feat: getTopHolders to support MongoDB queries
feat: getTopHolders to support MongoDB queries
fix: add primary_key to table-voters on mongo
fix: add primary_key to table-voters on mongo
add voters collection and route handling in MongoRoutes
add voters collection and route handling in MongoRoutes
add proposals collection and route handling in MongoRoutes
add proposals collection and route handling in MongoRoutes
refactor getProposals API by removing unnecessary comments
refactor getProposals API by removing unnecessary comments
refactor getVoters API by removing debug logs and enhance getProposal…
refactor getVoters API by removing debug logs and enhance getProposal…
implement proposal synchronization with MongoDB and Elasticsearch sup…
implement proposal synchronization with MongoDB and Elasticsearch sup…
add sync-proposals
add sync-proposals
implement getVoters API with MongoDB and Elasticsearch support
implement getVoters API with MongoDB and Elasticsearch support