prevented. But if you still REALLY want to circumvent this, there is a lower-level API too.

  • Error handling: 500-type errors can be set to throw instead of returning an error response - leaving the handling to you.

  • Index fallback: A URL that refers to the name of a directory that contains a fallback file (index.html), will fetch the fallback file.

Getting started


Insert into build.gradle of your XP project, under dependencies, where <version> is the latest/requested version of this library - for example 1.0.0:

dependencies {
	include 'com.enonic.lib:lib-static:<version>'

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''


In any XP controller, import the library:

const libStatic = require('/lib/enonic/static');

Usage examples

1. A simple service

One way to use lib-static is in an XP service, and use it to fetch the resource and serve the entire response object to the front end.

Say you have some resources under a folder /my/folder in your app. Making a service serve these as resources to the frontend can be as simple as importing lib-static, using .buildGetter to set up a getter function, and using the getter function when serving GET requests. Let’s call the service servemyfolder:

const libStatic = require('/lib/enonic/static');

// .buildGetter sets up a new, reusable getter function: getStatic
const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',

exports.get = function(request) {
    return getStatic(request);

a) Resource path and URL

If this was the entire content of src/main/resources/services/servemyfolder/servemyfolder.js in an app with the app name/key, then XP would respond to GET requests at the URL <domain>/_/service/ (where <domain> is the domain or other prefix, depending on vhosts etc).

Using libPortal.serviceUrl is recommended (for example: libPortal.serviceUrl('servemyfolder')).

Calling libStatic.buildGetter returns a reusable function (getStatic) that takes request as argument. It uses the request to resolve the resource path relative to the service’s own URL. So when calling <domain>/\_/service/, the resource path would be some/subdir/some.file. And since we initially used root to set up getStatic to look for resource files under the folder my/folder, it will look for my/folder/some/subdir/some.file.


It’s recommended to use .buildGetter in an XP service controller like this. Here, routing is included and easy to handle: the endpoint’s standard root path is already provided by XP in request.contextPath, and the asset path is automatically determined relative to that by simply subtracting request.contextPath from the beginning of request.rawPath. If you use .buildGetter in a context where the asset path (relative to root) can’t be determined this way, you should add a getCleanPath option parameter.

👉 See the path resolution and API reference below for more details.

b) Output

If my/folder/some/subdir/some.file exists as a (readable) file, a full XP response object is returned. Typically something like:

  status: 200,
  body: "File content from some/subdir/some.file",
  contentType: "text/plain",
  headers: {
    ETag: "1234567890abcdef",
    "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"

If the ETag/client-cache functionality is active and the file hasn’t changed since a previous download, a status:304 response is sent (and only status - instructing browsers to use locally cached resources and saving some downloading time).

c) Syntax variations

Above, 'my/folder' is provided to .buildGetter as a named root attribute in a parameters object. If you prefer a simpler syntax (and don’t need additional options), just use a string as a first-positional argument:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter('my/folder');

Also, since getStatic is a function that takes a request argument, it’s directly interchangable with exports.get. So if you’re really into one-liners, the entire service above could be:

const libStatic = require('/lib/enonic/static');
exports.get = libStatic.buildGetter('my/folder');

2. Resource URLs

Once a service (or a different endpoint) has been set up like this, it can serve the resources as regular assets to the frontend. An XP webapp for example just needs to resolve the base URL. In the previous example we set up the the servemyfolder service, so we can just use serviceUrl here to call on it from a webapp, for example:

const libPortal = require('/lib/xp/portal');

exports.get = function(request) {
    const myFolderUrl = libPortal.serviceUrl({service: 'servemyfolder'});

    return {
        body: `
                <title>It works</title>
                <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${staticServiceUrl}/styles.css"/>

                  <h1>It works!</h1>
                  <img src="${staticServiceUrl}/logo.jpg" />
                  <script src="${staticServiceUrl}/js/myscript.js"></script>

3. Options and syntax

The behaviour of the returned getter function from .buildGetter can be controlled with more options, in addition to the root.

If you set root with a pure string as the first argument, add a second argument object for the options. If you use the named-parameter way to set root, the options must be in the same first-argument object - in practice, just never use two objects as parameters.

