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File metadata and controls

32 lines (25 loc) · 885 Bytes

evcollect syntax specification

Syntactical Grammar

Config            ::= PluginDecl* ( EventDecl | OutputDecl )*

PluginDecl        ::= "plugin" PATH NL

EventDecl         ::= "event" NAME NamedPropertyList NL EventSourceDecl*
EventSourceDecl   ::= "source" NAME VALUE PropertyList NL

OutputDecl        ::= "output" NAME "plugin" PATH NL OutputProperty*
OutputProperty    ::= OutputKey PropertyList NL
OutputKey         ::= NAME

NamedPropertyList ::= (NAME VALUE)*
PropertyList      ::= VALUE*

Lexical Grammar

NL              ::= (CR LF | LF)+
CR              ::= 0x0D
LF              ::= 0x0A
NAME            ::= [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_\.:]*
VALUE           ::= NAME | QuotedValue | RegexValue
PATH            ::= NAME | QuotedValue

QuotedValue     ::= '"' [^"]* '"'
RegexValue      ::= '/' RegEx '/'
RegEx            ::= <plain regex suitable for libpcre>