## v3.0.72
- Chore: Update agent-chart readme @liranfarage89 (#7381)
- Chore add waf 2 @alonnoga (#7445)
- chore: add Server Side Encryption to SQS and SNS @omry-hay (#7643)
- Fix: Send xStarted events to FIFO topic + retry them @avnerenv0 (#8034)
- chore support big plans @alonnoga (#8227)
- Chore: Adjust Agent for working behind a proxy @roni-frantchi (#8371)
- Add Vault details to SHAG @eranelbaz (#8455)
- Fix: revert home mount @HeverFarber (#8501)
- Harden pods - runAsNonRoot @roni-frantchi (#8476)
- Feat add vault secret fetching @Wassap124 (#8462)
- KEDA agent cleanup - remove podHistory @chpl (#8672)
- Feat: OIDC token (JWT) new lambda for Vault CLI integration @razbensimon (#8698)
- chore - exposing DNS record for each of our agents @eladmosh (#8833)
- fix - after adding DNS for API GW PRs envs occasionally throw error @eladmosh (#8903)
- fix - after adding DNS for API GW PRs envs occasionally throw error @eladmosh (#8903)
- change module-reader to deployment-servie organization-role type @Wassap124 (#8870)
- Chore: switch lambda invocation before deletion @Wassap124 (#8984)
- Chore: Hard-coded dockerImages in agent-chart @liranfarage89 (#8861)
- Chore: Make proxy vars in k8s yamls conditional @avnerenv0 (#9410)
- Fix: Empty values in generated values.yaml overrides user's custom values when @roni-frantchi (#9456)
- Stability Improvement
- Chore: increase agent trigger liveness probe timeout @yaronya (#9692)
- Fix: reduce apiGW lambda permissions to per stage @liranfarage89 (#9894)
- Fix: add an explicit dependency between API GW usage plan and API GW stage @yaronya (#9890)
- Feat : Allow adding custom certificates to our agent @razbensimon (#10195)
- Chore: Node does not pickup on Custom CA certificats @avnerenv0 (#10434)
- FEAT: create download code step @tomer-landesman (#10388)
- Chore: change download configuration version code logic to use s3 signed url (WIP feature) @ronnyorot (#10559)
- Chore: add remote run tables tf and attributes @ItamarMalka (#10713)
- Chore: Fix remote run tables resources deletion @ItamarMalka (#10767)
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Fix: deployment service API GW deployment @yaronya (#11099)
- Chore: warm pods @yaronya (#11054)
- Fix - apply network policy only to the env0 pods @chpl (#11169)
- chore: Use new crypto common in deployment service @orr-levinger (#11302)
- Chore kms configuration @orr-levinger (#11357)
- feat-remove-unneeded-encryption-permissions-from-self-hosted-agent-gateways @tomporat247 (#11392)
- feat-remove-old-crypto-leftovers @tomporat247 (#11410)
- feat-remove-old-crypto-leftovers @tomporat247 (#11410)
- Chore - handle kms 4096 bytes limit @chpl (#11536)
- Fix: copy homedir content to the mounted volume @chpl (#11756)
- Fix - set security context for the init container @chpl (#11797)
- Chore: Fix gitlab enterprise base url suffix helm parameter name @ItamarMalka (#11794)
- chore: add deployment affinity helm value @orr-levinger (#11772)
- feat-empty-helm-deployment-handler @tomporat247 (#11825)
- Stability Improvement
- Fix: Self-hosted agent running with RO root FS has empty home dir @chpl (#12321)
- Stability Improvement
- Chore: set deployment queue message timeout @yaronya (#12425)
- Stability Improvement
- feat: use enctyption-key to read state by decrypting @yarivg (#12565)
- feat: use ENV0_STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY to encrypt uploaded state. @igalklebanov (#12559)
- Chore: Update helm chart readme @yaronya (#12586)
- feat docker agent env file @alonnoga (#12556)
- Chore: add new IAM access key and API GW key to TF agent stack @yaronya (#12731)
- Stability Improvement
- Chore docker agent pr improvments @GiliFaroEnv0 (#12763)
- return s3 permissions for saas for warm pods @alonnoga (#12817)
- chore change s3 state path and limit access per stage @alonnoga (#12758)
- Chore: Upgrade prerequisites EKS cluster @liranfarage89 (#12726)
- Feat: create new SaaS agent on new EKS cluster, same Persistent Volume @liranfarage89 (#12769)
- chore remove saas s3 access @alonnoga (#12824)
- Chore: Upgrade prerequisites EKS cluster @liranfarage89 (#12726)
- Feat: create new SaaS agent on new EKS cluster, same Persistent Volume @liranfarage89 (#12769)
- chore remove saas s3 access @alonnoga (#12824)
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Chore: Add New Chart Config: Logger (format, level), Proxy-limits, imagePullPolicy @liranfarage89 (#12929)
- chore add lumigo logging @amit-alkobi-env0 (#12948)
- Chore: Allow configuring agent proxy's log level and log forma @GiliFaroEnv0 (#13021)
