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280 lines (196 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

280 lines (196 loc) · 11.6 KB


First of all, thanks for contributing!

This document provides some basic guidelines for contributing to this repository. To propose improvements, feel free to submit a PR or open an Issue.

Setup your developer Environment

To setup your enviroment, make sure you installed Android Studio.

Note: you can also compile and develop using only the Android SDK and your IDE of choice, e.g.: IntelliJ Idea, Vim, etc.


This project hosts the following modules:

  • dd-sdk-android: the main library implementing all Datadog features (Logs, Traces, RUM, Crash reports);
  • dd-sdk-android-ktx: a set of Kotlin extensions to make the dd-sdk-android library more Kotlin friendly;
  • dd-sdk-android-ndk: a Plugin to allow tracking NDK information;
  • dd-sdk-android-glide: a lightweight library providing a bridge integration between dd-sdk-android and Glide;
  • dd-sdk-android-timber: a lightweight library providing a bridge integration between dd-sdk-android and Timber;
  • instrumented/benchmark: a test module to verify the performance of the library;
  • instrumented/integration: a test module with integration tests using Espresso;
  • tools/detekt: a few custom Detekt static analysis rules;
  • tools/noopfactory: an annotation processor generating no-op implementation of interfaces;
  • tools/unit: a utility library with code to help writing unit tests;
  • sample/***: a few sample application showcasing how to use the library features in production code;

Building the SDK

You can build the SDK using the following Gradle command:

./gradlew assembleAll

Running the tests

The whole project is covered by a set of static analysis tools, linters and tests, each triggered by a custom global Gradle task, as follows:

# launches the debug and release unit tests for all modules 
./gradlew unitTestAll

# launches the instrumented tests for all modules
./gradlew instrumentTestAll

# launches the detekt static analysis for all modules
./gradlew detektAll

# launches the ktlint format check for all modules
./gradlew ktlintCheckAll

# launches the Android linter for all modules
./gradlew lintCheckAll

# launches all the tests described above
./gradlew checkAll

Submitting Issues

Many great ideas for new features come from the community, and we'd be happy to consider yours!

To share your request, you can open an issue with the details about what you'd like to see. At a minimum, please provide:

  • The goal of the new feature;
  • A description of how it might be used or behave;
  • Links to any important resources (e.g. Github repos, websites, screenshots, specifications, diagrams).

Found a bug?

For any urgent matters (such as outages) or issues concerning the Datadog service or UI, contact our support team via for direct, faster assistance.

You may submit bug reports concerning the Datadog SDK for Android by opening a Github issue. At a minimum, please provide:

  • A description of the problem;
  • Steps to reproduce;
  • Expected behavior;
  • Actual behavior;
  • Errors (with stack traces) or warnings received;
  • Any details you can share about your configuration including:
    • Android API level;
    • Datadog SDK version;
    • Versions of any other relevant dependencies (OkHttp, …);
    • Your proguard configuration;
    • The list of Gradle plugins applied to your project.

If at all possible, also provide:

  • Logs (from the tracer/application/agent) or other diagnostics;
  • Screenshots, links, or other visual aids that are publicly accessible;
  • Code sample or test that reproduces the problem;
  • An explanation of what causes the bug and/or how it can be fixed.

Reports that include rich detail are better, and ones with code that reproduce the bug are best.

Have a patch?

We welcome code contributions to the library, which you can submit as a pull request. Before you submit a PR, make sure that you first create an Issue to explain the bug or the feature your patch covers, and make sure another Issue or PR doesn't already exist.

To create a pull request:

  1. Fork the repository from ;
  2. Make any changes for your patch;
  3. Write tests that demonstrate how the feature works or how the bug is fixed;
  4. Update any documentation such as docs/, especially for new features;
  5. Submit the pull request from your fork back to this repository .

The pull request will be run through our CI pipeline, and a project member will review the changes with you. At a minimum, to be accepted and merged, pull requests must:

  • Have a stated goal and detailed description of the changes made;
  • Include thorough test coverage and documentation, where applicable;
  • Pass all tests and code quality checks (linting/coverage/benchmarks) on CI;
  • Receive at least one approval from a project member with push permissions.

Make sure that your code is clean and readable, that your commits are small and atomic, with a proper commit message. We tend to use gitmoji, but this is not mandatory.

Coding Conventions

Our repository uses Kotlin, as it is now the recommended language for Android. But because this library can still be used by Java based application, make sure any change you introduce are still compatible with Java. If you want to add Kotlin specific features (DSL, lambdas, …), make sure there is a way to get the same feature from a Java source code.

