BrainF*** like interpreter
Code was changed and documentation was neglected, it has been long enough that I forgot about this and have almost no idea on how it works
Some examples do not run, and I neglected to add error messages
Some parts of the interpreter also appear to fail
I have abandoned this project and will not be working on it
Seperates commands+
Increments pointer position-
Decrements pointer position!
Jumps to another point in the program string using RAA or an integer*
Adds a value to the RAA that can be refrenced later by it's name@
Set the pointer using integers or RAA values$
Sets the memory under the pointer using integers or RAA values#
Delays the program by integer or RAA value milliseconds?op:arg1:arg2
Conditional jump, runsarg2
as an instruction if the memory under the pointer andarg1
evalute true under the op, operations are:=
- Equivalent,Gt
- >(Greater than),Lt
- /<(Less than),Dv
- Divisible.arg1
Prints the memory currently under the pointer unless arg1 is a value%Operator:Value:Address
Performs the operator to Address from ValueP
Creates a refferable point equivalent to the instruction address
Basic Scripts:
Counts to ten$5>+>$2>*_add>%+:M0:R_add>+>$R_add>.
Adds two values, in this case 5 and 2: set by$5>+>$2>
_add being a RAA value$10>+>$2>%*:M0:M1>.
Multiplies two values, in this case 10 and 2: set by$10>+>$2>
Prints the Fibbonacci sequence+>#100>.>$1>#100>.>+>P_calc>$M1>%+:M0:M2>#100>.>-->$M1>+>$M2>@2>!P_calc
Prints the Fibbonacci sequence with a delay and uses pointersP_start>+>.pointer>#100>!P_start
Counts up to infinity incremented every 0.1 second (Accuracy not confirmed)+>.>$1>.>+>P_calc>$M1>%+:M0:M2>.>-->$M1>+>$M2>@2>?Lt:1000:!P_calc
Lists the fibbonacci sequence up to 1000
Expression Evaluation:
Refferable by R_name...>@R_name>...
Reffering to a memory address (Snippet not tested)...>P_instructionNumber>...
Stores instruction number in pointer dictionary when run (Not an actual pointer)...>@P_instructionNumber>...
Prints pointer value...>.atest>...
Prints integer value of the string "test" (1952805748)...>.5%+|2>...
Prints 5 + 10 using inline arithmetic, expressed asValue%Operator|Value