These are valid and equivalent:

    root: 'my/folder',
    option1: "option value 1",
    option2: "option value 2"


libStatic.buildGetter('my/folder', {
    option1: "option value 1",
    option2: "option value 2"

4. Path resolution and other endpoints

Usually, the path to the resource file (relative to the root folder) is determined from the request. Out of the box, this depends on a few things:

  • The controller must be able to accept requests from sub-URI. For example, the controller handling requests to a root URI /my/endpoint/ must also respond to /my/endpoint/subpath, /my/endpoint/other/path, etc.

  • The incoming request in the controller object must contain a rawPath and contextPath attribute to compare, and the contextPath value must be the prefix in the rawPath value. For example, from this request…​

      rawPath:     "/_/service/",
      contextPath: "/_/service/"

    …​the relative resource path is resolved to "/some/subdir/some.file". And to recap: lib-static will look for <root>/some/subdir/some.file, where root is the folder that was set in libStatic.buildGetter.

All the previous examples use lib-static in XP services, because services act exactly like this. The premises are fulfilled out of the box here, so the path resolution works without further setup.

However, lib-static can be used in other contexts than in services, where these premises may not be true and you may need to roll your own path resolution:

a) Override: getCleanPath

You can override the default file path resolution by implementing a request ⇒ string function, and add that as a getCleanPath option in .buildGetter.

For example, a simplified version of the default could be implemented like this:

exports.get = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    getCleanPath: request => {
        const prefix = request.contextPath;
        return request.rawPath.substring(prefix.length);

b) Gotchas

When writing a good getCleanPath function, here are some rules of thumb:

  1. request ⇒ string function, where the string is the final resolved relative path under <root>

  2. In order for index fallbacks to work properly:

    • URIs with a trailing slash should also return the trailing slash in the string,

    • And vice versa: URIs without a trailing slash should not return one,

    • URIs to the endpoint itself should return an empty string (unless there’s a trailing slash, in which case only a slash should be returned),

    • For consistency, URIs to other content below the endpoint should return a path beginning with a slash.

  3. Use request.rawPath as the basis. Don’t use request.path.

    • The .path attribute has a less reliable behavior for lib-static’s purpose: vhosting is kept, url entities may be escaped (which may evade some built-in security checks or fail to find files/folders with special characters in their names), and trailing slashes are stripped away (which makes index fallbacks impossible). The .rawPath attribute deals with these issues.

      XP version 7.7.1 is the first version where these issues are handled well. On earlier versions, trailing slashes are stripped from .rawPath too, so index fallback can’t be expected to work. Upgrade XP if necessary.

The next examples show how to achieve this in contexts outside of services:

5. XP controller mapping

Using .getCleanPath, lib-static can be used to serve assets from mapped controllers.

This example uses regular expressions to support the .getCleanPath criteria, and will serve assets (including index fallbacks) from the root my/folder on the endpoint <siteUrl>/static:

<mapping controller="/controllers/static.js" order="50">
const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
        root: `my/folder`,
        getCleanPath: request => {
            const basePath = `${libPortal.getSite()._path}/static`;
            const pattern = new RegExp(`${basePath}(/.*)?$`);
            const matched = (request.rawPath || '').match(pattern);

            if (!matched) {
                throw Error(`basePath ($basePath}) was not found in request.rawPath (${request.rawPath}`);

            return matched[1] || '';

exports.get = request => getStatic(request);

6. Webapp with lib-router

This example depends on lib-router version 3.0.0 or higher.

Lib-static can also be used to serve assets on URIs directly below an XP webapp. For example, let’s make a simple webapp accessible at URL <webappRoot> that serves its own frontend assets at <webappRoot>/static/*.

Lib-router is used to add sub-routes under the webapp’s root URL, for example the route <webappUrl>/static. Lib-router can extract deeper sub-URIs below that, for example <webappUrl>/static/css/styles.css. This sub-URI is then isolated ("css/styles.css") and added to the request object, under request.pathParams - as .libRouterPath in the example below.