- Enable delete protection on all DDB tables @roni-frantchi (#13042)
- Enable delete protection on all DDB tables @roni-frantchi (#13042)
- Remove iac references to crypto password @weinguy-env0 (#13090)
- Remove iac references to crypto password @weinguy-env0 (#13090)
- Chore: Allow configuring agent proxy's resources request @GiliFaroEnv0 (#13108)
- Fix: Agent Helm chart typo causes @roni-frantchi (#13148)
- Fix: Helm chart installation fails when providing proxy resources.requests @roni-frantchi (#13149)
- Chore : remove epsagon @GiliFaroEnv0 (#13131)
- Chore : remove epsagon @GiliFaroEnv0 (#13131)
- Add API key id as agent gateway stack output @roni-frantchi (#13301)
- Add API key id as agent gateway stack output @roni-frantchi (#13301)
- CHORE: change agent GW domain to regional API @tomer-landesman (#13449)
- CHORE: change agent GW domain to regional API @tomer-landesman (#13449)
- Chore: migrate agent-related DDB tables to be global @yaronya (#13360)
- Add active-region table @roni-frantchi (#13455)
- Add active region endpoint for agent @roni-frantchi (#13472)
- Chore: Add agent support for efs-csi-driver static provisioning @ronnyorot (#13456)
- Fix: shorter names for agent-related IAM resources @yaronya (#13494)
- Stability Improvements @yaronya (#13482)
- Chore: Add agent support for efs-csi-driver static provisioning @ronnyorot (#13456)
- Fix: shorter names for agent-related IAM resources @yaronya (#13494)
- Stability Improvements @yaronya (#13482)
- Chore - API GW and SaaS agent in secondary region @chpl (#13533)
- Chore - API GW and SaaS agent in secondary region @chpl (#13533)
- Chore: custom domain names for DR @yaronya (#13582)
- Stability Improvement
- Chore - make TF plan of the GW faster @chpl (#13696)
- fix: 11230 exclude saas agent from active region check @amit-alkobi-env0 (#13625)
- Chore: support weighted DNS @yaronya (#13638)
- Chore: remove old KMS key @yaronya (#13724)
- Chore - fixes for deploying services to prod dr @chpl (#13762)
- Chore - no warm pods in the secondary region @chpl (#13846)
- Stability Improvement
- Fix: possible agent list modification deadlock @yaronya (#13992)
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Chore: revert API GW cache for agents APIs @yaronya (#14186)
- Chore - jobHistoryLimit defaults in the values.yaml @chpl (#14204)
- Fix: API gateway no integration defined @Yossi-kerner (#14182)
- Feature: allow using User-Managed identity for Azure @sagilaufer1992 (#14270)
- Chore: Add karpenter do-not-evict annotation for scaled-job @avnerenv0 (#14461)
- Add additional annotations and env vars to values @roni-frantchi (#14507)
- Chore: helm agent annotations @away168 (#14529)
- Chore: helm agent annotations @away168 (#14529)
- Chore - delete kinesis @weinguy-env0 (#14467)
- Chore - stricter security context @chpl (#14696)
- chore: fix quoting logic for additional env vars @away168 (#14784)
- chore: fix quoting logic for additional env vars @away168 (#14784)
- chore: fix quoting logic for additional env vars @away168 (#14784)
- feat: add secrets and secret mounts @away168 (#14903)
- feat add helm config for provider caching ( network mirror in tfrc ) @alonnoga (#14828)
- feat add helm config for provider caching ( network mirror in tfrc ) @alonnoga (#14828)
- Feat: Vault OIDC authentication for secrets @liranfarage89 (#14920)
- Fix: Add kubernetes path to login @liranfarage89 (#15150)
- Feat: Handle multiple approval policies in deployment @liranfarage89 (#15163)
- Feat: Handle multiple approval policies in deployment @liranfarage89 (#15163)
- add helm value to encrypt sensitive values @eranelbaz (#15355)
- encrypt terraform outputs if the user opt-in @eranelbaz (#15360)
- encrypt terraform outputs if the user opt-in @eranelbaz (#15360)
- encrypt terraform outputs if the user opt-in @eranelbaz (#15360)
- encrypt terraform outputs if the user opt-in @eranelbaz (#15360)
- Chore - ability to use custom UID for the agent @chpl (#15477)
- Chore - ability to use custom UID for the agent @chpl (#15477)
- chore: add pvc storage configuration request @away168 (#15496)
- chore: add pvc storage configuration request @away168 (#15496)
- chore: add pvc storage configuration request @away168 (#15496)
- chore: add pvc storage configuration request @away168 (#15496)
- Chore: Update agent RBAC @away168 (#15722)
- Chore: Update agent RBAC @away168 (#15722)
- Allow passing/overriding values.yaml secrets via user defined K8s secret @roni-frantchi (#15794)
