This is a KoopJS provider to extract, transform and load cameras and radars from the service of the General Direction of Traffic of Spain as an ArcGIS Feature Service.
Demo: check sample map with the data
Just clone this repository, install the dependecies and run koop serve
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ koop serve
Then you are ready to go: http://localhost:8080/koop-provider-dgt-datex/{entity}/rest/services/FeatureServer/0/query
{entity} can be: cameras, cabin_radars, segment_radars
You can test it using the following FeatureLayer sample:
Note: To be able to run it on the ArcGIS Map Viewer you will need to serve it over HTTPs. For development environments you can use ngrok. Once installed, run:
ngrok http
and open the domain it provides +/koop-provider-dgt-datex/cameras/rest/services/FeatureServer/0/query
You can follow the same steps as describe in this tutorial. Just replace de plugin name:
koop new app demo-app
cd demo-app
koop add provider koop-provider-dgt-datex
koop serve
Read: export/
- DATEX II - Guía de Utilización (PDF in spanish)
- Listado de servicios para DATEX II: cameras, panels, radars and more.
Feel free to ask using the issues.