Bottom line: Combined with lib-router like this, .getCleanPath can just fetch and return request.pathParams.libRouterPath, and the .getCleanPath gotchas are automatically handled (except for index fallback at the root - more on that here).

const libStatic = require('/lib/enonic/static');

const libRouter = require('/lib/router')();

// Asking lib-router to handle all requests from here on
exports.all = function(request) {
    return libRouter.dispatch(request);

// Set up a lib-static getter that fetches files below the 'static' folder...
const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter(
        root: 'static',
        getCleanPath: request => request.pathParams.libRouterPath

// ...which will respond at the route <webappRoot>/static/.+
// The .+ part is a mandatory sub-URI below static/,
// and is inserted into request.pathParams.libRouterPath:
    request => getStatic(request)

// The main webapp, at <webappRoot>:

    // lib-router 3.+ syntax for matching the webapp root,
    // with an optional trailing slash:

    request => {

        // In order to ensure that the relative urls below work,
        // webapp root without a trailing slash is redirected to the same address WITH a slash:
        if (!(req.rawPath || '').endsWith('/')) {
            return {
                redirect: req.path + '/'

        return {
            body: '
                        <link href="static/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

                        <h1>My webapp</h1>
                        <img src="static/images/my-logo.jpg" />

a) Special case - webapp route with root-index-fallback

The way lib-router works, only defining '/static/{libRouterPath:.+}' will make it respond to sub-URIs after static/ - that is, both the slash and some sub-URI is required. So in the example above, lib-static’s index fallback functionality is supported below the actual route (for example, <webappRoot>/static/subfolder would serve a file /static/subfolder/index.html if it existed), but the route will not match <webappRoot>/static or <webappRoot>/static/ (so they will just return a 404).

Let’s say we for some reason wanted that route to use index fallback at the root of /static, not only handle the sub-URIs. More precisely, we want to expand the example above so that lib-static can make <webappRoot>/static redirect to <webappRoot>/static/, and <webappRoot>/static/ respond with (the contents of) a file static/index.html.

For this, we’ll add a second route at the root (stay with me here), by setting up lib-router with an array instead of a string. The added item has an optional trailing slash /?, so it’s activated at /static as well as /static/:

// ...

    request => getStatic(request)

// ...

Now, on <webappRoot>/static and <webappRoot>/static/, lib-router matches with the new item in the route array, '/static/?'. But since libRouterPath is not defined in that item, it means request.pathParams.libRouterPath will be undefined at the root. So according to the criteria for getCleanPath, we must also update the getCleanPath function in the lib-static getter.

In order to return "" for <webappRoot>/static, and "/" for <webappRoot>/static/, what getCleanPath needs to do is to return request.pathParams.libRouterPath if it a value, and if not, return an empty string at <webappRoot>/static and a slash at <webappRoot>/static/. The easiest is to just see if request.rawPath ends with a slash or not.

The final adjustment to the webapp looks like this:

// ...

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter(
        root: 'static',
        getCleanPath: request => (
            request.pathParams.libRouterPath ||
                    ? "/"
                    : ""

    request => getStatic(request)

// ...

Now, a file static/index.html will be served at <webappRoot>/static/, with automatic redirect from <webappRoot>/static.

b) Special case - avoid overlapping with /assets/ files

The following applies to XP 7, and may be subject to change in XP 8 (but not before, since it’s breaking behaviour).

In the current versions of enonic XP, the webapp engine is set up so that if some path <webappRoot>/my/path.ext matches a file in the assets folder, src/main/resources/assets/my/path.ext, then the engine will give that priority over the webapp.js controller and directly serve that file instead.

In other words, if a file called assets/subpath exists, and you use the examples and patterns above to define your own route libRouter.get('subpath'), …​ then at <webappRoot>/subpath your route will be ignored and you will get the file from the asset service instead. Confusion may ensue.

So avoid defining routes that may overlap with sub-paths to existing files under src/main/resources/assets/*.


The same thing goes for the pattern _/asset/* (which is better documented).

For example, <webappRoot>/_/asset/my/path.ext will serve /assets/my/path.ext and ignore your libRouter.get('/_/asset/{subUri: .+}'), …​.

But starting with an underscore, this is far easier to handle - just avoid defining routes starting with _/asset/, or with an underscore in the first place.

7. Custom content type handling

By default, lib-static detects MIME-type automatically. But you can use the contentType option to override it. Either way, the result is a string returned with the response object.