- Allow passing/overriding values.yaml secrets via user defined K8s secret @roni-frantchi (#15794)
- StateEncryptionKey can be found in K8S Secret @sagydr (#15827)
- StateEncryptionKey can be found in K8S Secret @sagydr (#15827)
- StateEncryptionKey can be found in K8S Secret @sagydr (#15827)
- Fix - treat the env vars from k8s secrets as sensitive vars @chpl (#15907)
- Fix - treat the env vars from k8s secrets as sensitive vars @chpl (#15907)
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- make cpu limits optional @away168 (#15793)
- make cpu limits optional @away168 (#15793)
- make cpu limits optional @away168 (#15793)
- Chore: runAsUser and runAsGroup as Int @away168 (#15750)
- Chore: runAsUser and runAsGroup as Int @away168 (#15750)
- CHORE: remove tofu versions token from docker image @tomer-landesman (#16236)
- CHORE: remove tofu versions token from docker image @tomer-landesman (#16236)
- feat: add InitContainer / Custom Volume Mount @away168 (#15938)
- Chore: Update karpenter annotation to new key @avnerenv0 (#16537)
- Chore: Update karpenter annotation to new key @avnerenv0 (#16537)
- Fix: Agent http proxy OOM @avnerenv0 (#16593)
- Fix: Agent http proxy OOM @avnerenv0 (#16593)
- feat use oidc for aws ssm @alonnoga (#16330)
- Chore: Sunset EFS - Part 2 @yaronya (#16656)
- feat use oidc for aws ssm @alonnoga (#16330)
- Chore: Sunset EFS - Part 2 @yaronya (#16656)
- feat use oidc for aws ssm @alonnoga (#16330)
- Chore: Sunset EFS - Part 2 @yaronya (#16656)
- feat use oidc for aws ssm @alonnoga (#16330)
- Chore: Sunset EFS - Part 2 @yaronya (#16656)
- Chore: support deployment toleration @Wassap124 (#16791)
- Chore: support deployment toleration @Wassap124 (#16791)
- Chore: Agent Helm Chart - add resource contraints to initcontainer @GiliFaroEnv0 (#16799)
- Chore: Agent Helm Chart - add resource contraints to initcontainer @GiliFaroEnv0 (#16799)
- Chore: Allow override OIDC SSM credentials for SHAG @GiliFaroEnv0 (#16830)
- FEAT: add GetSensitiveVariables lambda for agent @tomer-landesman (#16907)
- Chore: Add k8s version logs @yaronya (#16929)
- FEAT: add GetSensitiveVariables lambda for agent @tomer-landesman (#16907)
- Chore: Add k8s version logs @yaronya (#16929)
- Chore: Improve agent proxy ability to handle high load @chpl (#16947)
- Chore: Improve agent proxy ability to handle high load @chpl (#16947)
- Chore: add new agentImagePullSecretRef helm value @yaronya (#17022)
- Chore: add new agentImagePullSecretRef helm value @yaronya (#17022)
- Chore: add new agentImagePullSecretRef helm value @yaronya (#17022)
- Chore: Remove unused agent_image_pull_secret TF var @yaronya (#17048)
- Chore: Remove unused agent_image_pull_secret TF var @yaronya (#17048)
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Chore: Change k8s CronJob api to batch/v1 @yaronya (#17236)
- Chore: Change k8s CronJob api to batch/v1 @yaronya (#17236)
- Chore: Change k8s CronJob api to batch/v1 @yaronya (#17236)
- Chore: Change k8s CronJob api to batch/v1 @yaronya (#17236)
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- Stability Improvement
- feat - support passphrase for Vault login @tomporat247 (#17646)
- feat - support passphrase for Vault login @tomporat247 (#17646)
- Chore: add ignore ssl in proxy pod @ItamarMalka (#17722)
- Chore change table class of dynamodb @omry-hay (#17815)
- Chore change table class of dynamodb @omry-hay (#17815)
- Chore change table class of dynamodb @omry-hay (#17815)
- Feat: Create UpdateStateResources Lambda stub @liranfarage89 (#17873)
- Feat: Create UpdateStateResources Lambda stub @liranfarage89 (#17873)
- Feat: Create UpdateStateResources Lambda stub @liranfarage89 (#17873)
- Feat: Create UpdateStateResources Lambda stub @liranfarage89 (#17873)
- Chore: Add OCI helm values @ItamarMalka (#17885)
- Chore: Add OCI helm values @ItamarMalka (#17885)
- Chore: Add OCI helm values @ItamarMalka (#17885)
- Chore: state resource calculate compass id @HeverFarber (#17951)
- Chore: state resource calculate compass id @HeverFarber (#17951)
- Chore: state resource calculate compass id @HeverFarber (#17951)
- Chore: state resource calculate compass id @HeverFarber (#17951)
- Chore: Remove CRON_JOB_API from agent trigger pod @yaronya (#18019)
- Chore: Remove CRON_JOB_API from agent trigger pod @yaronya (#18019)
- Chore: Add CA certificates to the trigger pod @RLRabinowitz (#18027)
- Chore: module usage - resolve modules @sagilaufer1992 (#17956)
- Chore: support multiple install ids for GHE @HeverFarber (#18104)
- Chore: support multiple install ids for GHE @HeverFarber (#18104)