Code style

Our coding style is ensured by KtLint, with the default settings. A KtLint check is ran on every PR to ensure that all new code follow this rule.

Classes should group their methods in folding regions named after the declaring class. Private methods should be grouped in an Internal named folding region. For example, a class inheriting from Runnable and Observable should use the following regions.

class Foo :Observable(), Runnable {
    // region Observable

    override fun addObserver(o: Observer?) {

    // endregion

    // region Runnable

    override fun run() {}

    // endregion
    // region Internal
    private fun doSomething() {}
    // endregion

There is also a gradle task that you can use to automatically format the code following the required styling rules:

./gradlew :dd-sdk-android:ktlintFormat


It is important to be sure that our library work properly in any scenario. All non trivial code must be tested. If you're not used to writing tests, you can take a look at the test folder to get some ideas on how we write them at Datadog.

We use a variety of tools to help us write tests easy to read and maintain:

  • JUnit5 Jupiter: the test runner, quite similar to JUnit4;
  • Mockito: a mocking framework to decouple concerns in the Unit Tests;
  • AssertJ: a framework to write fluent assertions;
  • Elmyr: a framework to generate fake data in the Unit Tests.

Test Conventions

In order to make the test classes more readable, here are a set of naming conventions and coding style.


The accepted convention is to use the name of the class under test, with the suffix Test. E.g.: the test class corresponding to the class Foo must be named FooTest.


Fields should appear in the following order, and be named as explained by these rules:

  • The object(s) under test must be named from their class, and prefixed by tested. E.g.: testedListener: Listener, testedVisitor: KotlinFileVisitor.
  • Mocked objects must be named from their class (with an optional qualifier), and prefixed by mock. E.g.: mockListener: Listener, mockService: ExecutorService).
  • Fake data must be named from their class (with an optional qualifier), and prefixed by fake. E.g.: fakeContext: Context, fakeApplicationId: UUID, fakeRequest: NetworkRequest.
  • Other fields can be named on case by case basis, but a few rules can still apply:
    • If the field is annotated by a JUnit 5 extension (e.g.: @TempDir), then it should be named after the extension (e.g.: tempOutputDir).

Test Methods

Test methods must follow the Given-When-Then principle, that is they must all consist of three steps:

  • Given (optional): sets up the instance under test to be in the correct state;
  • When (optional): performs an action — directly or indirectly — on the instance under test;
  • Then (mandatory): performs any number of assertions on the instance under test’s state, the mocks or output values. It must perform at least one assertion.

If present, these steps will always be intruded by one line comments, e.g.: // Given.

Based on this principle, the test name should reflect the intent, and use the following pattern: MUST expected behavior WHEN method() withContext. To avoid being too verbose, MUST will be written 𝕄, and WHEN will be written 𝕎. The withContext part should be concise, and can have a trailing curly braces context section to avoid duplicate names (e.g.: 𝕄 create a span with info 𝕎 intercept() for failing request {5xx})

Parameters shall have simple local names reflecting their intent, whether they use an @Forgery or @Mock annotation (or none).

Here's a test method following those conventions:

    fun `𝕄 forward boolean attribute to handler 𝕎 addAttribute()`(
        @StringForgery(StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL) key : String,
        @BoolForgery value : Boolean
    ) {
        // When
        testedLogger.addAttribute(key, value)

        // Then
                mapOf(key to value),

Test Utility Methods

Because we sometimes need to reuse some setup or assertions in our tests, we tend to write utility methods. Those methods should be private (or internal in a dedicated class/file if they need to be shared across tests).

  • fun mockSomething([args]): T: methods setting up a mock. These methods must return the mocked instance;
  • fun stubSomething(mock, [args]): methods setting up a mock (or rarely a fake). These methods must be of Unit type, and only stub responses for the given mock;
  • fun forgeSomething([args]): T: methods setting up a forgery or an instance of a concrete class. These methods must return the forged instance;
  • fun assertObjectMatchesCondition(object, [args]): methods verifying that a given object matches a given condition. These methods must be of Unit type, and only call assertions with the AssertJ framework (or native assertions);
  • fun verifyMockMatchesState(mock, [args]): methods verifying that a mock’s interaction. These methods must be of Unit type, and only call verifications with the Mockito framework.
  • fun setupSomething(): method to setup a complex test (should only be used in the Given part of a test).