If set as the boolean false, the detection and handling is switched off and no Content-Type header is returned:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    contentType: false // <-- Empty string does the same

If set as a (non-empty) string, there will be no processing, but that string will be returned as a fixed content type (a bad idea for handling multiple resource types, of course):

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    contentType: "everything/thismimetype"

If set as an object, keys are file types (that is, the extensions of the requested asset file names, so beware of file extensions changing during compilation. To be clear, you want the post-compilation extension) and values are the returned MIME-type strings:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    contentType: {
        json: "application/json",
        mp3: "audio/mpeg",
        TTF: "font/ttf"

For any extension not found in that object, it will fall back to automatically detecting the type, so you can override only the ones you’re interested in and leave the rest.

It can also be set as a function: (path, resource) ⇒ mimeTypeString? for fine-grained control: for each circumstance, return a specific mime-type string value, or false to leave the contentType out of the response, or null to fall back to lib-static’s built-in detection:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    contentType: function(path, resource) {
        if (path.endsWith('.myspoon') && resource.getSize() > 10000000) {
            return "media/toobig";
        return null;

8. Custom Cache-Control headers

The cacheControl option controls the 'Cache-Control' string that’s returned in the header with a successful resource fetch. The string value, if any, directs the intraction between a browser and the server on subsequent requests for the same resource. By default the string "public, max-age=31536000, immutable" is returned, the cacheControl option overrides this to return a different string, or switch it off:

Setting it to the boolean false means turning the entire cache-control header off in the response:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    cacheControl: false

Setting it as a string instead, always returns that string:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    cacheControl: 'immutable'

It can also be set as a function: (path, resource, mimeType) ⇒ cacheControlString?, for fine-grained control. For particular circumstances, return a cache-control string for override, or false for leaving it out, or null to fall back to the default cache-control string "public, max-age=31536000, immutable":

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    cacheControl: function(path, resource, mimeType) {
        if (path.startsWith('/uncached')) {
            return false;
        if (mimeType==='text/plain') {
            return "max-age=3600";
        if (resource.getSize() < 100) {
            return "no-cache";
        return null;

👉 See the options API reference below, and handling mutable and immutable assets, for more details.

9. ETag switch

By default, an ETag is generated from the asset and sent along with the response as a header, in XP prod run mode. In XP dev mode, no ETag is generated.

This default behaviour can be overridden with the etag option. If set to true, an ETag will always be generated, even in XP dev mode. If set to false, no ETag is generated, even in XP prod mode:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    etag: false

10. Errors: throw instead of return

By default, runtime errors during .get or during the returned getter function from .buildGetter will log the error message and return a 500-status response to the client.

If you instead want to catch these errors and handle them yourself, set a throwErrors: true option:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter({
    root: 'my/folder',
    throwErrors: true

exports.get = function(request) {
    try {
        return getStatic(request);

    } catch (e) {
        // handle the error...

11. Multiple instances

Lib-static can be set up to respond with several instances in parallel, thereby defining different rules for different files/folders/scenarios.

12. Low-level: .get

Lib-static exposes a second function .get (in addition to .buildGetter), for doing a direct resource fetch when the resource path is already known/resolved. The idea is to allow closer control with each call: implement your own logic and handling around it.

For most scenarios though, you’ll probably want to use .buildGetter.

a) Similarities

  • Just like the getter function returned by .buildGetter, .get also returns a full response object with status, body, content type and a generated ETag, and has error detection and corresponding responses (statuses 400, 404 and 500).

  • The options are also mostly the same.

b) Differences

.get is different from .buildGetter in these ways:

  • .get is intended for lower-level usage (wraps less functionality, but gives the opportunity for even more controlled usage).

  • Only one call: whereas .buildGetter sets up a reusable getter function, .get is the getter function.

  • No root folder is set up with .get. In every call, instead of the request argument, .get takes a full, absolute resource path (relative to JAR root) string. This allows any valid path inside the JAR except the root / itself - including source code! Be careful how you resolve the path string in the controller to avoid security flaws, such as opening a service to reading any file in the JAR, etc.

  • Since .get doesn’t resolve the resource path from the request, there’s no getCleanPath override option here.

  • There is no check in .get for matching ETag (If-None-Match header), and no functionality to return a body-less status 304. .get always tries to fetch the resource.

