Today, I felt like I wanted to play piano using CSS and JavaScript 😎
Why not joining things that i love to do, like web develpment and playing music?
The better way to play the piano is having in mind the music notation system.
C - Do
D - Re
E - Mi
F - Fa
G - Sol
A - La
B - Si
You can also use your mouse.
Understand how to manipulate the DOM of a page and respond to user events
Using audio files and modes
Creating a button to handdle styles
- CSS - Sass
- Adalab Web Starter Kit tool, through which we automated tasks like convertiing Sass to CSS.
- JavaScript
You need to have Node.js installed
Clone or download the repository in your computer.
To install local dependencies, type:
This runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
This tiny project was created by Elena Ramírez Reinoso
How to reach me:
GitHub: @erreinoso
Twitter: @_ElenaRReinoso
LinkedIn: @eramirezreinoso