- Login to your linux server and add the 'selectors' :
$ssh sd-53250.dedibox.fr
- Edit
, add the below at the end of the file :
Make the change to reflect your domain...
selector1._domainkey 3600 IN CNAME selector1-enrollme-eu._domainkey.enrollme.onmicrosoft.com.
selector2._domainkey 3600 IN CNAME selector2-enrollme-eu._domainkey.enrollme.onmicrosoft.com.
/!\ Be sure you didn't make any mistake, if you have to edit file after asking Microsoft it will take time to be taking into account... (my case it took me a couple of hours before being able to enable it.
- Save the file, close it, restart bind service :
$sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
Go to google to force flush cache, put your domain name then in RRType CNAME, because selectors are CNAME records :
Select your domain, and click on
on the right, if you see the below wait few minutes to few hours ( I had to wait ~1h) :
Now we will check DKIM is well set, go here : http://dkimvalidator.com/
Copy the email address, in my case : PYTyc8NuJI1p41@dkimvalidator.com
Go to your outlook client or webinterface and login with your new email account for me ( enrollme.eu-verification@enrollme.eu ): Send an e-mail for email you copied on previous step
Verify tests passes