  • There is no index fallback functionality in .get.

c) Examples

An example service getSingleStatic.es6 that always returns a particular asset /public/my-folder/another-asset.css from the JAR:

const libStatic = require('lib/enonic/static');

exports.get = (request) => {
    return libStatic.get('public/my-folder/another-asset.css');

This is equivalent with using the path attribute:

    // ...

    return libStatic.get({
        path: 'public/my-folder/another-asset.css'

    // ...

It’s also open to the same options as .buildGetter - except for getCleanPath which doesn’t exist for .get:

    // ...

    return libStatic.get('public/my-folder/another-asset.css',
            // ... options ...

    // OR if you prefer:

    return libStatic.get(
            path: 'public/my-folder/another-asset.css',
            // ... more options ...

    // ...

API: functions

Two controller functions are exposed.

  • The first, buildgetter, is a broad configure-once/catch-all approach that’s based on the relative path in the request. This is the one you usually want.

  • The second, get, specifically gets an asset based on a path string and options for each particular call.


Sets up and returns a reusable resource-getter function.

Can be used in three ways:

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter(root);

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter(root, options);

const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter(optionsWithRoot);

The getter function (getStatic) takes the XP request object as argument. request is used to determine the asset path, and to check the If-None-Match header. It then returns a response object for the asset:

const response = getStatic(request);

An ETag value is generated and cached for the requested asset. If that matches the If-None-Match header in the request, the response will only contain: {status: 304}, signifying the asset hasn’t changed and the cache can be used instead of downloading the asset. If there’s no match, the asset will be read out and returned in the response under body, with a status 200.


  • root (string): path to a root folder where resources are found. This string points to a root folder in the built JAR. > NOTE: The phrase "a root folder in the built JAR" is accurate, but if you think JAR’s can be a bit obscure here’s an easier mental model: root points to a folder below and relative to the build/resources/main. This is where all assets are collected when building the JAR. And when running XP in dev mode, it actually IS where assets are served from. Depending on specific build setups, you can also think of root as being relative to src/main/resources/.

  • options (object): add an options object after path to control behaviour for all responses from the returned getter function.

  • optionsWithRoot (object): same as above: an options object. But when used as the first and only argument, this object must also include a { root: …​, } attribute too - a root string same as above. This is simply for convenience if you prefer named parameters instead of a positional root argument. If both are supplied, the positional root argument is used.

If root (either as a string argument or as an attribute in a options object) resolves to (or outside) the JAR root, contains .. or any of the characters : | < > ' " ´ * ? or backslash or backtick, or is missing or empty, an error is thrown.

Again, you need to call the returned getter function to actually get a response.


A specific-recource getter method, returns a response object for the particular asset that’s named in the argument string.

Three optional and equivalent syntaxes:

const response = libStatic.get(path);

const response = libStatic.get(path, options);

const response = libStatic.get(optionsWithPath);


  • path (string): path and full file name to an asset file, relative to the JAR root (or relative to build/resources/main in XP dev mode, see the 'root' param explanation above. Cannot contain .. or any of the characters : | < > ' " ´ * ? or backslash or backtick.

  • options (object): add an options object after path to control behaviour for this specific response.

  • optionsWithPath (object): same as above, an options object but when used as the first and only argument, this object must include a { path: …​, } attribute too - a path string same as above. This is simply for convenience if you prefer named parameters instead of a positional path argument. If both are supplied, the positional path argument is used.

If path (either as a string argument or as an attribute in a options object) resolves to (or outside) the JAR root, contains .. or any of the characters : | < > ' " ´ * ? or backslash or backtick, or is missing or empty, an error is thrown.

API: response and default behaviour

Unless some of these aspects are overriden by an options parameter, the returned object (from both .get and the getter function created by .buildGetter) is a standard XP response object ready to be returned from an XP controller.

Response signature:

{ status, body, contentType, headers }

For example:

    status: 200,
    body: "I am some content",
    contentType: "text/plain",
    headers: {
        'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable',
        ETag: '"12a39b87c43d7e4f5"'

Index fallback

If the URL points to a folder instead of a file, and that folder contains a fallback file (index.html), the fallback file is served with the appropriate contentType and a cache-busting Cache-Control header.

