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No nonsense Bittrex API wrapper for Node.js and Browsers, written in TypeScript


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Bittrex.js - Bittrex API Wrapper npm version TypeScript

Lightweight JavaScript wrapper for the Bittrex API, written in TypeScript.

  • Support for the Bittrex REST API.
  • Compatible with Node.js (v5 and above) and Web Browsers.
  • First class TypeScript support.
  • Solid documentation.
  • High code and test coverage.
  • Support for Promises and Async/Await.
  • Uses the native crypto module when used with Node.js to greatly improve performance of HMAC generation vs. other modules.
  • Straightforward. Doesn't alter the responses from Bittrex unless otherwise noted.
  • Lightweight wrapper. No wrapper Classes or large frameworks are forced on you.

Node.js Quickstart


npm install @evanshortiss/bittrex.js --save


This is a Node.js example using ES5 syntax, but you can use ES6 and TypeScript too.

'use strict'

const Bittrex = require('@evanshortiss/bittrex.js')

const client = new Bittrex.RestClient({
  apikey: 'YOUR KEY GOES HERE',
  apisecret: 'YOUR KEY GOES HERE'

function getBalances () {
  return client.getBalances()
    .then((balances) => {
      // Do something with your account balance information

API Credentials

To use this library you'll need to get an API Key and Secret from the Settings screen of your Bittrex account.

You can read the specific details for API credentials on the Bittrex Developers Guide. It's just a single paragraph - read it. It's important to understand the permission levels.

Response Formats

All responses from this module are true to the original format specified in the Bittrex API docs - no magic, classes, or odd stuff here!

As an example, the /public/getticker endpoint returns this format:

  "success" : true,
  "message" : "",
  "result" : {
    "Bid" : 2.05670368,
    "Ask" : 3.35579531,
    "Last" : 3.35579531

Using the RestClient.getTicker() function of this module you'll be returned the result Object as shown. This is the same for all other functions.

client.getTicker('BTC', 'LTC')
  .then((result) => {
    // Result will be:
    // {
    //  "Bid" : 2.05670368,
    //  "Ask" : 3.35579531,
    //  "Last" : 3.35579531
    // }

Browser Usage

To use this module in a browser you need to run a single script. There's potential to make this more streamlined in the future.

Here are the steps:

$ git clone bittrex.js
$ cd bittrex.js
$ npm install
$ npm run browserify

This will produce a file at dist/bittrex.js that you can add to your project. You can require('@evanshortiss/bittrex.js') it, or access it via window.Bittrex.


Since this module is written in TypeScript it works great in other TypeScript projects and offers intellisense in VSCode, even if you don't use TypeScript.

import * as Bittrex from '@evanshortiss/bittrex.js'

const client = new Bittrex.RestClient({
  apikey: 'YOUR KEY GOES HERE',
  apisecret: 'YOUR KEY GOES HERE'

async function getBalances () {
  const balances = await client.getBalances()
  return balances

Debugging / Logging

Internally this module uses the debug module for logging. If you'd like to enable logging just run your program with the environment variable DEBUG set to bittrex.js:*.

For example, on macOS or Linux you can run:

$ DEBUG=bittrex.js:* node your-app.js



This is only available for TypeScript users. Use these to interact with the types used by this module.

import * as Bittrex from '@evanshortiss/bittrex.js'

// Ensure only Bittrex API currency Objects can be pushed to the array
const tickers: Models.Currency = []

const client = new Bittrex.RestClient({
  apikey: 'YOUR API KEY'
  apisecret: 'YOUR API SECRET'

const btc = await client.getTicker('btc')



An Error subclass that's used when the Bittrex API returns a non 200 status or an error such as a timeout is thrown.

The following extra properties are defined in the case of a non HTTP 200 status code. If a timeout (ETIMEDOUT) or refused connnection (ECONNREFUSED) error occurs then these properties won't exist.

  • bittexMessage - A string, the HTTP body returned by the Bittrex API
  • statusCode - A number, the status code returned from the Bittrex API.
const Bittrex = require('@evanshortiss/bittrex.js')

const client = new Bittrex.RestClient({
  apikey: 'YOUR KEY'
  apisecret: 'YOUR SECRET'

  .then((markets) => doSomethingWithMarkets(markets))
  .then((result) => doSomethingElse(result))
  .catch((e) => {
    if (e instanceof Bittrex.Errors.BittrexHttpError) {
      // If the error is a non 200 status then these are defined
    } else {
      console.log('some other type of error occurred', e)


An Error subclass that's used when the success field in the response from the Bittrex API is not true, e.g

  "success": false,
  "message": "INVALID_MARKET"

Contains a bittexMessage property that should describe the error.

