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neyric edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the WireIt wiki!

WireIt is an open-source javascript library to create web wirable interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages or graphical modeling.

It was inspired by Yahoo Pipes and is used by Tarpipe . You can see it in action in the Planar Game , or in jsBox.

It currently supports Firefox 2.0+, Safari 2.0+, IE 7.0, Opera 9+ and Chrome 1.0+. Please report your issues with specific browsers in the forum . It uses the YUI library (2.6.0) for DOM and events manipulation, and excanvas for IE support of the canvas tag.



  • Clickable wires
  • Wire Informations
  • Terminal options: clearable (scissors), editStart (wire seed), editEnd (wire target)
  • YUI loader declarations
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