If the folder-name URL does not end with a trailing slash, this slash is automatically added via a redirect. This is to ensure that later relative links will work.

This is a feature in .buildGetter, but not .get - if you use .get you must implement it yourself.

A workaround for a a bug in the underlying OSGi system causes the following behaviour in current versions of lib-static: directories can be referenced to get an index fallback both with and without a trailing slash - but empty files cannot be served and will cause a status 404 response instead. When a fix for the underlying bug is available, lib-static will be updated to support both empty files and directories with index fallback.


Standard HTTP error codes:

  • 200 (OK): successful, resource fetched. Either the resource path pointed to a readable file, or to a folder where a index fallback file was found (index fallback is an automatic feature of .buildGetter, but not .get).

  • 303 (Redirect): resource path hit a folder with an index fallback file in it, but the path doesnt end with a slash. It needs the slash, so make a redirect to add it. This is an automatic feature of .buildGetter, but not .get.

  • 304 (Not Modified): matching ETag - the requested resource hasn’t changed since a previous download. So a response with this status only is a signal to browsers to reuse their locally cached resource instead of downloading it again. This is an automatic feature of .buildGetter, but not .get.

  • 400 (Bad Request): the resource path is illegal, that is, resolves to an empty path or contains illegal characters: : | < > ' " ´ * ? or backslash or backtick.

  • 404 (Not Found): a valid resource path, but it doesn’t point to a readable file or a directory with an index fallback in it. Currently, it can also signify an empty file.

  • 500 (Error): a server-side error happened. Details will be found in the server log, but not returned to the user.


On status-200 responses, this is the content of the requested asset. Can be text or binary, depending on the file and type. May also carry error messages.

Empty on status-304.

Interally in XP (before returning it to the browser), this content is not a string but a resource stream from ioLib (see resource.getStream). This works seamlessly for returning both binary and non-binary files in the response directly to browsers. But might be less straightforward when writing tests or otherwise intercepting the output.

In XP dev mode, 400- and and 404-status errors will have the requested asset path in the body.


MIME type string, after best-effort-automatically determining it from the requested asset. Will be text/plain on error messages.


Default headers optimized for immutable and browser cached resources.

Typically, there’s an ETag and a Cache-Control attribute, but this may depend on whether they are active in options, and on XP runtime mode: ETag is usually switched off in dev mode.


Important: mutable assets should not be served with the default 'Cache-Control' header: 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable'.

API: options and overrides

As described above, an options object can be added with optional attributes to override the default behaviour:

For .buildGetter:
{ cacheControl, contentType, etag, getCleanPath, throwErrors }
For .get:
{ cacheControl, contentType, etag, throwErrors }


(boolean/string/function) Override the default Cache-Control header value ('public, max-age=31536000, immutable').

  • if set as a false boolean, no Cache-Control headers are sent. A true boolean is just ignored.

  • if set as a string, always use that value. An empty string will act as false and switch off cacheControl.

  • if set as a function: (filePathAndName, resource, mimeType) ⇒ cacheControl. For fine-grained control which can use resource path, resolved MIMEtype string, or file content if needed. filePathAndName is the asset’s file path and name (relative to the JAR root, or build/resources/main/ in dev mode). File content is by resource object: resource is the output from ioLib getResource, so your function should handle this if used. This function and the string it returns is meant to replace the default header handling.

    A trick: if a cacheControl function returns null, lib-static’s default Cache-Control header will be used.

An output cacheControl string is used directly in the response.


(string/boolean/object/function) Override the built-in MIME type detection.

  • if set as a boolean, switches MIME type handling on/off. true is basically ignored (keep using built-in type detection), false skips processing and removes the content-type header (same as an empty string)

  • if set as a non-empty string, assets will not be processed to try and find the MIME content type. Instead this value will always be preselected and returned.

  • if set as an object, keys are file types (the extensions of the asset file names after compilation, case-insensitive and will ignore dots), and values are Content-Type strings - for example, {"json": "application/json", ".mp3": "audio/mpeg", "TTF": "font/ttf"}. For files with extensions that are not among the keys in the object, the handling will fall back to the built-in handling.