Sample usage:

import * as Bittrex from '@evanshortiss/bittrex.js'

const client = new Bittrex.RestClient({
  apikey: 'YOUR KEY'
  apisecret: 'YOUR SECRET'

  .then((markets) => doSomethingWithMarkets(markets))
  .then((result) => doSomethingElse(result))
  .catch((e) => {
    if (e instanceof Bittrex.Errors.BittrexRestApiError) {
      // This is the "message" property the bittrex API returns for failures
    } else {
      console.log('some other type of error occurred', e)


The RestClient allows you to perform HTTPS requests against the Bittrex API. It supports the following options:

  • [required] apikey - Your Bittrex API key
  • [required] apisecret - Your Bittrex API secret
  • [optional] axiosOptions - Overrides to pass to each API request. For more details, check the Axios Docs
  • [optional] apiVersion - Bittrex API version to target. Defaults to v1.1

RestClient behaviours:

  1. RestClient instance functions return Promises. This means they can be used with Async/Await.
  2. Instance functions return the result entry from Bittrex API responses to save you the trouble of continuously typing response.result.
  3. All function names are camelcase versions of the corresponding Bitrrex API endpoints.
  4. If a request returns a non 200 response an error is thrown, so be sure to use .catch() function on promises and try/catch if using Async/Await.

All of the following functions and the returned data types are detailed in the Bittrex API docs. For details of the types shown below visit the src/models folder in this repo and the Bittrex API docs.

Optional parameters are denoted using the ? character.

http(uri: string, options?: AxiosRequestConfig): AxiosPromise

Perform a HTTPS request to the Bittrex API. You should only provide the relative path, e.g /public/getmarkets since this library will create the fully formed url.

Resolves the Promise with an AxiosResponse Object.

// Example call to the Bittrex API
client.http('/public/getmarkets', { timeout: 5000 })
  .then((result) => {})
  .catch((error) => {})

You probably won't need to use this much, but if you need to make a custom request to the Bittrex API this will allow you to do so.

getMarkets(): Promise<Market[]>

Returns a result like that shown below. This is the result field from the Bittrex API documentation as mentioned previosuly.

  .then((markets) => {
    // Markets be an Array of Market Objects similar to this:
    // [
    //   {
    //     "MarketCurrency": "LTC",
    //     "BaseCurrency": "BTC",
    //     "MarketCurrencyLong": "Litecoin",
    //     "BaseCurrencyLong": "Bitcoin",
    //     "MinTradeSize": 0.01,
    //     "MarketName": "BTC-LTC",
    //     "IsActive": true,
    //     "Created": "2014-02-13T00:00:00"
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "MarketCurrency": "DOGE",
    //     "BaseCurrency": "BTC",
    //     "MarketCurrencyLong": "Dogecoin",
    //     "BaseCurrencyLong": "Bitcoin",
    //     "MinTradeSize": 100,
    //     "MarketName": "BTC-DOGE",
    //     "IsActive": true,
    //     "Created": "2014-02-13T00:00:00"
    //   }
    // ]

getMarketSummary(tickerA: string, tickerB: string): Promise<MarketSummaryEntry>

Returns a summary for the given pair. tickerA and tickerB are combined to form a pair, e.g BTC-LTC or similar.

The Bittrex API actually returns an Array for this call, but this function returns an Object since the Array returned by Bittrex always contains just one entry.

client.getMarketSummary('btc', 'ltc')
  .then((summary) => {
    // Summary will be an Object like so:
    // {
    //   "MarketName": "BTC-LTC",
    //   "High": 0.02,
    //   "Low": 0.01790001,
    //   "Volume": 320125.18706995,
    //   "Last": 0.01966999,
    //   "BaseVolume": 6117.00242171,
    //   "TimeStamp": "2017-12-19T21:21:56.16",
    //   "Bid": 0.0196,
    //   "Ask": 0.01966999,
    //   "OpenBuyOrders": 5598,
    //   "OpenSellOrders": 4891,
    //   "PrevDay": 0.01812,
    //   "Created": "2014-02-13T00:00:00"
    // }

getMarketSummaries(): Promise<MarketSummaryEntry[]>

getCurrencies(): Promise<Currency[]>

getTicker(ticker: string): Promise<Ticker>

getOrderBook(tickerA: string, tickerB: string, type: 'BUY'|'SELL'|'BOTH'): Promise<OrderBookEntry[]>

getMarketHistory(tickerA: string, tickerB: string): Promise<MarketHistoryEntry[]>

getBalances(): Promise<AccountBalanceEntry[]>

getBalance(currency: string): Promise<AccountBalanceEntry>

getOrderHistory(): Promise<AccountOrderEntry[]>

getOrderHistory(tickerA: string, tickerB: string): Promise<AccountOrderEntry[]>

getDepositHistory(currency?: string): Promise<AccountOrderEntry[]>

getDepositAddress(currency: string): Promise<AccountDepositAddress>

getOrder(uuid: string): Promise<AccountOrderEntry>

withdraw(params: WithdrawlParams): Promise<WithdrawlResult>

getWithdrawlHistory(currency?: string): Promise<WithdrawlHistoryEntry[]>

buyLimit (tickerA: string, tickerB: string, quantity: string, rate: string): Promise<BuyLimitResult>

sellLimit (tickerA: string, tickerB: string, quantity: string, rate: string): Promise<SellLimitResult>

cancelOrder (uuid: string): Promise<void>

getOpenOrders(): Promise<OpenOrder[]>

getOpenOrders(tickerA: string, tickerB: string): Promise<OpenOrder[]>


  • Test use with Browserify within another project.
  • Look at improved browser support if necessary.