This repo contains the code and underlying data for figures used on the Ersilia website and presentations, as well as useful functions to obtain the desired Ersilia style. Please read the Ersilia Brand Guidelines for further information on how to format Ersilia visual assets.
The duotone folder contains a simple pipeline to convert .jpg images duotone filters with the Ersilia colors.
For each open dataset that we create plots from, for example the WHO Global Health Observatory data, a new notebook is created under /notebooks. All figures should be saved with explanatory names in the /figures folder in .png format.
All code contained in this repository is licensed under a GPLv3 License. Content is restricted to its original license, please check in each individual case before using.
The Ersilia Open Source Initiative is a Non Profit Organization incorporated with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (number 1192266). Our mission is to reduce the imbalance in biomedical research productivity between countries by supporting research in underfunded settings.
You can support us via our Open Collective.