  • if set as a function: (filePathAndName, resource) ⇒ contentType. filePathAndName is the asset file path and name (relative to the JAR root, or build/resources/main/ in dev mode). File content is by resource object: resource is the output from ioLib getResource, so your function should handle this if used.

    Same trick as for the cacheControl function above: if a contentType function returns null, the processing falls back to the default: built-in MIME type detection.

An output contentType string is used directly in the response.


(boolean) The default behaviour of lib-static is to generate/handle ETag in prod, while skipping it entirely in dev mode. - Setting the etag parameter to false will turn off etag processing (runtime content processing, headers and handling) in prod too. - Setting it to true will turn it on in dev mode too.


(function) Only used in .buildGetter. The default behaviour of the returned getStatic function is to take a request object, and compare the beginning of the current requested path (request.rawPath) to the endpoint’s own root path (request.contextPath) and get a relative asset path below root (so that later, prefixing the root value to that relative path will give the absolute full path to the resource in the JAR). In cases where this default behaviour is not enough, you can override it by adding a getCleanPath param: (request) ⇒ '<resource/path/below/root>'. Emphasis: the returned 'clean' path from this function should be relative to the root folder, not an absolute path in the JAR.

  • For example: if a controller getAnyStatic.es6 is accessed with a controller mapping at, then that’s an endpoint with the path resources/public - but that can’t be determined from the request. So the automatic extraction of a relative path needs a getCleanPath override. Super simplified here:

        const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter(
                getCleanPath: (request) => {
                    if (!request.rawPath.startsWith('resources/public')) { throw Error('Ooops'); }
                    return request.rawPath.substring('resources/public'.length);

    Now, since request.rawPath doesn’t include the protocol or domain, the URL will give request.rawPath this value: "resources/public/subfolder/target-resource.xml". So the getCleanPath function will return "/subfolder/target-resource.xml", which together with the root, "my-resources", will look up the resource /my-resources/subfolder/target-resource.xml in the JAR (or in XP dev mode: build/resources/main/my-resources/subfolder/target-resource.xml).


(boolean, default value is false) By default, the .get method should not throw errors when used correctly. Instead, it internally server-logs (and hash-ID-tags) errors and automatically outputs a 500 error response.

  • Setting throwErrors to true overrides this: the 500-response generation is skipped, and the error is re-thrown down to the calling context, to be handled there.

  • This does not apply to 400-bad-request and 404-not-found type "errors", they will always generate a 404-response either way. 200 and 304 are also untouched, of course.

Important: assets and mutability

Immutable assets, in our context, are files whose content can be trusted to never change without changing the file name. To ensure this, developers should adapt their build setup to content-hash (or at least version) the resource file names when updating them. Many build toolchains can do this automatically, for example Webpack.

Mutable assets on the other hand are any files whose content may change and still keep the same filename/path/URL.


Mutable assets should never be served wtih the default header 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable'. That header basically aims to make a browser never contact the server again for that asset, until the URL changes (although caveats exist to this). If an asset is served with that immutable header and later changes content but keeps its name/path, everyone who’s downloaded it before will have - and to a large extent keep - an outdated version of the asset!

Mutable assets can be handled by this library (since ETag support is in place by default), but they should be given a different Cache-Control header. This is up to you:

  • A balanced Cache-Control header, that still limits the number of requests to the server but also allows an asset to be stale for maximum an hour (3600 seconds) (remember that etag headers are still needed besides this):

        'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=3600',
  • A more aggressive approach, that makes browsers check the asset’s freshness with the server, could be:

        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',

    In this last case, if the content hasn’t changed, a simple 304 status code is returned by the getter from .buildGetter, with nothing in the body - so nothing will be downloaded.


If you have mutable assets in your project, there are several ways you could implement the appropriate Cache-Control header with the lib-static library. Three approaches that can be combined or independent:

  1. Fingerprint all your assets so that that updated files get a new, uniquely content-dependent filename - ensuring that are all actually immutable.

    • The most common way: set the build pipeline up so that the file name depends on the content. Webpack can fairly easily add a content hash to the file name, for example: staticAssets/bundle.3a01c73e29.js etc. This is a reliable form of fingerprinting, with the advantage that unchanged files will keep their path and name and hence keep the client-cache intact, even if the XP app is updated and versioned. The disadvantage is that the file names are now dynamic (generated during the build) and harder to predict when writing calls from the code. Working around that is not the easiest, but one way is to export the resulting build stats from webpack and fetch file names at runtime, for example with stats-webpack-plugin.

