- How do we know we've reached the end of the block chain?
- Either the parent_hash = "000.....0000"
- or maybe there doesn't exist a block in the block chain with that hash
- What is the target?
- Doesn't matter: Make sure your block hash is less than your target
- Timestamp later than last block in the chain
- Target is valid: Talk about this later (frequency and truncation value)
- Coinbase transaction amount is not more than allowed amount
- Parent hash of the block is the last block on the block chain
- Not more than one coinbase transaction
- First transaction is a coinbase(?)
- Transactions all valid...they will verify, and have enough money.
- Block will hash correctly.
- Something about timestamps on transactions
- I have a block chain. who validates everything? Do I validate before I can add?
- Validate on the chain now...
- What does it mean to validate a transaction?
- I have a wallet. I have a public key that I when I mine, I can send coins to.
- I can take transaction sent via JSON, and create a legit block from them
- Valid blocks:
- Invalid blocks:
- Interface to sign transactions
- Parse Jason into a block
- Parse JSON into transaction?
- Block parser
- Block generator (miner)
- has it's own wallet
- has a block chain
- can create coinbase transactions
- can add blocks to a block chain
- can mine blocks
- can compare block chains
- can create its own transactions
- can verify transactions on a block chain
- can tell you how many coins any given public key has to spend
- parse a block chain