See the wiki.
Then feel free to add your packages to the Avero_repos so everybody of the team has access to them.
- avero_ctrl contains the main node which will run on the onboard computer. It is built with the omav_hovery package from ethz_asl and adapted to our hardware (3 Propellers + 6 Dynamixel Motors). It also contains the controller and allocator implementations.
- avero_joy is a package to get position and orientation input from a joystick
- avero_sim is a package to visualize and simulate the drone with rviz and gazebo.
- avero_testing contains programs to test the combination of hardware and software
- avero_trajectory_gen produces polynomial trajectories
- dynamixel_pkg_avero outputs a single Dynamixel motor's movement to a direction vector input using inverse kinematics.
- imu_to_nozzle points the swivel nozzle towards the ground according to the orientation given by an IMU and inverse kinematics.
- For more information on repos we copied from ASL search them in the ethz_asl github