    • Another approach is to add version strings to file names, a timestamp etc.

    • Or if you build assets to a subfolder named after the XP app’s version, an XP controller can easily refer to them, e.g.: "staticAssets/" + app.version + "/myFile.txt. The disadvantage here: client-caching now depends on correct (and manual?) versioning. Every time the version is updated, all clients lose their cached assets, even unchanged ones. And worse, if a new version is deployed erroneously without changing the version string, assets may have changed without the path changing - leading to stale cache. ​

  2. Separate between mutable and immutable assets in two different directories. Then you can set up asset serving separately. Immutable assets could use lib-static in the default ways. For the mutable assets…​

    • you can simply serve them from _/assets with portal.assetUrl,

    • or you could serve mutable assets from any custom directory, with a separate instance of lib-static. A combined example:

          const libStatic = require('lib/enonic/static');
          // Root: /immutable folder. Only immutable assets there, since they are served with immutable-optimized header by default!
          const getImmutableAsset = libStatic.buildGetter('immutable');
          const getMutableAsset = libStatic.buildGetter(
              // Root: /mutable folder. Any assets can be under there...
              // ...because the options object overrides the Cache-Control header (and only that - etag is preserved, importantly):
                  cacheControl: 'no-cache'

  3. It’s also possible to handle mutable vs immutable assets differently from the same directory, if you know you can distinguish immutable files from mutable ones by some pattern, by using a function for the cacheControl option. For example, if only immutable files are fingerprinted by the pattern someName.[base-16-hash].ext and others are not:

        const libStatic = require('lib/enonic/static');
        // Reliable immutable-filename regex pattern in this case:
        const immutablePattern = /\w+\.[0-9a-fA-F].\w+$/;
        const getStatic = libStatic.buildGetter(
            // Root: the /static folder contains both immutable and mutable files:
                cacheControl: (filePathAndName, content) => {
                    if (filePathAndName.match(immutablePattern)) {
                        // fingerprinted file, ergo immutable:
                        return 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable';
                    } else {
                        // mutable file:
                        return 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=3600';

TODO: Later versions

Options params

  • indexFallback (false, string, string array, object or function(absolutePath → stringOrStringarrayOrFalse)): filename(s) (without slashes or path) to fall back to, look for and serve, in cases where the asset path requested is a folder. If not set, requesting a folder will yield an error. Implementaion: before throwing a 404, check if postfixing any of the chosen /index files (with the slash) resolves it. If so, return that. The rest is up to the developer, and their responsibility how it’s used: what htm/html/other they explicitly add in this parameter. And cache headers, just same as if they had asked directly for the index file. Set to false (or have the object or function return it) to skip the index fallback.


  • 'Last-Modified' header, determined on file modified date

Range handling

  • 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes' header

.resolvePath(globPath/regex, root)

Probably not in this lib? Worth mentioning though:

To save huge complexity (detecting at buildtime what the output and unpredictable hash will be and hooking those references up to output), there should be a function that can resolve a fingerprinted asset filename at XP runtime: resolvePath(globPath, root).

For example, if a fingerprinted asset bundle.92d34fd72.js is built into /static, then resolvePath('bundle..js', 'static') will look for matching files within /static and return the string "bundle.92d34fd72.js". We can always later add the functionality that the globPath argument can also be a regex pattern. - resolvePath should *never be part of an asset-serving endpoint service - i.e. it should not be possible to send a glob to the server and get a file response. Instead, it’s meant to be used in controllers to fetch the name of a required asset, e.g:

    pageContributions: <script src="${libStaticEndpoint}/${resolvePath('bundle.*.js', 'static')}">
  • Besides, resolvePath can/should be part of a different library. Can be its own library (‘lib-resolvepath’?) or part of some other general-purpose lib, for example lib-util.

  • In dev mode, resolvePath will often find more than one match and select the most recently updated one (and should log it at least once if that’s the case). In prod mode, it should throw an error if more than one is found, and if only one is found, cache it internally.