- Figure out how to integrate dialogues with point picking
- Use numpy for chromatogram data (?)
- Fix peaks table
- https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.plotting.table.html
- https://matplotlib.org/stable/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.table.html
- Probably going to need to decouple from window
- Add functionality for editing chromatogram names
- py2exe (?)
- Ideally I want something that can install a version of python then run requirements.py
- Create custom exceptions
- Warnings for bad inputs?
- Test referencing/normalization
- Test threshold autopicking
- Version numbering
- Add some bug-proofing logic to one-point picking (what if the user selects a valley or a featureless region)
- Write a better version of str.isnumeric():
- try to convert to a float; except return false
- possibly keep this function and validate in a separate .py file
- "Restore defaults" option for EditChromatogram dialogue
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Chain peak picking
- Allow deleting/editing picked peaks
- Update peaks by changing values on table
- Still allow manually setting peak bounds
- Help menu
- Settings menu
- Add support for other types of data file (though I would need a sample to inspect)
- Add tooltips
- Change chromatogram order in stack
- Add a text box for printed output
- Add a crosshair cursor
- Dialog menus
- Add dialogue options for all currently available analysis/peak methods
- Add radio button subclass for methods like Chromatogram.normalize()
- Custom class for peak picking (bounds, area mode)
- Add title argument to dialogue class
- http://www.java2s.com/Code/Python/GUI-Tk/Popupdialogbuildadialog.htm
- Label peak retention time and area on figure
- Highlight picked peaks (maybe plot them as separate objects with a fixed color)
- Use icons for buttons (steal them from MestReNova?)
- Color (links for reference)
- Capacity factor
- Read time scale from data file
- Chromatogram signal addition and subtraction (remove reference peaks)
- Noise and S/N ratio
- Empirically determine a better default value for NOISE_TOLERANCE
- Fix bug: plate count changes with time rescaling
Default file names
Export plot and table to PDF
Create a standard for saving data (similar to ascii data but with peak data, offset, scale, etc saved as well)
- There might be a module that easily saves/loads variables
- In that case, just export the history object and load it back in?
reimplement plotly for exporting nice interactable chromatograms
plt.savefig('D:\mpl_logo_with_title.png', dpi=dpi)
- Default integration mode
- Error logging
- Choose derivative calculation mode (left slope, right slope, lr average)
"instance.top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", instance.cancel)" in dialogues.py does not result in instance.cancel() being called on closing out of the popup.
When trying to undo importing the first chromatogram: Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\tkinter_init_.py", line 1892, in call return self.func(*args) File "C:\Users\epics\Documents\Code\MChroma\MChroma\main.py", line 89, in undo self.present().active().plot() File "C:\Users\epics\Documents\Code\MChroma\MChroma\main.py", line 61, in active return self.chromatograms[self.active_index] IndexError: list index out of range
Figure scaling is really gimpy: the peak table gets cut off, and resizing the window seems to resize the plot more than the table.