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The `patches` test fixture

phlax edited this page Jan 16, 2022 · 3 revisions

The patches fixture provides a way of patching multiple objects in a python module.

Essentially it provides a context manager that provides nested context managers of objects patched with unittest.mock.patch.

The unittest.mock.patch contextmanager

Using the patch module from unittest.mock you can ordinarily do the following:

from unittest.mock import patch

from import MyClass

def test_something1():

    with patch("") as m_method1:

If you wanted to patch multiple objects, properties, methods etc. you would then need to nest the context managers as follows:

from unittest.mock import patch

from import MyClass

def test_something2():

    with patch("") as m_method1:
        with patch("") as m_method2:

If you have a lot of objects to patch, the above method can get pretty complex with deeply nested context managers and a lot of repetition of the module path.

The patches contextmanager fixture

The patches fixture provides a way to do the above more simply and concisely.

Using patches the test_something2 test could be rewritten as follows:

from unittest.mock import patch

from import MyClass

def test_something3(patches):
    patched = (

    with patched as (m_method1, m_method2):

Providing kwargs to the patches contextmanager

Sometimes you need to patch an object with kwargs, for example if you are patching an object's @property you may wish to call unittest.mock.patch with new_callable=PropertyMock.

The args you call the patches function with represent the objects to be patched.

If an arg is a string the object will be patched without any kwargs.

If, on the other hand, the arg is a tuple containing two items, a string and a dict, the first item represents the object to be mocked, and the second the kwargs to patch the object with.

For example, to test a class property named property1 you might:

from unittest.mock import patch, PropertyMock

from import MyClass

def test_something4(patches):
    patched = (
        ("MyClass.property1",               <-- mocked property
        "MyClass.method1",                  <-- mocked method

    with patched as (m_property1, m_method1):
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